"I'll talk about the interesting instructions next time I play, let's stop here for this game!"

Sumei also followed suit, and Yuanzi also recovered a little bit of sobriety before realizing what happened just now, so she also called a stop.

Mori Kogoro followed the trend, but Judy still had a bit of nostalgia.

The style of the pajama party that followed was relatively normal, and the little angel pretending to be an ostrich also returned to normal, and started playing with the girls again.

The girls began to play cards and make punishments.

The punishment items are always related to Kogoro Mori, the only heterosexual present.

As a result, these women behind deliberately lost, and wanted to interact with Mori Kogoro.

The card game collapsed within a few rounds, and then changed to a creative pajamas catwalk, with Kogoro Mori as the judge to score.

Judy and the group of girls each went to the room to find the clothes they liked, and after changing, they started the catwalk on the matte bed.

The ring is fat, the swallows are thin, and each has its own style. This is a feast for the eyes of Mori Kogoro.

Especially the costume show of Judy's subway slut impressed Kogoro Mori very deeply.

Her subway slut theme is wearing a tight yellow windbreaker, old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses, a scarf, and her neck is not exposed, only her white wrists are exposed, and the whole person exudes an abstinent temperament.

Then when Judy walked in front of Mori Kogoro, she tore off the windbreaker.

Inside was a set of hollow black erotic lingerie, and her demeanor instantly became evil.

Especially that domineering figure made Mori Kogoro's eyes widen.

However, Judy soon aroused public outrage because of the theme of pornography, and was detained by other girls and covered with a quilt, which made Kogoro Mori laugh unceasingly.

The victory of this pajamas catwalk was distributed by Mori Kogoro to Genki Niang and Ye Le, who are quite talented in matching.

He Ye came forward in the imperial robe, kissed Kogoro Mori on the face, and proudly showed off to the other girls.

After the pajamas runway, it's time for the late-night gossip that is a must at girls' parties.

Obviously very afraid of hearing ghost stories, but want to hear them again, this is a woman.

Sonoko turned off the light in the bedroom, it was very dark, and there was only a flashlight in the middle of the bed.

Everyone covered themselves with quilts, lying on the bed, with their heads in a circle, clustered together and started telling ghost stories.

The little angel was most afraid of this link, she didn't stay in her own quilt, and went directly into Kogoro Mori's quilt.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a soft body close to him, he couldn't help lowering his head to comfort the little angel softly.

Everyone else understood the girl's fears and didn't dispute it.

He Ye began to tell the horror story of Gaifang High School.

A Japanese high school wouldn't be considered a qualified high school without a few love-hate entanglement ghost stories.

But Mori Kogoro listened, but noticed something unusual, there was an overactive little hand doing bad things under the quilt.

The sound of 拤拤 kept ringing, but only Kogoro Mori heard it.

Mori Kogoro looked down, there was no fear expression on the little angel's face, the big eyes were shining, and the expression in the eyes was inexplicable.

Mori Kogoro, who is a master of expressions, instantly saw through the meaning in his eyes, but he couldn't believe it.

No way, is the little angel so courageous?I really want to do bad things in front of so many people!

A little devilish smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, and she turned slightly sideways.

Chapter 0027 The girl under the quilt

hiss! ! ! ! !

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but gasped, everything was so beautiful!

In the dark room, He Ye was still telling her ghost stories.

All the girls nearby were listening carefully, and their beautiful eyes were focused on He Ye who was holding the flashlight.

Mori Kogoro was completely distracted, he could feel the amazing warmth emanating from the little angel's cheek, and stared down at the girl.

His eyes can see at night, and little angels who have practiced channeling can also see at night.

Even in the dark, both of them can see each other and the affection in each other's eyes.

Under the quilt, one big hand of Mori Kogoro lightly looped under the little angel, and hugged her waist, while the other big hand covered the girl's beautiful leg that was draped over him.

He slept on his side and hugged the girl's body, making her cling to him tightly.

That's it, Mori Kogoro is satisfied.

He also stretched his head and pretended to listen carefully to the ghost stories he told Ye.

Sensing every heartbeat and every tremor of the little angel in his arms, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but raise a corner of his mouth.

And in front of so many people, there is really a kind of pleasure of having an affair, which is simply unstoppable.

The girl's face was flushed, but no one could see it in the dark.

Her small hand rested lightly on Mori Kogoro's broad chest, squinting her eyes like a kitten.

The little angel completely ignored the gazes of the girls beside her, and kept her gaze locked on the man beside her!

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