"You're really getting more and more disobedient. How many times did I tell you to stop, but why didn't you listen? Are you going to piss your mother off?"

Eri is really helpless with this daughter, she is going crazy.

Xiaolan who followed came out with a smile like a little devil on her face: "Mom, this is the process of massage. We haven't finished it yet. After finishing the whole set, it will definitely make you more comfortable, Mom."

Just now under his command, Yingli's helpless appearance made Xiaolan very happy.

Because she was sorry for her mother before, she felt a little guilty, a little afraid, a little unwilling...

All kinds of complex emotions are intertwined, which makes her always feel weak when facing Eri.

Now wrapped in a layer of camouflage, Xiaolan found out that her mother was actually an ordinary woman, and she was relieved all of a sudden.

"No need." Yingli Dai frowned, it would be okay to continue!

At this time, Yuanzi, Heye, and Hongye, who had just gotten up and went down the stairs, saw the posture of the mother and daughter, and couldn't help wondering: "What are you doing?"

Judy and Sumi are still sleeping soundly on it, and haven't gotten up yet.

Seeing the presence of outsiders, Eri immediately tidied up the large towel wrapped around her body.

And Xiaolan explained with a light smile: "Just now I was helping my mother massage, and the pressure was a little stronger, and my mother ran away when she couldn't bear it."

Hearing this, Yuanzi nodded and agreed, "That's true, no one can bear Xiaolan's strange power."

After Yuanzi said this, he immediately felt a cold light stabbing towards him, his heart shuddered, and he hid behind Hongye.

And Hongye chuckled lightly, "I didn't expect Xiaolan to be so filial. The skills I learned so hard yesterday are now in use today."

Yingli couldn't help but rolled her eyes, she didn't want such filial piety from her daughter at all.

But with so many people around, she wouldn't be afraid of being pulled into the bedroom by her daughter again.

Yingli then said: "Okay, that's the end of today's massage, I'm oily all over, I'm going to take a bath, Xiaolan, you can accompany your friends!"

"Mom, do you want me to help you take a bath?"

"Of course not, I can do it myself." Panicked, Eri's voice became higher without knowing it.

Eri immediately walked past Sonoko's three daughters, and disappeared at the end of the corridor after a while.

A strange smile appeared on Xiaolan's face, and then she took the three daughters of Yuanzi downstairs to have breakfast.

After breakfast, the first thing Sonoko did was to ask where Kogoro Mori had gone.

Xiao Lan replied: "Dad, he probably went swimming with Xiao Ai. He said that this time he must teach Xiao Ai to swim."

"Then let's go find him too!" Yuanzi's eyes lit up.

There are so few people this time, I must ask Uncle Maori to help her apply sunscreen.

Thinking of that exciting scene, Sonoko put his arms around Heye's arm and started laughing silly.

Seeing her demeanor, Xiao Lan couldn't help but support her forehead speechlessly.

Soon, the girls put on their swimsuits and scarves again, and then walked towards the white sand beach.

Four youthful and energetic girls are holding hands, twisting their waists, and walking in unison with slender legs.

That picture is full of legs, so beautiful!

Every shot is licking the screen cover.

However, when the four girls came to the private beach, they found that there was no one there, and Kogoro Mori and Haibara were not seen in the sea.

"Hey, where's uncle?"

Xiaolan then dialed Kogoro Mouri's phone number.

The bell rang on the table next to the beach chair.

Hongye couldn't help but said, "Could it be that Mao Li-kun took Huiyuan to go diving?"

He Ye flicked his big ponytail, and said energetically, "Isn't Hui Yuan good at swimming? How about diving?"

Yuanzi laughed lightly: "If you don't know how to swim, you can still swim while wearing an oxygen tank. You can walk up."

"However, I don't think Uncle should be in the sea. He should rest in a cool place with Huiyuan. Otherwise, he would take Huiyuan to collect shells, catch some clams, crabs, shrimps and the like."

"Or, let's go find it separately!"

Sonoko's proposal was quickly approved by the other three women.

After the allocation, Sonoko and Heye walked along the beach to the left. After a hundred meters or so, there was a reef area, and another one or two kilometers was the shallow beach, where there were many seafood.

And Xiaolan and Hongye walked along the beach to the right. After walking a few hundred meters, the terrain rose, and there was a small cliff over there, tens of meters high from the sea, which was a natural diving platform.

This grouping is naturally the intention of Yuanzi and Ye, otherwise, they would walk together with the two big-breasted girls Xiaolan and Hongye, and the gap would be too obvious.

Sonoko and Kazuha hold hands, and the relationship between the two women heats up sharply during this trip to Izu.

In this world where big breasts are rampant, girls with small breasts can only feel a little warmth if they hug each other.

The two women were talking and laughing while searching, and the two footprints continued to spread towards the reef area.

The amber-like eyes are constantly patrolling, hoping to find the trace of Mori Kogoro.

However, when they walked to the middle of the reef area, the two girls crossed a boulder and found the little loli Huiyuan sitting on the beach.

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