"Do you want ice cream?"

Huiyuan's little hand immediately patted Kogoro Mouri's chest: "No, big pervert, I was thinking of doing bad things early in the morning!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and chuckled lightly: "Xiao Ai is getting more and more impure. What uncle said is real ice cream that can be eaten. Where are you thinking!"

Hearing this, Haibara blushed slightly, and slapped Kogoro Mouri again, and Kogoro Moori slapped his small buttocks in retaliation.

During the play, the two walked to the rest area on the beach.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the seaside villa, Eri was not so comfortable, and she felt very uncomfortable every second.

At this moment, Eri was lying naked on the bed, with her head resting on the quilt, and only a white towel was draped around her back and waist.

Her bare skin has already been covered with essential oils, and her whole body looks extremely smooth.

And Xiaolan's knees were on his back, her whole body was pressed against her body, and she asked seriously, "Mom, is this strength enough?"

Although her daughter's newly learned Thai massage is quite comfortable, Eri feels extremely uncomfortable.

She said from time to time: "Xiao Lan, it's almost enough to press here!"

"No, it's only one-third of the press, and it's only effective if you press the whole set."

"Mom's body is very stiff because she has been sitting and working. Let me help you relax."

"This is a new technique that I learned from my Thai sister. Even my father has never tried it."

Hearing this, Yingli couldn't help asking: "Do you still want to do the same for your father?"

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "That depends on Dad's performance!"

Saying this, Xiaolan got off Yingli's back, turned around and sat on her waist, and pressed her mother's two beautiful legs.

Press from the calf to the socket of the knee, and then up to the thigh.

The force was appropriate, causing Eri to pant a little.

Then Xiaolan picked up the essential oil bottle again, poured it on her hands and rubbed it together.

She said with a smirk: "Mom, that Thai sister is still teaching me private nursing, let me help you!"

This is of course Xiaolan's nonsense, there is no such trick in Thai massage.

Yingli lying on the bed suddenly felt something was wrong and wanted to struggle, but Xiaolan's strange strength was beyond her ability to resist. Soon, Yingli's pupils shrank sharply.

On the other side, in the Tokyo office, Conan was lying on the table with blank eyes: Today is the second day when Xiaolan is away, I really miss the breakfast she made!

Cuckoo! ! !

So annoying, so hungry.

At this time, Hattori Heiji came out of the kitchen and said, "Kudou, dinner is ready!"

Conan immediately lifted his spirits, and when he turned his head to look, he was lost again.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Hatori, you eat cup noodles in the morning."

Holding two servings of cup noodles, Hattori Heiji roared: "Who told you that you don't have any ingredients here, but you can find cup noodles. It's not bad to have a hot bite."

"Originally I came to Tokyo this time to entertain you, but my uncle and my mother went on vacation, and you don't have any money with you. I paid for last night's dinner!"

Conan immediately faltered, took the plate resentfully, and dared not speak.

Because Conan investigated his mother without authorization a while ago, his pocket money was cut off by Yukiko in retaliation.

So Conan at the moment is also poor, unable to entertain Hattori Heiji.

The two of them sat on the sofa, sipping cup noodles bitterly.

On the beach, Mori Kogoro and Little Loli Hui Principle ate thoroughly.

Just now, Kogoro Mori used the freshly prepared ingredients by the maid to cook all kinds of delicious dishes, and rewarded the little loli who worked hard to learn how to swim.

At this moment, Huiyuan was lying on Maoli Xiaowu, and Maoli Xiaogoro was lying on the beach, and the two were basking in the sun comfortably.

The so-called fullness and lust!

Little Loli poked Kogoro Mori's muscles with her small hands from time to time, and her blue eyes flicked wildly from time to time.

Mori Kogoro put his head in his hands with a contented look on his face, and couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Hui Yuan's expression: "Xiao Ai, what are you thinking about?"

Little Loli climbed up and whispered into her ear: "Uncle, let's play a game..."

Hearing Haibara's proposal, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but frown.

Oops!It seems that the pure Hui Yuan Ai back then no longer exists.

Sure enough, the little loli knows how to play.

Looking at Haibara's expectant gaze, Kogoro Mori nodded in agreement.

Chapter 0032 Panic Little Lolita

In the bedroom of the villa, Eri finally seized the opportunity to break away from her daughter and escape wrapped in a towel.

The blush on her face was still there, and she was panic-stricken: "Xiaolan, that's enough, don't mess around anymore, or I'll tell your father and let your father teach you a lesson!"

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