Soon, the girl who was lifted up slowly fell down, stood on the plank, then knelt down, and finally lay down obediently.

A moving movement sounded in this small cabin on the sea.

Outside there was loud thunder, howling wind, pouring rain, and rough waves, but inside the cabin was warm and comfortable.

More than two hours later, Mori Kogoro ran all the way back to the villa from the small log cabin in the rain with He Ye on his back.

All the girls in the villa almost ran out to look for the missing Mori Kogoro and Kazuha.

Seeing the two people appear, Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Father, where did you and Heye go?" Mouri Kogoro then explained: "It rained too much just now, I was trapped, I just want to come back when the rain is a little bit smaller, but I don’t know that the rain is getting bigger and bigger, but it doesn’t get any smaller.”

"Later, when I ran over, I saw He Ye who was picking up shells and was trapped in the wooden house on the beach, so I came back with her on my back."

"This damn weather, I almost drenched to death!"

Mori Kogoro didn't mention that he and He Ye had been together all the time. When the girls heard about it, they looked at them suspiciously, and then immediately prepared dry towels and cold-dispelling tea.

After Mori Kogoro came back, all the girls had a backbone, and the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful again, even the pouring rain outside did not affect them.

Yukiko said, "I heard that a typhoon suddenly blew up on Okinawa, that's why it's raining so much here."

Jinghua frowned slightly: "It's been a long time since I came here for a vacation, why did I encounter this kind of weather?"

And He Ye was wearing a towel and sitting on the sofa holding ginger tea.

Seeing that the rest of the girls didn't pay attention to her, she boldly smiled proudly at Hongye.

The bright-minded Hongye instantly understood that she was showing off, and smiled disdainfully: "Little Yezi is a little leaf after all, but I got it at noon."

A faint sense of superiority arose in Hongye's heart.

At this moment, Yuanzi ran over with an umbrella and entered the villa. Her skirt was soaked, and she asked with concern as soon as she came in, "Is uncle back?"

Just now Xiaolan called to ask if Kogoro Mouri had been there, which made Yuanzi a little worried, so she ran over to have a look.

When she saw that Mori Kogoro had returned, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's just that Yuanzi's concern is too obvious, and he just ran in from the outside, which is too eye-catching.

The eyes of all the girls in the villa were fixed on her, even Eri and Yukiko were no exception.

With so many inexplicable gazes, Yuanzi was a little scared for an instant. She shook her head and immediately said, "It's just right that uncle is back. My mother asked me to come over and invite uncle to be a guest. She also said that she wants to introduce someone to uncle!"

Hearing this, Eri, Yukiko, and Ran all looked away. They knew that Mori Kogoro and the Suzuki family had financial cooperation, so they wouldn't doubt it.

Mori Kogoro had a smile on the corner of his mouth, of course he knew Sonoko was lying.

Besides, he had already told his friend that he didn't need to be involved in business matters, and he could ask his agent to handle everything.

The so-called agent is just an ant-man robot of Mori Kogoro.

However, he looked at Yuanzi who was extremely distressed, and got up cooperatively, and followed her out.

"Since it's a friend's invitation, I'll go over and have a look!"

Mori Kogoro directly took a big umbrella to support the two of them.

The two set foot on the bluestone road and walked towards the Suzuki family villa in the middle.

The sun was covered by dark clouds outside, and the downpour was getting heavier and heavier, covering the light. It was clearly in the afternoon, but it was a bit like six or seven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Sonoko standing under the big black umbrella became uncharacteristically reserved.

Under the rain curtain, sharing an umbrella with Mori Kogoro is a very private space.

Sensing the body temperature of the uncle beside him, Yuanzi's face turned red.

She actually became shy, holding her little face at a loss.

This extremely rare scene surprised Mori Kogoro, and he couldn't help but chuckled.

Chapter 0041 Absolutely Impossible

Without the unbearable enthusiasm, Sonoko's perception of Kogoro Mori suddenly improved a lot.

Looking at this silly girl with a red face, she didn't remember to turn when she was walking, and wanted to go outside under the rain.

Mori Kogoro quickly put his arms around his soft shoulders and pulled him back.

It's just this hug, Yuanzi's body trembled.

This girl's reaction is too extreme!

Immediately afterwards, Yuanzi pushed forward and leaned over, with a strange light in his eyes.

[Uncle, he actually hugged me, so happy, I really hope this road will be longer, it would be best not to stop forever! 】

Yuanzi prayed silently in his heart, but this prayer is naturally impossible to succeed, the distance between the two villas is only more than a hundred meters.

The two soon came to Suzuki's villa.

In the corridor of the villa courtyard, Ayako in a long pink dress was looking at the rain curtain, as if thinking of something.

But she soon saw Mori Kogoro and Sonoko coming with umbrellas.

Seeing the intimate posture of the two, Ayako frowned slightly.

Soon she greeted her from the corridor: "Mr. Mao Li, you are here too."

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