In this situation, seeing Tomoko's dangerous gaze, Mori Kogoro was a little scared, of course he had to be wise and protect himself.

The mother and daughter went up to the second floor, and the first floor was empty.

Mori Kogoro felt a little bored, turned his eyes, and walked towards the kitchen.

There were no maids in the kitchen, presumably Tomoko sent the maids to the annex next door in order to create a solitary environment for the unmarried couple and help them cultivate their relationship.

The kitchen is a corridor-style Japanese kitchen, and the dining room is in front of it.

Ayako and Tomizawa Yusan were busy in the corridor, seemingly in harmony.

But in the eyes of Mori Kogoro, a master of expressions, both of them are acting, with fake smiles on their faces.

It seems that they all have the idea of ​​completing the task for this marriage.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared in the corridor-style kitchen, Yuzo Tomizawa greeted him respectfully.

But Ayako's small face was a little panicked, and she glanced at her face, not daring to meet her eyes.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Relax, Yuzo, your father's attitude just now is really burdensome, we can just get along normally."

Hearing Mori Kogoro making complaints about his father, Tomizawa Yuzo smiled awkwardly, but he wouldn't believe that if he said he got along normally, he really got along normally.

Tomizawa Yuzo nodded in agreement, but the whole person was still respectful.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, moved closer to Ayako, and looked at the ingredients they prepared: "Foie gras, caviar, and veal steak, it seems that tonight is a French feast, and I am really looking forward to it."

Tomizawa Yuzo smiled respectfully: "I used to study in France, so I know a little bit of this Western food. Do you have any taboos, Mori-kun? Just tell me what you don't want to eat, and I will definitely avoid it."

Tomoko couldn't help frowning when she saw her future husband being flattering to Mori Kogoro again.

"No, it's fine, I'm a person with no taboos, I can eat anything!"

Mori Kogoro looked at Ayako specially when he said the last few words.

Tomizawa Yuzo seemed to sense that Mori Kogoro had something to say to his fiancée, and after a while of apologizing, he picked up the plates, knives and forks from the cabinet and went to the dining table outside to start arranging the plates.

He was also very witty, and took up the job of a maid, giving the two of them a space to talk.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the back of Yuzo Tomizawa in front of him, then turned his gaze to Ayako Suzuki who was washing in front of the sink.

She was also wearing a pink dress and high heels. She was tall and graceful.

Ayako was washing the frying pan that she would use later. She had been washing it since Mori Kogoro appeared, but it was still not clean.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth.

If this is in front of Ayako's fiancé, maybe everything will be quite interesting!

His mind is very small, and the few words that Ayako said just now occupying the moral high ground really offended him, and his anger has not disappeared.

Mori Kogoro was looking forward to it. If such an upright young lady became one of the immoral women, what kind of picture would it be? It's interesting to think about it.

Besides, Mori Kogoro promised Tomoko not to attack Sonoko before, but her eldest daughter, Ayako, was not among them.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro stood behind Ayako and slowly leaned against her, feeling her graceful curves. His hands passed through her slender waist, grabbed her wrist, and said directly: "Ayako , you can’t wash it clean like this, let me teach you!”

Kogoro Mori didn't lower his voice when he said this, Tomizawa Yuzo in front froze for a moment, then continued to fiddle with his dishes, and didn't dare to turn around to see what happened behind him.

Sensing the fiery and strong man's body behind her, Ayako couldn't help but widen her eyes, and her face flushed instantly.

She looked at her fiancé in front of her, her face was filled with panic, and she couldn't help but said in a low voice: "Mr. Mao Li, what are you doing, let me go, I can wash myself."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, breathing on Ayako's small ears, causing her earlobes to turn red.

He said with a smirk: "Miss Ayako, did you forget about our deal? I can't wait."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put his arms around Ayako's abdomen with both hands, and he hugged him tighter. He rested his head on Ayako's soft shoulders, breathing heavily.

Chapter 0045 I will collect the interest first

No way, Maori-kun, he probably wants to trade here, this is absolutely impossible!

Ayako's pupils contracted sharply, and the sound of her heartbeat became louder and louder, and even Kogoro Mori heard the loud bang bang bang.

Looking at the back of her fiancé in front of her, she immediately struggled in panic.

Ayako begged softly, "Let go of me, Mori-kun, please, I can't do this..."

But Ayako couldn't match Mori Kogoro's strange strength, so naturally she couldn't get away.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, holding down Ayako with his left hand, and slowly climbing up with his right hand, while his head was close to Ayako's ear.

He spoke softly, with a gorgeous and charming voice, full of delusion: "Ayako, believe it or not, even if your fiancé sees this, he will pretend that he didn't see it and have no reaction at all."

"Even if the two of us are more out of line, he can't let out a fart, do you believe it?"

Hearing this, Ayako froze.

Although she didn't want to admit it, but she thought of Tomizawa Yuzo's obsequious attitude towards Mori Kogoro just now, and she believed this sentence a little bit.

But she didn't want to see this ending in her heart.

Even if it is a marriage in exchange for benefits, Ayako does not want the man she will spend her life with in the future to be such a person.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Do you want to know the result, the true face of the man in front of you who is about to marry you?"

He seemed to be a devil who bewitched others to fall, whispering beside Ayako.

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