Immediately afterwards, she frowned, looked at Yuanzi's skirt that was stained black by muddy water from running just now, and said, "Yuanzi, there are still guests inside, how could your clothes be like this, go back to your room and change quickly." .”

Hearing this, Sonoko looked at Mori Kogoro reluctantly, stuck out his tongue, and trotted into the villa with his skirt in his hands.

Mori Kogoro was about to follow in, but he heard Ayako say, "Mori-kun, can we have a talk."

The eldest lady of the Suzuki family squinted her eyes slightly, and Mori Kogoro couldn't see through her eyes. Although he was a little surprised, he nodded.

He followed Ayako's graceful back, walked along the corridor, and came to a small pavilion.

This building is a good combination of Chinese and Western. It not only has a European design concept, but also has some unique Chinese buildings.

On the way, he also saw Yuzo Tomizawa and his father who were guests in the living room of the villa through the window.

It's also weird, Ayako doesn't go to accompany her fiancé when she comes, and she's here to see what the rain is all about.

In the gazebo, Mori Kogoro looked at the back of Ayako who stood silently watching the rain for a long time in front of him, and couldn't help being speechless.

Women are like ink marks, they obviously have something to say, but they play tricks on it.

Mori Kogoro shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "Ayako, why don't you accompany your fiancé? Are you going to hold a wedding soon? You will be the bride by then."

Ayako's face remained unchanged, and she casually replied, "It's really the same thing whether you marry or not, it doesn't make any difference to me."

"It's good for my mother to make up her mind about these things. It doesn't matter if I'm there or not. In fact, it's just about completing the task when I'm old."

Ayako's words were very calm, not like what a woman of her age would say.

Immediately afterwards, she turned around, looked at Kogoro Mouri and said, "But Maori-kun, I want to ask you something."

Mori Kogoro raised his brows slightly: "Let's talk."

"Please Mori-kun don't provoke my sister anymore!" After finishing speaking, Ayako leaned forward and bowed gracefully to Mori Kogoro, her big brown ponytail was lowered, revealing her white nape.

She kept her bowing posture like this, with a determined look.

Mori Kogoro was a little speechless, he was really a scapegoat.

How could I have provoked Yuanzi, it was obvious that Yuanzi had been provoking me all the time, and also tried to attack myself with various clumsy means, but fortunately I did not give in.

They obviously remembered Pengzi's advice and never did anything to Yuanzi, otherwise ten of these little girls wouldn't be enough for her to eat.

Now it's making me black, it's really justified and I can't explain it.

"Ayako, I think you have misunderstood, there is nothing between Sonoko and me."

Ayako was very sure in her heart, she would never believe that Mori Kogoro and Sonoko were innocent.

Instead, she stood up straight, and said tit for tat: "Mr. Mao Li, although I don't understand mother's own decision, as a daughter, I am not qualified to control her."

"But my sister's affairs, as a sister, can still take care of it."

"It is absolutely not allowed for a mother and daughter to serve one husband together."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was a little ashamed and flustered. Ayako found out about his relationship with Tomoko. What is it called?

Mori Kogoro seemed to be choking all of a sudden, and he said after a long time: "Ahem, when did you find out?"



Ayako's face was a little red: "Just now I went to my mother's room and saw the purple swimsuit she changed yesterday, and there was something on it,"

"She stayed in your villa last night, and you are the only man in your villa..."

"I also called the housekeeper in Tokyo later, and he said that my mother would go to live in other villas by herself every now and then, for two or three days."

"She also dismissed all the servants and kept them from being disturbed. Only then did I know that the matter between you has been going on for a long time."

"You should have started when my dad was called to America to open up new markets. It's been a few months."

"Stop talking!" Mori Kogoro waved his hands, he didn't want to hear others deduce the whole story.

Ayako looked at the handsome man who ruined her parents' marriage in front of her, and surprisingly, she didn't feel much bad feeling in her heart.

But Ayako is not the kind of person who just shuts up and really shuts up, instead she continues to speak: "As long as Moori-kun don't involve Sonoko, I can pretend that I don't know about the matter between you and mother, and I won't tell you." dad."

Seeing that Mori Kogoro was still silent, she pursed her lips and continued: "Sister Sister is young and ignorant, not yet sensible, but the inheritance of my Suzuki family must not be destroyed like this!"

It was as if Kogoro Mori had ulterior motives in taking down Tomoko and Sonoko, plotting their Suzuki family property.

It seems that Tomoko didn't tell the eldest daughter everything about the company, otherwise she wouldn't have said such a thing.

You must know that it is under the name of the Suzuki family, but the assets actually belonging to Kogoro Mori far exceed the assets of the Suzuki family.

A disdainful smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face.

Seeing this smile, Ayako's brows furrowed even more, and she opened her eyes that had been squinting slightly, and said, "Mori-kun, it's a big scandal that a mother and daughter serve a husband together."

"Once it is exposed, not only my Suzuki family will be deeply affected, but also Mao Li-kun's reputation will be greatly affected. I believe Mao Li-kun, you don't want to see this scene happen."

The repeated phrase "mother and daughter serve one husband together" stimulated Kogoro Mori's sensitive nerves.

Obviously, the relationship between him and Sonoko was as pure as plain water, nothing happened, but Ayako kept splashing sewage.

Mori Kogoro was furiously angry, he pulled Ayako's skirt directly, and with a rebellious mentality, he said directly: "I'm really with your mother and sister, and I won't let you go, so what can you do?"

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