Xiaolan's face was a little hesitant.

However, Hongye and Heye generously agreed. All the people present were women, and the only Kogoro Mori was their man, so there was nothing wrong with that.

And Mori Kogoro's opinion was ignored by all the girls.

Well, the game of kings is the game of kings. Although it is a bit immoral, but with the presence of the Ant-Man robot, it can be monitored at any time, and it is impossible for things that are not good for you to happen.

Yuanzi drew eight cards from the poker in his hand, 1 to 7 of hearts, and a joker card.

Whoever draws the joker card is the king, and the remaining one is covered with the king's own number card.

However, this deck of playing cards was tampered with secretly, and she could tell the number inside from the back of the cards.

This little girl was quite scheming, she looked at Kogoro Mori with her big amber eyes, and smiled brightly.

Uncle, wait for all kinds of wonderful encounters with me!

First an affectionate confession, then a hot kiss, then a loving touch, and finally we were locked in a closet together and started to do whatever we wanted...

Yuanzi fell into all kinds of strange fantasies again.

"Yuanzi, Yuanzi, you're back to your senses, what are you laughing at, the cards have already been dealt!"

The red leaves beside him shook Yuanzi's shoulders, and Yuanzi finally came to his senses, only then did he realize that the cards had been dealt.

The first one to get the king card was of course Xiao Lan who was so lucky.

She didn't know what her number plate was, so after hesitating for a moment, she said, "Please lie on the ground on the 6th, and do ten push-ups right on top of the number 2!"

Hearing this, Judy turned over her own card, and it was number 2.

And Yuanzi happened to be holding the No. 6 card in his hand.

Yuanzi looked at Teacher Judy's big breasts, and suddenly looked hopeless.

Xiaolan's hole card is number 4, which has nothing to do with her.

The rest of the girls began to boo, with a relaxed look on their faces.

And Mori Kogoro started to open the wine, opened a bottle of whiskey and came out.

The girls who said they would not drink at dinner all took the wine glasses, and the atmosphere became more and more heated.

This order is mandatory, so Yuanzi can only lie obediently in the middle.

Judy took off the vest, and the domineering figure under the black vest was the envy of all the girls.

Immediately afterwards, she lay down on the top of the garden, and the heavy weight seemed to be more and more fruitful.

As an FBI agent, doing a few push-ups is a piece of cake, but the chest is too big, so you will inevitably hit Sonoko.

So everyone saw the collision of F and B cups. The scene was quite joyful, especially Yuanzi's expression, which made people want to laugh.

He Ye couldn't help laughing out loud, Yuanzi couldn't help but glared at He Ye resentfully: You are also a little pigeon, laughing at a hundred steps at fifty steps!

Sonoko has already started to arrange the script for Kazuha in her heart.

After the order was over, Sonoko retreated and was about to flex his muscles.

Unfortunately, the reality is often not what she expected.

The cards are dealt in rotation, and it doesn't start with a draw at all. Yuanzi can only wait once in a round if he wants to make a move.

The second time the king card was drawn was Mrs. Judy. Mrs. Judy is a big girl from the United States, and her style is naturally bold.

She said directly: "I want to see No. 1 feed this glass of sparkling wine to No. 7 to drink."

Hearing this, the atmosphere suddenly became heated, and the faces of the girls were a little red. Two of them glanced expectantly at Kogoro Mori, hoping that he would be the winner of another card.

It's a pity that the reality ran counter to the imagination again. The No. 1 card was Hongye, and the No. 7 card was Sumei.

Both Hongye and Sumei had some resistance on their faces, but they couldn't bear the booing from the girls next to them.

Kogoro Mori also looked at this scene expectantly.

The rules of the king's game still have to be followed, even if they don't want to, the two girls can only get up obediently.

Anyway, if you are a woman, you won't suffer.

Hongye was very decisive, directly took the fine wine from Judy's hand, and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he kissed Sumi's lips in one breath, and passed the wine over.

Seeing this erotic scene, everyone was a little excited and couldn't help applauding.

After drinking fine wine, the atmosphere became hotter, and the game of king became bigger and bigger.

Among the instructions are:

Sonoko painted two big turtles on Sumi's chest;

Judy took Xiao Lan as a pole dance;

Like a puppy, Kazuha licked the strawberry cake in Mori Kogoro's hand;

Among them, Yuanzi finally got his wish and became a king once.

But under Xiaolan's gaze, she was so cowardly that she dared to let Mori Kogoro hug her princess up and spin around.

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