After Heye's signature ghost story was finished, Hongye, Sumi, and Yuanzi all had countless small bumps on their bodies, and each of them felt chills in their hearts.

The ghost story scared them!

But Judy didn't feel anything at all, instead she laughed loudly: "What kind of ghost story is this, it's not scary at all!"

Because Judy is American, her fears are different from theirs.

She didn't go to a Japanese high school, so she couldn't relate to the story about the fox ladder that He Ye told.

Judy's loud laughter dispelled the horrible atmosphere, and each girl recovered.

It's just that Sonoko was a little strange, and couldn't help poking the girl under the same quilt as Kogoro Mori: "Strange, aren't you the most afraid of ghosts? Why didn't you react at all just now?"


Being poked by Sonoko, the little angel couldn't help but let out a strange cry.

Really, the little angel was hugged by Mori Kogoro, and she felt a strong sense of security, how could she still be afraid!

The little angel tucked up the quilt with a flushed face, and said in a panic and angrily: "Ms. Judy is right, this story is not scary at all!"

He Ye said unconvinced: "It's not scary, you are still hiding in uncle's quilt, you are completely stubborn."

Yuanzi even teased and said: "Yo Hou, now that I have a backing, I can speak so confidently."

At this time, Judy said: "Okay, okay, stop talking, give me the flashlight, and I will share a story too!"

He Ye handed the flashlight to Teacher Judy, and Teacher Judy took a sip of whiskey, moistened her throat, and then said.

"I'm going to talk about the chainsaw massacre that happened in Texas, USA..."

The story that Ms. Judy told was about a case she participated in the investigation by the US FBI three years ago.

She started to tell the real case as the victim of the case, Irene, and the horror effect was greatly improved!

Especially when she was talking about the chainsaw maniac who liked to wear a hood made of human skin and escaped, the police opened the cellar and found thirty-three skeletons.

He Ye couldn't help screaming, and Sumei couldn't help hugging Sonoko.

And the girl in Kogoro Mouri's arms seemed to be fascinated by listening, and hugging Kogoro Moori, her body trembled in fear, trembling and trembling.

Mori Kogoro stroked the little soft back with his big hands, and began to deeply comfort the little angel.

Judy's story is still going on, completely attracting the hearts of all the girls.

When she said that the murderer killed by the FBI was not a real chainsaw maniac, but innocent people, all the girls couldn't help cursing.

The chainsaw killer in the back continued to commit murders, using the same method to kill many young girls, and only then was his flaw revealed and was rediscovered.

Only then did the police know who the chainsaw maniac was, and Judy revealed the true identity of the chainsaw maniac, who was actually the mentally handicapped man Irene helped in the beginning of the story.

Hearing that it was such a person, all the girls felt their hands and feet were cold, and their hearts shivered.

It was because this case really happened that they felt scared.

The little girl Irene helped this mentally handicapped man, gave him food, and took him home to rest.

But because of this, he was murdered, robbed, raped, dismembered, and finally even his face was cut off and sewn into a mask.

People in the world are more terrifying than the ghosts in the underworld!

As soon as the climax of the case came out, the little angel in Mori Kogoro's arms screamed and hid his head under the quilt.

She hugged Mori Kogoro tightly, her body trembling sharply, looking frightened.

Mori Kogoro comforted her softly into her ear, hugged her soft body tightly, and began to comfort her deeply again.

It took a long time for the girl to recover, but she just hid under the quilt and didn't plan to come out.

The girls drank a few glasses of wine and gradually recovered.

Judy said triumphantly, "How about it, isn't my story scary?"

Hong Ye retorted: "It's scary to be scary, but what we want to tell is a ghost story, not a murder case!"

Sumei also echoed: "If you want to hear murder cases, the teacher is a detective, he knows more murder cases, but we are talking nonsense late at night, what we want to hear is ghost stories!"

Hearing this, Judy was unconvinced, and she turned to Kogoro Mouri and said, "Kogoro, tell me a ghost story."

Seeing the flashlight and everyone's eyes turning to him, Mori Kogoro was also a little flustered.

But he soon calmed down and thought about what story to tell.

It seems that there is no image of Sadako in this world.

The wraith crawled out of the well, wearing plain white clothes, with black hair covering his face, who could use the ringtone of the phone as an announcement, and then came out from the TV screen to claim his life.

Since there is no Sadako in this world, let's talk about Sadako.

Mori Kogoro took the flashlight in Judy's hand, turned off the light, covered the little angel's ears with his big hand, and began to tell.

Sure enough, as soon as Sadako's story appeared, the effect exploded.

Especially Mori Kogoro used some auxiliary methods.

A small wind control technique, blowing cool wind on the back of these girls' necks.

The Ant-Man robot is helping the action, adding to the atmosphere.

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