Chapter 0042 instead of your sister

"Ayako, who do you think you are? You speak so righteously, but how do you know how the other people feel, and what qualifications do you have to help them make decisions?"

"I have no interest in the wealth of your Suzuki family. Making money is just a trivial matter to me."

"You are just a daughter who is about to get married. After you get married, the affairs of the Suzuki family have nothing to do with you."

"Besides, if you really want to stop this, why don't you persuade your mother, why pretend to be a strong sister in front of me to protect my sister, in essence, you are bullying the weak and fearing the hard."

Ayako, who was holding her skirt, looked up stubbornly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth: "Hey, you finally stopped pretending, Detective Maori!"

This expression, this sentence made Mori Kogoro furious. Seeing the disdain in his eyes, Mori Kogoro was even more furious.

He was completely out of ideas for explanation.

Let Ayako misunderstand.

Since Ayako already thinks she is this villain, she should just play this villainous role well.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he stroked Ayako's small face with his big hand, rubbing it lightly.

A blush immediately appeared on Ayako's face, but she frowned and said, "Detective Maori, please respect yourself."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Ayako, since you want to keep the so-called Suzuki family inheritance and insist on being the master for your younger sister, then I will give you a chance."

"I can let Yuanzi go, and even have no contact with Yuanzi in the future, and have nothing to do with him."

"But the premise is that you, as a sister, must replace her and accompany me once, and I will let her go!"

Hearing this, Ayako's eyes that had been squinting slightly widened in an instant, and the pupils continued to shrink, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Seeing Ayako's expression, Mori Kogoro felt very happy.

His big hand covered Ayako's waist, moved slowly along the curve to the back, and sneered.

"Being a hero and being strong has its price."

"Could it be that Ayako, your attitude just now was all a fake."

"That's right, once things affect you, it's human nature to be a turtle!"

Hearing these words, Ayako's heart trembled wildly, she never thought that Mori Kogoro would be such a person.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be disappointed and let go of Ayako, and Ayako almost lost her footing.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said: "It seems that the so-called elder sister of a famous family is nothing more than that, it's really disappointing."

After saying that, he turned around and left. This scaring should make Ayako stay calm for a few days, but this is not a long-term solution.

It's just that Mori Kogoro just turned around and walked a few steps, when Ayako at the gazebo said, "Wait a minute!"

Mori Kogoro stood still and turned around in surprise.

The torrential rain continued, and the sky was pitch black.

Then Kogoro Mori saw the stubborn figure, Ayako Suzuki, who was propped on the pillar with one hand, half of his body was wet by the splashing rain.

The sea on her forehead was also wet by the rain, staining Bai Jie's pretty face.

Ayako's open eyes were full of firmness, as if she had been driven to a desperate situation, and there was a sense of tragedy.

She said: "Mr. Mao Li, I agree to your request, and please keep your promise and don't provoke Yuanzi again."

Seeing Ayako's serious expression.

Mori Kogoro took a breath in his heart: It's a tragedy, it's a joke! ! !

He really didn't have any other thoughts about Ayako, he just said this to scare her.

Afterwards, I asked Tomoko to help explain. How could she know that she was so determined, so she really agreed.And Mori Kogoro is already with Suzuki Tomoko, so Ayako and Sonoko are both his stepdaughters.

How could he attack his stepdaughter?

"Where is Mori Kogoro such an unscrupulous person?" ? ? '

[Besides, this Ayako isn't very pretty!

Cough cough, well, it is quite beautiful, at least much more beautiful than the garden that has grown recently, and there is an intellectual and calm elegance about her body.

That waist, which I just touched, is very slender, without any fat. It is comparable to her mother Tomoko, and must be a super small waist.

And at this height, under the pink dress must be a pair of long legs not inferior to Tomoko.

It is true, Tomoko's long legs are completely inherited to the two daughters.

If Tomoko, Ayako, and Sonoko all put on black stockings and lay down on the same bed, the scene would definitely be ecstasy.

Damn, what are you thinking!How could I think of putting the mother and daughter on the bed? I, Kogoro Mori, am not such an unscrupulous person. 】

Ayako turned pale, and said with a pale face, "I just didn't expect that someone as shrewd as my mother would fall in love with such a vile guy like you."

"Anyway, I'm going to get married, and I'm going to change my surname to Fuze. This transaction is considered to be my repayment of the Suzuki family's favor."

"However, Mori Kogoro, you must keep your promise, otherwise, I will never let you go."

She looked at Mori Kogoro with disgust in her eyes.

Seeing this gaze, Kogoro Mouri became angry again.

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