There was a small hovercraft on the speedboat, and Hongye immediately spread out the hovercraft, and then pressed the electric pump to start inflating it.

The hovercraft swelled up immediately, and Mori Kogoro called Sonoko to inform them that they didn't need to look for it anymore.

Immediately afterwards, the two put the small hovercraft in the water, took two paddles, boarded the hovercraft, and rowed towards the cave.

The water flowed in backwards, extremely fast!Without the two of them paddling, the hovercraft entered the cave with the current and soon arrived on the shore.

Mori Kogoro disembarked while protecting Momiji, and saw Shinobu lying sideways in the water.

Half of her cheek was submerged in the water, and she kept exhaling, spitting out the water flowing into her mouth, like a dying goldfish on the shore.

When Shinobu saw Mori Kogoro appear, his eyes shone with dazzling light, his will to survive was moving.

Kogoro Mori immediately stepped forward and pulled him up from the water.

As soon as the hands were put on, the condition of his body was found out, it was drugged.

He pretended to pinch the person, and then pressed a few acupuncture points on his back, and the healing technique was displayed.

Energy like the warm sun instantly poured into Shinobu's body, driving away all the despair in his heart.

Gradually, Xiao Ren felt that his body regained some strength.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Hurry up and get on the boat, it's going to be submerged here, we should leave."

He helped Xiao Ren onto the hovercraft, and rowed out with Hongye.

However, the influx of water became extremely turbulent, Mori Kogoro exerted all his strength, and at most he was able to contend with the water flow, and there was no way to move forward at all.

Going upstream is simply a delusion for this hovercraft.

And because Mori Kogoro sent all his Ant-Man robots out to look for them, he doesn't have even an Ant-Man robot on him at the moment, so he has no help.

When the torrent got bigger, even Mori Kogoro couldn't hold it anymore, and the hovercraft quickly backed up, hit the top of the reef, and was directly punctured.

Mori Kogoro pulled Hongye and Shinobu back into the cave, frowning slightly, if he was allowed to swim out alone, he was sure he could escape.

But right now there are still two weak women in the cave, so there is nothing to do.

At this moment, Xiaoren's body has recovered, and when he saw this, he said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I have troubled you in order to save me."

Hongye couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Tears welled up in Xiao Ren's eyes, and he said, "It's my boyfriend, he brought me here, he gave me a bottle of water, I drank it and lay down in a daze, after that he Gone."

"I knew he was trying to kill me, so I used stones to carve a distress signal on the plastic of the water bottle."

"Fortunately, Mr. Mao Li, you came here, otherwise I would really be drowned in this cave."

"But now it's hurting you instead."

While talking, Xiao Ren couldn't help covering his face and crying bitterly.

Maori Kogoro then said, "Why are you crying? I'm not in a desperate situation. Look, there are still fireflies here."

He pointed to the little fluorescent lights flying in the dark cave.

Hongye said in surprise, "Really, but what if there are fireflies?"

Kogoro Mouri patted Hongye's little head: "Idiot, I can't even figure it out. If there are fireflies, it means that it can lead to the land. Fireflies can't grow in the sea."

"Let's follow the fireflies and walk inside. If we are lucky, we may find the exit."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro walked forward immediately.

Hongye immediately followed up and hugged his arm, Xiaoren quickly wiped away his tears, and followed.

Chapter 0035 The Cave Connected to the Sea

The inside of the cave was getting darker and darker, and the sound of the tide was approaching behind it, giving the three of them a sense of urgency.

Momiji was a little scared, so she tightly wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's arms, her soft chest completely wrapped her arms.

She clings to Kogoro Mori, not daring to separate for a moment.

Although the tactile sensation is quite enjoyable, Mouri Kogoro didn't care about the beauty. With his night vision ability, he followed the traces of fireflies and led the way in this dark cave.

The ground is still a little muddy, and one or two sea fish bones can be stepped on from time to time.

It is thought that this karst cave will be completely submerged when the tide is high, connecting the inland pools, and pouring back into the passage from the sea into the inland pools.

Those marine fish will follow this passage into the inland pool cave.

When the tide is low, the sea water leaks out, and if the sea fish do not escape in time, they will die of thirst in this channel.

But you have to hurry up, the sound of the rumbling tide behind is getting louder, and the speed of the tide is also getting faster and faster.

If you accidentally walk into a dead end and the sea water pours in, there is no way to escape.

Mori Kogoro could hold his breath for a long time, but the two girls beside him couldn't bear it.

He pinched a mark with both hands, and four origami cranes, invisible to the naked eye, appeared in the void.

Necromancy · Paper Crane Summoning.

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand, and the four origami cranes scattered in the dark cave, looking for the exit.

With the reward of the paper crane exploring the way, the walking speed of the three of them increased.

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