Miss Ayako, who was always quiet and elegant, could no longer keep calm.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro stroked his long hair with his big hand.

"Hehe, you'd look pretty if you had more expressions on your face. Let's cook today's dinner well, and I'll be leaving first!"

After saying this, Mori Kogoro kissed his cheek lightly, then turned and left leisurely.

As soon as he left, the sound of the washbasin's running water became louder.

It's just that Mori Kogoro just walked out of the restaurant and came to the corridor when he was startled by Tomizawa Yuzo who suddenly appeared.

He thought this guy had gone back, but he is still here, his temper is too good.

'Have backbone! ''He is a good man! '

Tomizawa Yuzo had a flattering smile on his face, raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Mori-kun, I know your attitude."

"Don't worry, Ayako, oh, no, Miss Suzuki, even if she is married, she still has absolute freedom, and there is no problem in not living at home."

"I will definitely not exceed half a point of etiquette, and I will definitely not touch the eldest lady. As long as Maori-kun needs it, I can still fight and cooperate with you. Are you trying to hide it from Mrs. Tomoko? You can rest assured that I am hiding here!"

"Hey, Mr. Mao Li is indeed extremely smart. Using this method to hide a beauty in a golden house is really beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Admiration, admiration." This smile is as cheap as an eunuch.

Hearing this, Tomizawa Yuzo has already prepared his mind and plans to sell his wife for glory.

What a fucking talent!

Show, too showy, and his wonderful father are indeed father and son.

Mori Kogoro was speechless for a while.

Soon he exchanged for a primary psychedelic talisman in his hand, which was crushed directly.

A psychedelic force poured into Tomizawa Yuzo's mind, erasing all his memories of just entering the kitchen.

Then Kogoro Mori ignored this guy, turned around and walked towards the living room.

After a long time, Yuzo Tomizawa realized it.

[Why am I standing here, hey, why do I seem to have forgotten something, why can't I remember. 】

He patted his head, and without thinking about it, he turned and entered the kitchen, eager to help Ayako prepare dinner.

Ayako had a ghostly expression on her face.

This guy's psychological quality is too strong, so he can still pretend to be nonchalant and come in to say hello to himself.

For a while, Ayako felt a little chilly, so she handed the spatula to Tomizawa Yuzo: "You can be the chef tonight, I feel a little uncomfortable, I need to rest."

Tomizawa Yuzo said with concern: "Are you uncomfortable? Leave it all to me. You go and rest."

Seeing Tomizawa Yuzo's posture, Ayako felt even more sick to her stomach, and stepped on her high heels and left.

Yusan Tomizawa, who was left confused, was busy cooking in the restaurant.

Chapter 0047 mother and daughter trio

Mori Kogoro walked back to the living room refreshed.

And Tomoko, who had taught his little daughter a lesson, was already sitting on the sofa in the living room, sipping coffee.

Refreshing short hair, delicate slapped face, a black short skirt with a waist, and a pair of folded black silk legs, elegant like a lady.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but panic when he saw Tomoko.

Just now he got up on the spur of the moment and pulled Ayako to do something very excessive. Now that he regained his senses and saw Ayako's mother, he was naturally a little flustered.

Ayako probably wouldn't tell anyone about this!

But I have to have a good talk with my friend.

This Tomizawa Yuzo is really nothing, and Ayako cannot be allowed to marry such a person.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, Tomoko stood up to meet him, hugging his arm affectionately.

"Xiao Wulang, you must take care of this crazy girl Yuanzi."

"I have taught this girl a good lesson, and she will stop for a few days."

"Also, the security captain told me an interesting thing just now. Tetsuji Tomizawa seemed to be attacked by an unknown person on his way back to the villa."

attack? ? ?

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, he just focused on collecting interest, but he didn't pay attention to it.

Tomoko closed her mouth and spoke in a low voice as if gossiping.

"And the person who attacked him seems to be his son. I think it's probably those bullshit things again."

"But it's true, he has deep conflicts with his eldest son and second son, it's normal for this kind of thing to happen..."

Tomoko dragged Kogoro Mori back to the sofa, snuggled up to him and babbled about little things.

Kogoro Mori listened to Tomoko's words, put his arms around Tomoko's soft shoulders with one hand, and covered the black silk with the other, enjoying his hand addiction.

Shu Tan, sure enough, the mother and daughter are all three-year-old series.

But Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Tomoko, Kiko mentioned to me before, what did you promise Eri when I went fishing in the boat yesterday afternoon?"

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