Chapter 0048 Headache Kogoro

"...It's okay, it's okay, a small case happened in Fuze's villa here, you guys have dinner first, Dad will go back when he's done."

"You don't need to come here. It's raining so hard. Why come here has nothing to do with you."

"Be good, be obedient, eat dinner first when it's ready, and it won't take too long."

Only then did Xiaolan put down her phone, and turned to look at the girls on the dining table who were looking at her with concern.

"Father said that there seems to be a crime in the villa on the far side, and we will come over later, let's have dinner first."

"He also said that the rain was too heavy, so let's not leave the villa."

Hearing this, Eri, who was sitting in the main seat, spoke first, "Since Kogoro said so, let's eat first."

You Xizi pouted slightly: "Really, there are cases wherever Kogoro goes, and they all automatically find him as a detective."

Yukiko still has a problem with Mori Kogoro's time being taken up by the case. He already wants to share his man with many women, and he still goes to solve the case from time to time, so wouldn't he spend less time with him?

On the other hand, Judy opened a bottle of red wine and said, "Okay, it's not like you don't know how fast Kogoro can solve the case, and it will be solved soon. Let's drink it first."

Jinghua also laughed lightly: "In this weather, eating the hot pot I prepared is the most suitable."

All the girls said to each other, and soon the atmosphere became heated, and all the girls began to enjoy the food.

On the other side, at the villa of Tomizawa's family, Mori Kogoro has some headaches.

"Master, why didn't you tell me when you came to Izu, and let me entertain you."

It's that instant noodle-headed officer Henggou again.

Mori Kogoro frowned: "I'm not your master!"

"Master, don't be ridiculous, I'm your big disciple."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's forehead twitched with blue veins. Is this Henggou suffering from hysteria?Obviously he didn't take him in, but he actually regarded himself as his disciple, which is really enough.

Henggou Shenwu looked sideways at a female bodyguard, and said in surprise, "I recognize her. She was the one who escorted the criminal in the morning's attempted murder."

"I'm so touched! Master, after you solved the case, you even sent someone to the police station to improve my achievements. I'm so touched!"

Mori Kogoro was so angry that he almost didn't come up.

He didn't call the police because he didn't want to meet this Henggou Shenwu face to face in the morning.

Seeing the face of this big horse getting closer, Kogoro Mori put his big hand on his face, pushed it away, and then said, "Officer Henggou, let's take a look at this murder case first!"

Officer Henggou immediately took out the record book and followed Kogoro Mori like a schoolboy.

The deceased who fell to the ground was Tetsuji Tomizawa, the head of the Fuze consortium.

He was shot three times, one in the heart and two in the abdomen. The bullets penetrated his body and shattered the large fish tank in front of him.

Broken glass and fishbowl water splashed all over the carpet.

In the bathtub wreckage, an arowana about [-] centimeters long was dead.

But the strange thing is that this arowana did not die of thirst, but died of mechanical damage, and the head of the fish was smashed to death.

Tetsuji Tomizawa raised the dragon fish carefully. Could it be that he believes in the theory of Feng Shui and hopes that the dragon fish will prevent disasters for him.It's a pity that this Feng Shui theory is not very accurate!

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Tetsuji Tomizawa's body, but frowned slightly.

The amount of bleeding was abnormal. The bullets in the atrium and abdomen should be in the rhythm of heavy bleeding. How could there be so much oozing.

Moreover, the lips of this corpse are slightly cyanotic, but it seems to have died of poisoning.In addition, the body's temperature and stiffness were not in line with common sense, and it really didn't look like a person who had just died.

Kogoro Mori, who was wearing gloves, stretched out his hand and lifted Tetsuharu Tomizawa's shirt, glanced at his shoulder, and was sure.

At this time, police officer Henggou was questioning the female bodyguard on the side.

"What, you said that he was attacked by gangsters when he came home before, and he was robbed of a gold watch..."

"...After that, three gunshots were heard, and then he died. Immediately disperse the police force and start searching around for me."

Officer Henggou quickly gave the order.

At this time, the sound of two cars stopping suddenly sounded outside the door, and then two young men in suits and leather shoes rushed in.

As soon as he entered the study, he saw Tetsuji Tomizawa who fell to the ground.

The two of them couldn't believe it, rushed over and immediately burst into tears.

Mori Kogoro nodded slightly. It seems that the elite education of this big consortium is pretty good, and everyone has first-class performance skills.

This sad look was created from the same template as Tomizawa Yuzo just now.

On the other hand, sisters Ayako and Sonoko looked at the three identical faces with disbelief on their faces. It was the first time for the two sisters to see the three brothers.

The two people who came were the two triplet brothers of Tomizawa Yuzo.

Wearing a black suit with a mustache and a mustache is Taichi Tomizawa, the eldest brother.

The other one with big oily hair and a green suit is Tatsuji Tomizawa, the second child.

The three of them scrambled to show the appearance of a filial son in front of everyone.

But police officer Henggou was not so easily confused by these three people. The female bodyguard's testimony just now said that the deceased scolded the word 'Nizi' angrily when he was attacked for the first time.

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