Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No, I just happen to know this name, Shinobu."

"Just now I took Huiyuan to swim out of the private sea area, and met a couple in a speedboat outside, and the girl's name happened to be Xiaoren."

"That couple is a rich boy and a poor girl. The relationship is not equal, and the conversation between the two is also a bit wrong."

"According to my guess, the girl named Xiao Ren may be in some danger, I have to go find it."

It's just that Kogoro Moori glanced at Huiyuan who was still squinting and lying on the beach chair, he was a little worried, so he said, "Xiaolan, you stay here to take care of Xiaoai."

Hearing this, Xiaolan nodded obediently.

After saying that, he turned around and ran towards the sea hut, and the three girls Hongye, Heye and Yuanzi followed quickly.

He Ye asked while running: "Uncle, I don't know where the drifting bottle came from. This is the sea. How can I find it?"

Mori Kogoro then said: "Because Japan is in the northern hemisphere, and today's wind direction is always northwesterly, so the tide surges in a counterclockwise direction."

"It just so happens that the place where Xiaolan picked up the plastic bottle is the far right corner of the bay, so we just need to drive the speedboat along the coastline to the right side to look for it. If we're lucky, we might be able to find it."

"Yuanzi, you know how to drive a speedboat, you will drive one later, and I will drive one, so the chances of finding it will be higher!"

Sonoko nodded obediently.

Mori Kogoro was still frowning, recalling the conversation on Kiyoki Hiharu's speedboat just now, and replayed the scenes in his mind frame by frame.

He quickly realized that Richun Qinghui was supposed to attack his girlfriend tomorrow, and he took her to an uninhabited island and then did it.

But because Xiao Ren leaked his words on the speedboat, he and Xiao Ai heard about it.

This made Richun Qinghui change his mind, and started to attack ahead of schedule.

There is still time to send out a distress signal to prove that he is still alive, and there is a high probability that he is trapped somewhere.

And the only thing that can be used at this time is the tide change. Since today is the end of the month, the tide will start to rise around [-]:[-] in the morning.

Therefore, saving lives must be done before the tide reaches its highest point.

The four of them entered the sea hut, took two speedboat keys, and divided into two groups, Kogoro Mori and Hongye were in a group, and Ye Ye and Sonoko were in a group.

The two speedboats galloped quickly on the sea, then turned to the right and disappeared from Xiaolan's sight.

Chapter 0034 The Dying Woman

Xiao Lan looked worriedly at the place where the two speedboats disappeared, and then she sat beside Hui Yuan, putting her little hand on Hui Yuan's forehead.

"Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you, isn't it a cold?"

Huiyuan broke away from his blue eyes, and then said, "It's nothing, it's just that I just learned to swim and lost my strength, and my legs just cramp!"

Little Lolita recalled the scene of just taking root on the ground, her little face was slightly flushed, and there was a little aftertaste in her eyes.

Xiaolan looked suspiciously at Huiyuan's cute face, always feeling that her expression was a little subtle.

But when Haibara said she was fine, Xiaolan sat on the recliner next to her with peace of mind, quietly waiting for Mori Kogoro.

The two speedboats were running fast on the sea. Yuanzi knew how to drive the speedboat, but he didn't dare to drive too fast. Heye and Hongye were constantly patrolling with binoculars in their hands.

Mori Kogoro drove the speedboat to the side of the garden, and said loudly: "Sono, you and He Ye will search here slowly. Remember, we mainly look at the caves by the sea and some uninhabited islands."

"If you find a long-haired woman in a red swimsuit, call me immediately. My speedboat will drive forward and start looking from the front. You must pay attention to safety!"

"Okay, uncle." Yuanzi and He Yedu nodded in agreement.

Mori Kogoro then steered the speedboat to accelerate continuously.

The speedboat purchased by Suzuki's family is the best in the world, with a top speed of [-] knots, or almost [-] kilometers.

However, Kogoro Mori displayed his master-level driving skills, and in his sight, all the waves turned into boosters.

Under his control, the course of the speedboat below him is constantly moving forward along the top of the waves.

With the help of the waves, the speedboat continued to accelerate, and the speed quickly exceeded its limit speed.

Running fast, water splashed up continuously, and Hongye's face was even more pale, unable to hold the telescope in her hand, she couldn't help screaming.

Mori Kogoro, who was standing and controlling the steering wheel, pulled her up, hugged her in his arms, and continued to gallop while protecting her.

"Don't be afraid, Hongye, with me holding you, nothing will happen, but you can't slow down, there is only less than an hour."

Hearing this gentle voice and smelling the familiar masculine breath, Hongye's heart suddenly settled down.

She stretched her arms around Moori Kogoro's waist, pressed her soft chest against his firm chest muscles, and said softly: "It's okay, Moori-kun, with you here, I'm not afraid at all."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, bowed his head and kissed Momiji's smooth forehead.

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the speedboat increased again, approaching [-] kilometers per hour.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were like a falcon, and he was patrolling the coast on the right from afar.

After about [-] minutes of searching, Mori Kogoro's speedboat drove more than [-] kilometers, turned back, and finally found Shinobu who was struggling helplessly in the puddle of the cave.

Mori Kogoro's speculation was indeed correct, Hiharu Kiyoki had indeed abandoned Shinobu in a cave that would be submerged by seawater at high tide.

Now the tide is rising, and the sea water is pouring in. If it is one hour and three quarters later, Xiao Ren may lose his life.

However, there are many reefs on the left and right of the cave, and this speedboat is too big to get in at all.

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