The heads of the four of Eri were in a mess, and the room fell into an eerie silence.

In this way, the four beautiful women pretended to be asleep in silence for more than ten minutes.

It's just that Eri felt that this could not go on like this.

If Xiaolan came to find her, she didn't know how to explain it.

Do you want to say that mom doesn't want to sleep with you, so she went to sleep with three other beautiful aunts? You should give up on this, mom won't like you.

How sad Xiaolan is if this is the case!

Of course, this kind of situation can't happen anymore, my daughter has already gone astray, and I can't stimulate her like this again.

Thinking so, Eri gently moved Yukiko's arm, and was the first to get up.

Eri got up together, and Yukiko got up after her.

Both women wanted to pull away immediately.

It's just that Xizi got up together, which gave the other two girls a wrong signal.

So they also opened their beautiful eyes and got up.

The four naked beauties looked at each other, and the scene fell into honeyed embarrassment.

After a while, the long-sleeved and dancing Tomoko was the first to speak: "Morning, sister Yingli, you are awake too!"

A smile flashed across Eri's face upon hearing this.

Hattori Shizuka followed suit and said, "Sister Eri, good morning!"

You Xizi's eyes widened involuntarily, calling her sister?

The posture of the two women is already very telling, they recognize their concubine Eri as the main palace!

There was a hint of satisfaction in Yingli's eyes, and he said in a gentle voice: "Tomoko, Jinghua, you should do what I told you yesterday afternoon as soon as possible, you understand?"

Both women nodded respectfully: "Hi!"

Of course You Xizi knew what was going on, so she also chuckled lightly: "In this case, we will be a family from now on, so you don't have to be so cautious."

"Get dressed and go, and don't let the children see."

All the girls put on their bathrobes one by one, then sneaked out of the master bedroom and went to their respective rooms.

In the master bedroom on the third floor, Judy and the girls played wildly until after three o'clock last night, but it was not so easy to wake up.

It's just that Yuanzi, who was sleeping in the middle, felt more and more panicked, and couldn't breathe.

She was woken up and almost suffocated.

As soon as Sonoko woke up, she felt the softness on both sides of her cheeks.

She happened to be lying between Judy and Hongye, and was attacked by these two big-breasted women with a chest tightness technique, and then she woke up.

Sonoko slapped the big breasts of the two girls with resentment.

But the two girls slept soundly, and they didn't respond.

Sonoko got up and took a breath of fresh air.

She rolled over Judy, came to the outermost edge, pulled the quilt and fell asleep again.

These women probably have to sleep until twelve noon before getting up.

Chapter 0029 Xiaolan's filial piety

But in another room on the third floor, the two who had practiced channeling didn't need a lot of sleep time, they woke up quickly.

Xiaolan opened her beautiful eyes first, and when she saw Mori Kogoro beside her, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she was very satisfied.

In the end, you are the most important thing!

She turned over lightly, climbed on Mouri Kogoro's body, picked up her hair and scratched his nostrils gently.

Mori Kogoro frowned, but he didn't wake up.

Xiaolan became more and more interested, and with the other hand, she took a strand of hair and scratched it into Kogoro Mori's ear.

Now Kogoro Mori couldn't sleep peacefully.

He opened his eyes, looked at his naughty daughter, his big hand directly covered her itchy flesh, and scratched in retaliation.

Xiaolan couldn't bear the itching the most, couldn't help laughing, and kept struggling.

She wanted to turn over and run away, but Kogoro Mouri's legs locked her.

"You girl, don't let Dad take a good rest, you are so naughty!"

"No, no, help!"

Xiaolan smiled and twisted her body, her lower body was held by Mori Kogoro's legs, she rubbed her upper body against the quilt beside her desperately.

Mori Kogoro turned over, easily suppressed Xiaolan again, hit his butt three times with his big hand, and then let go.

Xiaolan immediately got up and fled to the window.

She opened the curtains, and the blue sea was outside.

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