When Xiaolan saw the ingredients in the soup, her face flushed a little. Being good at cooking, she naturally knew the effects of these ingredients.

Kogoro Moori looked at the bowl full of food, and couldn't help but feel a little speechless. He is so vigorous, do he still need nourishment?

But since it is the kindness of his own woman, Mori Kogoro will certainly not refuse, eat one by one into his belly, let's repay them well at night!

But Tomoko turned to look at the eldest daughter, and asked, "Ayako, when will your fiancé arrive?"

Ayako replied, "They said they came here after two o'clock in the afternoon."

Tomoko then turned to Mouri Kogoro and said, "Kogoro, then I won't be able to accompany you at dinner, I have to entertain people from the Tomize Foundation."

Kogoro Mori naturally had no objection: "Tomoko, if you have something to do, go and do it."

Tomoko also told Mori Kogoro about this in private, this time she and the head of the Tomize Foundation discussed the marriage between the two parties.

If Ayako married into Tomizawa's family, she would bring a generous dowry with her.

But everything in the Suzuki consortium has nothing to do with it, and everything will be left to the youngest daughter Sonoko.

This is true of the inheritance of large Japanese conglomerates. They will not let the family property be split due to the marriage of their children.

Just like the previous Qiben consortium, there are eldest daughter Qiu Jiang and youngest daughter Xia Jiang.

The heir is Qiben Xiajiang, and the eldest daughter Qiujiang will get nothing.

This is not cruel, it is just a normal inheritance of the Japanese consortium.

Chapter 0039 Xiaolan did such a thing

Suzuki Ayako was originally trained as the successor of the Suzuki consortium, and she was also in charge of some investment from the Suzuki family.

It's just that Ayako's temperament is too gentle, too calm and elegant, and her dealings with others are too gentle, so that she loses her resolve.

In Tomoko's view, Sonoko, the second daughter who is outgoing and knows how to fight, is more suitable to be the head of the Suzuki consortium.

Ayako always likes to squint to observe others, and always has a gentle smile on her face.

Others couldn't see the look in his eyes clearly, and couldn't guess what was going on in his heart.

And her marriage contract with the Fuze consortium was established two years ago. At the time, the Suzuki consortium was in crisis and was besieged by the Kanto consortium.

The director of the Suzuki Consortium decided to marry other consortiums in exchange for help, and then approached the Fuze Consortium.

The candidates for the marriage were Ayako and Sonoko. As the eldest sister, Ayako stepped forward and accepted the marriage contract, and then became a fiancé with Yuzo Tomizawa.

With the capital injection from the Tomize Consortium, the Suzuki Consortium quickly survived the crisis.

And today, with the help of Mori Kogoro, the Suzuki Foundation has already embarked on the road to the rise of Xiongfei, leaving the Tomizawa Foundation and other Japanese foundations far behind.

Although Tomoko has the means and strength to tear up this paper marriage contract, she always pays attention to integrity in her life and business.

And because Ayako didn't show obvious resistance, the matter went on smoothly.

Today, it is the Tomizawa family who are urging to get married quickly. They don't want to lose the golden thigh of the Suzuki family.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Ayako's expression, still calm and gentle, couldn't help but smiled, but he quickly averted his gaze.

After lunch, Tomoko left with Ayako and Sonoko who didn't want to leave, and walked to their own villa.

Eri, holding Kogoro Mori with his little hand, avoided Ran's sight and came to the side hall.

She looked anxious and devastated: "Xiao Wulang, don't you know what Xiaolan did to me just now?"

Mori Kogoro asked with concern: "Isn't it a massage? What did she do?"

Eri said it all at once, combined with the frame-by-frame replay in his mind, it was so explosive that it even made Mori Kogoro a little excited.

I didn't expect Xiaolan to do such a thing. This progress is really rapid and rapid.

But he had to put on a look of shock on the surface.

But Yingli had an unbearable look on his face, and his eyes were full of grievances: "You guy, your daughter already looks like this, do you know it?"

Mori Kogoro felt guilty, stretched out his arms to hold Eri tightly, and said, "Eri, don't worry, I promise I will never let Xiaolan do such a thing in the future."

"Xiao Goro, you said we have a good talk with Xiao Ran, maybe she will change? She is a good child, it is impossible for her to become like this, maybe we can find a psychiatrist!" Speaking of this, Yingri's eyes lit up up.

Mori Kogoro patted Eri's soft back and said, "After all, there are other people here. We always have to take care of our daughter's face. When I return to Tokyo, I will definitely find a chance to have a good talk with her."

The heat is almost over, and if it continues, I'm afraid that Yingli will really collapse.

Mori Kogoro intends to make Xiaolan stop the offensive. Although he is plotting against Eri, he still can't bear it, but the matter has come to this point, so he can only move on.

In the side hall, Mori Kogoro put his arms around Eri and comforted her, and then her mood stabilized, and she regained her demeanor as a queen in the legal and political circles.

She had just been recognized as a sister by Jinghua and Pengzi, so naturally she couldn't show her vulnerability in front of the two women.I have to say that all women are good at acting, and soon Eri started talking and laughing in front of Yukiko, Shizuka, and Judy.

They were drinking tea in the living room of the villa, talking and laughing.

In the afternoon, the sky outside became gloomy, and it looked like it was going to rain. The girls also gave up the idea of ​​going to the beach to play.

They ran to the entertainment and leisure room, put on drinks and snacks, played cards or games inside, and enjoyed themselves.

Mori Kogoro, who was on the order, was just seen by Kazuha who came out to get drinks.

He Ye's amber-like eyes couldn't help but light up, and he immediately stepped forward and put his arms around Moori Kogoro's arm, inviting him, "Uncle Maoli, come and take a walk outside with me."

Kazuhiel finally found the opportunity to be alone with Kogoro Mori, so he naturally refused to let it go, dragging Kogoro Mori towards the back door with his small body.

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