Mori Kogoro carried them into the same room, probably already soundly asleep by now.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Your mother and the others are too strong to drink, so I sent them all back to the room to rest, and they should be asleep by now!"

Mori Kogoro then turned to look at Ayako, and explained, "Ayako, your mother is resting in the same room with Eri and the others."

"She's already asleep. I think it's better to let her rest here tonight, so as not to disturb her back and forth."

The narrow-eyed Ayako naturally had no objection, so she nodded and said, "Mom is here, and I can rest assured that Detective Maori and Xiaolan are taking care of you!"

When Yuanzi heard this, he immediately said, "Sister, go back alone, I'm going to sleep with Xiaolan and the others here tonight!"

Ayako glanced at this younger sister, and instantly knew what she was up to, so she naturally had no objection, so she agreed with a light smile.

She turned around and walked towards Suzuki's villa next to her.

The rest of the girls in the living room looked puzzled.

Whether it's Judy, Momiji, Kazuba, or Sumi, they all glance at Mori Kogoro from time to time, blinking, discharging, staring, and each sending out a signal.

As a master of facial expressions, Kogoro Mori certainly knew the meaning in the eyes of the girls, and they all hinted that Kogoro Mori wanted to sleep with him tonight.

This situation is too severe and dangerous, but luckily Kogoro Moori was prepared.

He directly bent down and hugged the little loli Hui Yuan, and said with a light smile, "Xiao Ai, it's already so late, it's time to go to bed, you can sleep with uncle tonight!"

A smug smile flashed in Huiyuan's eyes.

Hearing this, the eyes of the other women flashed a look of disappointment.

But none of them reacted too aggressively.

For them, Huiyuan belongs to the kind of person who is completely non-threatening.

As soon as this little mourning shield was released, all the girls agreed to the result.

Immediately afterwards, the girls began to wash, and then went back to their rooms, ready to rest.

Chapter 0024

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, in a room on the second floor of this seaside villa, a door opened.

A pair of big amber green eyes are full of determination.

Sonoko, who was wearing a set of pajamas, quietly slipped out of the room hugging the pillow.

She sneaked into Kogoro Mori's room.

Even if there is a little loli Huihara in Kogoro Mouri's room, it can't stop Sonoko's fiery heart in the slightest.

Children always sleep soundly, as long as you keep your voice down, you shouldn't be noticed!

That's what Sonoko thinks, this girl is determined to attack Mori Kogoro at night, and has started her own strategy.

Soon, she came to the door of Mori Kogoro's room.

Thinking of what might happen later, Sonoko fell into a strange fantasy.

Her whole face was exuding heat, and a strange blush appeared, and then she covered her mouth and started to laugh.

It's a girl caught in obscenity!

At this time, a female voice suddenly rang out: "Isn't this the second lady of the Suzuki family? What are you doing standing outside Mao Li-kun's door? Could it be that there is some evil attempt?"

This is the voice of Ooka Momiji, the daughter of the Ooka family.

Sonoko turned her head in panic, and saw Ooka Momiji wearing a black suspender gauze pajamas.

Her domineering figure was revealed, and there was a deep groove in her chest. The gauze skirt only reached her thighs, and her slender legs were undoubtedly revealed.

Sonoko's gaze was instantly attracted to Ooka Hongye's chest, and she couldn't help being a little envious, but she quickly realized: "What nonsense are you talking about? No, why are you here?"

Immediately afterwards, another energetic female voice appeared.

"Damn Hongye, tell me I sneaked away every day, and you are the one who sneaked away. I tell you, I won't let you succeed!"

Kazuha, with a soft body and a big ponytail, wearing pink shorts and a white T-shirt also appeared: "Hey, Sonoko, why are you here?"

The thoughts of these girls are similar to Sonoko's.

They all thought that they would have a private meeting with Mouri Kogoro while the little loli Haibara fell asleep, so they appeared at the same time.

Seeing Futaba appear, Sonoko's face was already ugly, but another female voice sounded.

"What are you all doing outside my teacher's door?" This was Sumi Tsukamoto's voice.

Sumi's personality is very boyish, and so is her dress, which is very bold and unrestrained.

She only wore a white vest on her upper body, and a pair of sports shorts underneath.

The white vest can't hide Sumei's big E-cup breasts at all, which looks extremely thrilling.

Seeing another big-breasted girl appear, Yuanzi frowned, and said, "I don't know what Miss Sumei is doing here?"

Sumi Tsukamoto laughed loudly: "The teacher asked me to come. Just before taking a bath, the teacher patted me on the head twice to remind me to come to him at the second watch!"

"Isn't there such a plot in the novel? Teacher, he must want to teach me new martial arts. You all go back? I'm going to learn from the teacher!"

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