Or playing steel balls on the ceiling, or making inexplicable creaking noises from doors and windows, or pulling the quilts on them from behind...

The atmosphere of terror continued to spread, and even the nervous Judy was frightened.

Kogoro Mori hadn't finished speaking halfway, and these women didn't dare to continue listening, and quickly covered his mouth with their hands to prevent him from continuing.

Chapter 0028 The Embarrassing Four Beauties

Sadako's story came to an abrupt end halfway through.

All the girls were covered in cold sweat, and most of the alcohol on their bodies disappeared.

As soon as the light was turned on, there was still a little fear in their eyes, and they looked around from time to time, fearing that a resentful spirit would suddenly appear.

But this is all a trick of Mori Kogoro.

Hongye couldn't help but said, "Really, Uncle, why are you telling such horrible ghost stories?"

All the girls followed suit and complained.

Women are like this, if they are not frightened, they will be very curious, but if they are really frightened, they will not want to.

Mori Kogoro obediently admitted his mistake, but then he said: "It's too late now, it's already three o'clock in the morning, everyone should rest, let's end the party tonight!"

The girls still wanted to talk, so he raised his index finger beside his mouth: "Shh! Keep your voice down, she's already asleep!"

Mori Kogoro gently lifted the quilt, allowing the girls to see the girl's head in his arms, the girl was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed.

Mori Kogoro explained: "I kept covering her ears when I was telling the ghost story, and she fell asleep while talking. I have to take her back to rest first!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and pulled a thin quilt scattered beside him, wrapping them around their bodies.

Then he stood up holding the little angel, and walked out of the room holding her hips.

The girl hangs on Mouri Kogoro's body like a koala, looking sweet and sound asleep.

As soon as Mori Kogoro left, the attention of the girls weakened significantly, and everyone felt tired.

The yawns are contagious, one after another.

But they are not willing to let them go back to the room to rest by themselves.

The girls were really scared just now!

He Ye Qian suggested with a smile: "How about, everyone sleep here tonight? Anyway, there are so many quilts here, and the bed is so big!"

"Agree!" "Agree!" "Agree!"

Judy also laughed lightly: "There are more people, let's make it lively!" As an FBI agent, she would not admit that she was also frightened by ghost stories.

Sonoko turned off the light again, and the room was plunged into darkness.

All five women went to bed and fell asleep together.

Judy's voice sounded: "Whose hand is this, don't touch my chest!"

A voice choked his neck: "I'm Hongye, Teacher Judy, it's okay to touch it!"

The real Hongye's voice sounded: "Yuanzi, why are you pretending to be me, looking for a fight!"

"Itchy, you scratched the wrong person, Hongye!" This was Sumi's voice.

The five girls fell asleep laughing and playing like this.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro carried the girl out of the room and into the empty corridor.

The girl opened her eyes, and put a pair of jade arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, and the girl kissed him directly, and her body couldn't help moving, both of them were extremely hot.

Kogoro Mori didn't let go of the girl's lips, he walked quickly through the corridor with her in his arms, found an unoccupied room, pushed the door open and went in.

The door of the room was closed heavily, Mouri Kogoro's big hands couldn't wait to move up and down the soft body, constantly attacking.

Not long after, a stirring movement was played!

The long night was finally over.

The sound of waves is calling people in this seaside villa to get up.

The sun rises from the sea level, it is egg red at the beginning, the sun gradually rises, and then it gradually turns into a golden sun.

The scorching sun shines through the gaps in the curtains, falls on the big bed in the master bedroom on the first floor, and falls on the four mature and plump female bodies.

Four beauties, Eri, Yukiko, Shizuka, and Tomoko, were covered with a thin quilt, and they all woke up.

But everyone is pretending to be asleep, this scene is really embarrassing.

What if other women get up at the same time when you get up?What can I say?

The four beautiful women couldn't help cursing Mori Kogoro at the same time in their hearts. If he had helped them get dressed last night after taking a bath, how could they have ended up in this situation!

Recalling last night's Mori Kogoro, he was just a beast.

It wasn't enough to stay in the restaurant for so long, and I went to the bathroom and said I would help with the scrub.

Rubbing you big-headed ghost, this mustache is very bad, is there such a rubbing in the shower?

But they all felt quite ashamed, four of them were defeated by one of them.

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