He opened his mouth and said: "It's really sisterly love, why don't you hurry up and wash yourself for nothing, and then send it to your door."

At this time, Yuanzi's voice sounded: "Sister, Uncle Maori, what are you talking about here?"

Yuanzi, who had changed into shorts and shirt, trotted over and looked at his sister warily.

The little girl thought that her sister was also interested in Uncle Mao Li.

She kept moving forward with her long legs, and when she ran over, she hugged Kogoro Mori's arm, as if declaring her sovereignty.

The faces of Ayako and Mori Kogoro returned to normal in an instant, and both of them were considered to be acting school.

Ayako said, "I didn't say anything, but the rain is getting heavier and heavier, so we should go back!"

Sonoko nodded, turned around and walked towards the villa with Mori Kogoro in his arms, not avoiding the little pigeon on his chest rubbing against his arm.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro pulled out his hand instead, and wrapped his arms around Sonoko's slender waist. He still had time to turn his head and smiled at Ayako behind him.

The proud silver teeth made Ayako's eyes widen with anger.

And Yuanzi's face turned red all of a sudden, feeling the big warm hand on her waist, she was completely numb.

【Hoo hoo!Great, this trip to Izu strategy is really effective, and finally there is progress. Uncle, he is about to accept me! 】

Yuanzi fell into ecstasy and couldn't extricate himself.

Until entering the villa, sitting in the living room, when her mother Tomoko asked her, Sonoko was still smirking to herself.

Tomoko on the main seat held his forehead, looking quite ashamed,

Seeing this, Ayako made up her mind even more, she must not let her sister be played around by this bad guy.

Chapter 0043 What a rascal

In the living room of the villa, besides Tomoko, there were two other men, both from the Fuze Consortium.

One is a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who is Yuzo Tomizawa, Ayako's fiancée.

The other is a middle-aged man with a square face. He is the head of the Tomizawa Foundation, Tetsuji Tomizawa.

He was engrossed in watching the baseball game on TV, not paying attention to other things at all.

Seeing that the game on TV was finally over, Tetsuji Tomizawa couldn't help cheering: "The Tokyo team finally won, and I knew they would definitely not lose. Fortunately, they didn't miss this game."

Tomizawa Yuzo said apologetically: "My dad kept saying that he wanted to watch the game at [-] pm in the car. Who knew that the satellite signal in our villa was broken, so we had to come here to watch it, Suzuki Auntie, please don't mind!"

A look of annoyance flashed in Tomoko's eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with Tetsuji Tomizawa who neglected him so much.

However, she was still very kind to her partner, she took a sip of her coffee and said it was okay.

After cheering, Tetsuji Tomizawa finally realized that he was a little rude. He looked at Kogoro Mori who appeared in the living room, but he didn't know Kogoro Mori, so he couldn't help but asked, "Who is this?"

A strange look flashed in Tomoko's eyes, and he introduced with a light smile, "This is the gentleman you always wanted me to introduce, but I didn't, Mori Kogoro!"

Hearing this, Tetsuji Tomizawa lost his grip on the teacup and dropped it on the coffee table.

The hot water scalded his pants, but he didn't react, instead his eyes were full of panic.

Only then did he realize what a stupid thing he had done, to neglect such a big man for a ball game.

If it is said that Tomoko has the ability to easily overthrow him, then the person behind Tomoko who has a world-class business talent is easier to crush himself than to crush an ant.

It's just because the main industries of the Tomizawa Consortium all rely on Kogoro Mori's new energy company.

Once his new energy company cuts off the supply, his family business will collapse quickly.

Facing this big man who is controlling his own lifeline, Tomizawa Tetsuji was terrified, immediately got up respectfully and bowed, and said, "I'm sorry, Maori-kun, I really didn't know you were here, I kept you waiting, it's all because of me guilt."

Yuzo Tomizawa, Ayako, and Sonoko on the side all stared round with incredible expressions.

What's going on here, why is the head of a dignified large consortium so humble to Kogoro Mori.

Tomoko on the side saw this scene and smiled with satisfaction.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Hey, what a big deal this is, why are you apologizing, don't be so stiff, just sit down."

Hearing this, Tetsuji Tomizawa dared to sit down again, with only half of his butt touching the sofa, still looking respectful.

His face was smiling brightly like an old chrysanthemum, and he flattered him immediately after opening his mouth: "I really didn't expect you to be so young, Mr. Mao Li, it's really surprising."

"I had the honor to have a look at your business plan. It is completely unconstrained and ingenious, which makes people overwhelmed."

"After I watched it once, I felt that I have benefited a lot, and I have made great progress in business management. This is all thanks to you, Maori-kun!"

"You're being polite, don't dare to be, don't dare to be!"

This old guy's flattering skills are pretty good, Mori Kogoro looked a little embarrassed, picked up the teacup, and glanced at Ayako beside him.

Ayako was still a little dazed, as if her brain capacity was insufficient and she hadn't reacted yet.

But Yuanzi couldn't help but said: "Uncle Fuze, are you making a mistake? My Uncle Maori is the best detective in the world, he is not a businessman, any business plan should have nothing to do with him!"

"Oh, a famous detective!" Tomizawa Tetsuji looked suddenly enlightened, with an exaggerated expression.He patted his thigh with his big hand, and stood up excitedly: "No wonder you are so smart, Mr. Mao Li, so you are the best detective in the world!"

"What is this called, one method, ten thousand methods!"

"When a detective is so good at it, the business plan he made is even more flawless. Ordinary people like us, how can we make money like Mao Li-kun? Admire, admire!"

The old guy's face was flushed, and he looked sincere.

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