Naturally, Kogoro Mori didn't resist, and walked out of the villa avoiding everyone's eyes and ears.

As soon as he got away from the villa and came to the beach, He Ye immediately relaxed, so that he would not be afraid of red leaves popping up again.

Her big ponytail swayed, and the smile on her face was very bright, like a little girl who snatched a treasure.

Her small hands intertwined with Mori Kogoro's big hands. Under the dark clouds, the two of them walked away on the white sand beach along the coastline, and the two rows of footprints gradually became one row.

"Uncle, rush the duck!"

Sitting on Kogoro Mori's shoulder, Kazuha held Kogoro Mori's head and gave orders.

Mori Kogoro put his hands on his elastic thighs and started to run in coordination.

Silver bell-like laughter echoed on the beach.

Soon, Kazuha, who still wanted to be domineering, became carried on the shoulders of Mori Kogoro.

She patted Mori Kogoro's butt to get down, struggling and smiling coquettishly, but to no avail.

In the end, He Ye was resisted to the top of the hill like Mrs. Yazhai who had been robbed.

That is, the side where Xiaolan and the others came to pick up the drifting bottles in the morning, on the high platform more than tens of meters high.

The sea breeze in the afternoon was a bit strong, Mori Kogoro put down Kazuha, and used his body to block the rather biting sea wind.

The weather at the beach really changes at any time!

The two found a boulder and sat down.

Heye Xiao's face was still a little red, and he nestled in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and raised his head emotionally, wanting to ask for a kiss.

Looking at such a pretty girl, how could Kogoro Mori refuse, so he hugged her soft waist and kissed her pink lips.

The two sat on this high platform, watching the rough waves, listening to the sound of the sea, hugging each other tightly and kissing from time to time.

That's it, I feel very happy.

The view from the high platform is excellent, and not far behind is the Fuze family's villa.

On the right side is not the private beach of Suzuki's family. It is a rocky beach, and you can see people in the past.

Kazuha, who was nestled in Kogoro Mori's arms, was a little dissatisfied, and his mischievous little hands actually penetrated into his clothes, scratching Kogoro Mori's abdominal muscles.

Chapter 0040 The Sea Hut in the Rainstorm

Mori Kogoro patted Heye's little hand, pointed to a young man who came ashore on the rocky beach below, and said with a chuckle, "It's not allowed here, everyone will see it."

Kazuha pursed her mouth, and stared at Mori Kogoro dissatisfiedly with her big amber eyes.

It was with great difficulty that she came from Osaka to find Kogoro, and it was also with great difficulty that she brought Mori Kogoro out from among the women.

If nothing is allowed now, of course she will be dissatisfied.

Seeing Kazuha's cute expression of asking for it but not getting it, Mori Kogoro smiled brighter and brighter.

He stretched out his arms to hug the girl's bowed waist, stroked her soft back with his big hands, and comforted her in a warm voice.

However, while Kogoro Mori was hugging Kazuha, he also saw that the young man who came ashore from the rocky beach was clearly holding something in his hand.

It's just that the distance is too far, and it's hard to see clearly, but the direction he's heading is clearly Fuze's villa.

That guy couldn't be Tomizawa Yuzo who is engaged to Ayako.

No, in Mori Kogoro's memory, the three brothers of the Tomizawa family happened to be triplets, and it is impossible to determine who is who just by looking at the distance.

At this time, there were dark clouds in the sky and light rain fell.

Shocked by the icy rain, He Ye couldn't help exclaiming: "Uncle, let's go down!"

Mori Kogoro took Kazuha and ran down to the beach, and the two ran wildly in the rain.

But obviously He Ye's expression was not panic, but a bit of joy, and the smile on her energetic face became more and more cheerful. She dragged Mori Kogoro to run on the beach, like a child having fun.

Soon, the two ran back to where they were.

Mori Kogoro was about to take Heye back to the villa, but Heye refused. Instead, he pointed to the seawater hut and said excitedly, "Uncle, let's go to the cabin to hide from the rain!"

After that, she dragged Kogoro Mori onto the wet wooden bridge, not knowing how this petite body could have such great strength.

Soon, the two of them ran across the small sea bridge and entered the cabin full of various sea amusement equipment.

There is no rain in the cabin, it is dry and warm, and there is a faint smell of grass and trees.

The light green dress on He Ye's body was already wet from the rain, and the graceful curves were looming, delicate and cute with a little sexy.

Like a little daughter-in-law, she found two new towels from the cabin, and then gently helped Mori Kogoro wipe off the water droplets on his body.

Caress and caress with small hands, rub and rub with towel!

Mori Kogoro looked at the cutie in front of him, with smiles in his eyes, he put his arms around Kazuha's waist, lifted it up, and spun around in circles.

Xiao Heye was taken aback, couldn't help but exclaimed in mid-air, and patted Mori Kogoro dissatisfied.

Mouri Kogoro held her up high like this, raised his head, and kissed her pink lips.

With their lips facing each other, the two towels in He Ye's hands were loosened and fell to the ground.

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