"Do we need to inform Madam and Maori-kun, or go back to the villa first to avoid it?"

Tomizawa Tetsuji quickly said: "Oh, no, no, don't disturb them, hey, it's nothing, I just fell myself, you can just say that."

After finishing speaking, Tomizawa Tetsuji staggered towards his villa.

A group of female bodyguards stood in the rain, and the team leader among them said: "Everyone be on guard, be vigilant, I will report to Madam first!"

After saying that, the group of people dispersed.

Chapter 0046 selling his wife for glory is a talent

The female bodyguard captain soon came to the second floor, and she knocked on the bedroom door.

After a long time, Tomoko's voice came from inside: "Come in."

When the female bodyguard captain came in, she saw Yuanzi with reddish eyes, lying on the bed and rubbing her buttocks, while the lady was holding a cane in her hand.

It seems that the second Miss Yuanzi was taught a lot by his wife!

The female bodyguard acted as if she hadn't seen it, and moved to Tomoko's side, and began to report what had just happened.

"What... he was attacked... and he said he wouldn't be held accountable..."

Tomoko couldn't help but frowned slightly when she heard it, but knowing Tetsuji Tomizawa's own attitude, she didn't say much.

"Okay, you go down!"

Tomoko waved her hand, and the female bodyguard stepped back immediately, closing the door behind her.

Yuanzi saw her mother walking over with the cane, and immediately begged for mercy: "Mom, I don't dare anymore, don't punish me again!"

But in fact, Yuanzi secretly made up his mind: No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are, it can't stop me from being with my uncle.

Just wait, mom, I won't give in. After I get together with my uncle, I will give birth to a big fat boy and come back. I'll see what you say then.

Thinking of this, Yuanzi couldn't help it all of a sudden, and let out a pig laugh in the bed.

Seeing this, Tomoko couldn't help but support her forehead speechlessly, and then she continued to pretend to be vicious and said: "Sonoko, it seems that you don't realize your mistake!"

The screams sounded again in the room.

In the kitchen, Mori Kogoro was collecting his so-called interest, with a bright smile on his face.

Yuzo Tomizawa, who was at the dining table in front, was holding a small table knife. From the surface of the knife, he could see Kogoro Mori with his hands resting on the kitchen cabinet behind him to show his innocence. He didn't know what happened.

He took a deep breath and almost couldn't breathe, so he fell to the ground.

Too much deception!It's really deceiving!

Tomizawa Yuzo's eyes were red, he wished he could pick up two small knives and go back to fight Mori Kogoro, wished he could smash his big silver teeth with his fist and bleed him.

But he didn't, he was the son of a consortium, and he had received an elite education since he was a child, so it was impossible for him to do such a thing!


What kind of person, the potential is forbearance!

Don't be impulsive!

Tomizawa Yuzo stood beside the dining table and took deep breaths, and then deep breaths.

His red eyes finally regained their clarity and calmed down.

Tomizawa Yuzo let out a long sigh of relief, and then pretended to take out his mobile phone, pretending to answer the call.

"Moshi, Moxi, it's me, eh..."

Immediately afterwards, he actually, just pretended to be listening to his mobile phone, with his back to Kogoro Mori, and went outside to make room for the two of them.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed.

Seeing Ayako's eyes full of embarrassment and indignation, she laughed even more wildly.

To be reasonable, Ayako's wide eyes at this moment are really the biggest form Mori Kogoro has seen since meeting her.

Well, as long as you don't squint on purpose, these eyes are actually pretty big and pretty!

Mori Kogoro's palm gently scratched Ayako's cheek, and Ayako's face became more and more blushing.

I have to say, sometimes it's quite cool to be a pure villain!

After some operations, Mori Kogoro finished collecting the interest, and then pulled up Miss Suzuki who had been hiding behind the kitchen cabinet.

Ayako was still ashamed and angry, glaring at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro hugged Ayako's slender waist with a chuckle, causing Ayako's heart to throb again.

"Okay, the interest is over, I'm looking forward to the next transaction!"

Hearing this, Ayako's eyes became very complicated, ashamed and annoyed.

"However, our experiment has also yielded results. Your fiancé ran away. He really isn't a man."

"Tsk tsk tsk, if you want to marry this kind of man, I think it's better to forget it!"

Ayako said angrily, "You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

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