I really can't wait to hug Mori Kogoro's thigh in an instant.

He then said to Yuanzi: "And Yuanzi, you were wrong just now, the corporate assets under Mr. Mao Li's hands are beyond the reach of ten Fuze consortiums. If you don't believe me, ask your mother?"

Sonoko turned to look at Tomoko, and Ayako followed suit.

Tomoko glanced at Mori Kogoro's expression, saw him nodding slightly, and then said, "Your Uncle Tomizawa is right, Kogoro's net worth is more than that of our Suzuki family!"

Hearing this, the two sisters were stunned for a moment.

It was only then that Ayako realized that Kogoro Mori had just said in the gazebo that he was not interested in the wealth of the Suzuki family, which was actually true.

After all, there are so many assets!

I also misunderstood that he approached his mother and sister for the Suzuki family's property, just to get money and sex.

In the end, the one who was wrong turned out to be himself.

Ayako turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, but seeing that he was looking at her proudly, she couldn't help lowering her head in shame.

But Ayako quickly raised her head again.

[Hmph, no matter what, even if it's not for money, it's still too vile to want both mother and daughter. 】

She stared at it stubbornly again, only to see Kogoro Mouri mouthing the words "washing white".

After understanding, Ayako's little face flushed immediately, and she lowered her head in retreat.

What a scoundrel this guy is!

On the other side, Sonoko hugged Mori Kogoro's arm, with a look of admiration on his face: "I knew it, uncle, you are the best!"

Tetsuji Tomizawa continued: "People like Mori-kun, who do business casually and do business all over the world, are completely god-like figures."

"I see, the god of business in Japan, no one can be the god of business except Maori-kun!"

This old guy is addicted to flattering, and the more he shoots, the more he gets hotter, and he is also the god of business.

However, Tetsuji Tomizawa's eyesight is still very strong to make such a big business.

Seeing Mori Kogoro frowning slightly, he immediately shut up, for fear of being bored by him.

He turned to see his stupid young son, and immediately patted his head, shouting: "Xiong San, don't you understand etiquette at such an age, hurry up and say hello to Mao Li-kun."

Yuzo Tomizawa immediately bowed respectfully and said: "Young Yuzo Tomizawa, it is really an honor to meet you sir."

Mori Kogoro was a little speechless, this Tetsuji Tomizawa is really amazing.

He couldn't help but glared at Tomoko, why would he reveal his identity in front of him if he had nothing to do, while Tomoko smiled lightly and begged for forgiveness.

When Ayako saw this scene, Mori Kogoro sat comfortably on the sofa, and the man she was going to marry in the future respectfully maintained a bowing posture, and she couldn't help feeling a little complicated for a while.

Chapter 0044 in front of her fiance

Tetsuji Tomizawa has excellent eyesight. When he saw Mori Kogoro yawned while he was speaking, he knew that he had talked too much and was about to annoy him.

At this time, Tomoko invited: "Mr. Tomizawa, let's have dinner here tonight, just to try Ayako's craftsmanship."

The old guy saw a hint of displeasure flashing in Mori Kogoro's eyes, so he hurriedly refused.

"No, no, I'm getting old, I don't have much energy after watching a game, and I want to go back to rest, so I won't eat dinner here."

"Let Yuzo eat here. His cooking skills are pretty good, and it would be good to let him help Ayako, hahaha."

After finishing speaking, Tomizawa Tetsuji put his arms around his youngest son's shoulders, and whispered, "Just stay here and get along well with Ayako."

"Also, don't offend Mr. Mao Li. To please him, our company depends on others to survive."

Tomizawa Yuzo nodded respectfully: "Hi!"

Tetsuji Tomizawa got up straight away, smiled like an old chrysanthemum, said goodbye to Mori Kogoro respectfully, and dared to go out.

It was just before [-]:[-], and it was already pitch black outside, and the squall and rainstorm by the sea was quite terrifying. It seemed that the typhoon in Okinawa had spread to Izu.

Because of Mori Kogoro's small expression, Tomizawa Tetsuji ignored the heavy rain, directly held up a black umbrella and walked out.

Seeing Tomizawa Tetsuji leave, Tomoko said, "Ayako, Yuzo, it's getting late, you go to the kitchen and prepare dinner tonight."

"Kogoro, you can have dinner here tonight!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "It's all right."

Yuzo Tomizawa and Ayako walked towards the kitchen together, and only Kogoro Mori, Tomoko, and Sonoko were left in the living room.

Sonoko put his arms around Kogoro Mouri's arm, buried his head in his arms and rubbed against him, and then said, "I didn't expect that uncle is not only so good at solving crimes, but also so good at making money now, he is the best in the world." Good man."

"If that's the case, I won't have to worry about how to manage the Suzuki Consortium in the future, and I can leave everything to Uncle you to take care of!"

This girl accidentally said what was in her heart, and Tomoko's brows twitched wildly when he heard it: I dare to say that this girl has already thought about marrying Mori Kogoro after inheriting the Suzuki consortium. This damn girl just wants to grab a man from me.

An extremely dangerous light flashed in Tomoko's eyes, Sonoko seemed to sense it, turned her face sideways, and saw the mother-in-law exuding a terrifying aura.

Tomoko picked up Yuanzi by the back of his neck, picked it up, and said, "Damn girl, it seems we have to have a good talk!"

After saying that, Tomoko took the garden and went up to the second floor.

Sonoko was resisting all over, and kept asking Kogoro Mori for help.

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