Hearing this, the three girls present were speechless, and Yuanzi couldn't help but asked, "Sister, are you thinking too much!"

Seeing that the strategy was unsuccessful, Sumi Tsukamoto's face darkened, and she began to squeeze her little fist.

The sound of cracking bones kept ringing, which made the three women's hearts startled.

But another charming female voice rang out: "It's so lively here!"

The four girls turned their heads and saw a teacher Judy, who was wrapped in fishnet stockings, a black camisole, and a small waistcoat, came over with a glass of red wine in his hand.

Judy exudes a sexy and charming temperament, and the domineering chest is ready to be seen. There is an amazing allure, and the other four girls are almost stunned.

Judy spoke in flamboyant English: "I couldn't sleep. I went out for a walk. I didn't expect to see a group of you here. Do you have any special plans?"

The fourth daughter sneered in her heart when she heard this: I believe you are a ghost, you American girl, you are very bad!

Those who don't sleep at night and still wear fishnet stockings, how can anyone wear such things while sleeping, they must be here to seduce uncle.

Your bad thoughts are all seen through.

At this moment, the gate surrounded by the five girls opened, and the figures of Moori Kogoro and Xiaolan appeared at the gate.

Xiaolan's face was extremely ugly, and the cold light in her eyes kept shining.

Of course, the movement outside this door cannot be concealed from Moori Kogoro and Xiaolan, who are both keen-eyed and sharp-eyed.

The little girl Xiaolan came over early after taking a bath, and after Huiyuan fell asleep, she performed filial piety with Mori Kogoro in the room.

Being alone with her father was disturbed, Xiaolan's personality was unavoidable, and she was naturally unhappy.

Yuanzi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xiao Lan, why are you in Uncle's room?"

Xiaolan raised her eyebrows: "Why, do I have any problems in my father's room? Just after taking a bath, I will come to give my father a new massage technique, can't I?"

Seeing this familiar momentum, Xiao Lan seemed to be about to go berserk anytime, anywhere, Yuanzi immediately backed away, and whispered: "No problem! No problem!"

Xiao Lan then said, "It's just that you guys don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, the girls didn't know how to respond.

What is this called!Wanting to attack Mori Kogoro at night, but his daughter found out, what could be more embarrassing than this!

Fortunately, Hongye was quick-witted and said quickly, "We are here to invite uncle to our pajama party!"

Hearing this, she saw Hongye constantly glance at the girls next to her.

He Ye and Sumei all reacted quickly, and agreed one by one.

"Yes, yes, pajama party!"

"Everyone just can't sleep, that's why I thought of having a pajama party."

Hearing that it was for fun, Yuanzi had an idea in an instant, and immediately said: "Let's put together two or three beds, on which we can walk in pajamas, turn off the lights and pretend to be ghosts, play truth or dare, and many other fun and interesting things." things can be done!"

"Cool, sounds pretty good, I want to participate too." Judy drank the red wine in the glass.

Both Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan knew that this so-called pajama party was fabricated by them.

But seeing the five girls in front of them say this, they didn't expose it.

Xiaolan was indeed moved, but Mori Kogoro said hesitantly: "Aren't all the women in the pajama party? It's not suitable for me, a big man, to mix with you?"

Yuanzi smiled and immediately came up and hugged his arm: "No, it's too suitable, uncle, everyone doesn't mind, you can come together!"

Seeing this, Kazuha also stepped forward and put his arm around Mori Kogoro's other arm, and pulled him out of the room.

Chapter 0025 King's Game

Soon Mori Kogoro followed the girls to the big master bedroom on the third floor.

The girls quickly pushed in three beds from the next room, and the four beds were put together into a matte shape, which was extremely wide and directly against the wall.

The girl Yuanzi found a lot of snacks from somewhere, and a few bottles of whiskey, so she didn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Six women and one man were all covered with quilts, and they all climbed onto the bed.

As soon as they came to the bed, everyone felt very comfortable and formed a circle, and this extraordinary pajama party began.

Judy was quite excited, it was her first time to participate in this kind of party: "Is this a pajama party? It looks very interesting!"

He Ye laughed lightly: "It feels a bit like a school trip, but it should be more fun than a school trip!"

Sumei asked, "Hongye, what shall we play next?"

Yuanzi couldn't help but took out the playing cards and suggested, "Why don't we play the game of kings!"

The game of kings is a game of domination and being dominated.

If you draw the king card, you can direct any one or two people present to do things, but you have a dark card besides the king card.

If you command yourself, you are lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

Yuanzi just thought that if he had the chance to draw the king card, he would be able to do whatever he wanted with Uncle Maori!

The thought of this made her excited.

Judy asked curiously, "What is the king's game?"

Sumei on the side opened his mouth to help him explain.

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