In other words, all three are suspects.

Police officer Henggou asked: "Everyone, please express your condolences and control your emotions!"

"I would like to ask where you were between four o'clock and five o'clock when the incident happened? Is there anyone who can prove it?"

The mustache Tomizawa Taichi immediately shouted: "What do you mean by asking this, do you suspect that we killed someone?"

"It's our father who died. If you don't catch the murderer, what are you doing here?"

Police officer Henggou looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and said, "It's just a routine inquiry."

Fuze Tatsuji, who had a big oily hair, cooperated very well, and said, "Because my father said that I would have dinner at this seaside villa tonight, so I booked a ticket to depart from Haneda Airport, and the plane will arrive at [-]:[-] p.m. Arrive at Ito Airport."

"Then I drove all the way back from the airport and I'm just arriving now."

Fuzeda also took out an airplane ticket from his second-hand store, and the time on it stated that the arrival time was indeed 15:34.

It does take more than an hour to drive from Ito Airport, and it is normal to arrive at almost five o'clock.

Officer Henggou turned his attention to Taiyi Tomizawa.

Tomizawa Taichi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I set off from Tokyo at noon and drove all the way here. It took four or five hours to arrive in Izu."

"Let's think about it, this is the receipt from the gas station and toll booth I passed by in the afternoon."

Tomizawa Taiyi touched his pocket, and took out a few receipts from his pocket. They were indeed receipts for toll booths passed by on the way from Tokyo to Izu, and there was also a continuous time in the afternoon on them.

In that case, neither of the brothers had time to commit crimes.

Chapter 0049 the blushing Ayako

Immediately afterwards, police officer Henggou turned his attention to Tomizawa Yuzo.

Yuanzi immediately said, "My brother-in-law didn't do it. When Uncle Zhezhi left my house, my brother-in-law stayed behind and went to the kitchen with my sister to prepare dinner."

"Isn't it? Sister!"

Ayako's face immediately turned red, and she couldn't help but glance at Kogoro Mori.

At the time of the incident, she was squatting in the kitchen, serving Mori Kogoro with all her heart, yes, in front of her fiancé.

I didn't expect to testify at such an embarrassing moment.

But Tomizawa Yuzo cannot be harmed, Ayako nodded: "Well, I can prove that Tomizawa Yuzo has always been in my house, and Mori-kun can also prove it."

And Tomizawa Yuzo was washed out of the memory at that time, and he couldn't recall it, and he was a little dazed.

Hearing what Ayako said, he followed suit and said, "That's right, I was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and I waited until I heard gunshots before running out."

Police officer Henggou couldn't help feeling a little distressed. The three brothers all had alibis, so it would be difficult.

He tapped his forehead with a pen, and couldn't help but ask, "Does your father have any other illegitimate children?"

The eldest son Taiyi immediately blew his beard and stared when he heard this: "What are you talking about, police officer?"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, it's just a routine questioning." Police officer Henggou retreated cowardly, turning his eyes to Kogoro Mouri as if asking for help.

Mori Kogoro squatted next to the corpse, looking at the broken glass and broken stones on the wet carpet, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

These three filial sons are still pretending.

The second son, Da Er, said: "Father, why don't you listen to my advice? The business is so big that you don't deserve a few bodyguards."

"If you had listened to me earlier, you wouldn't have ended up like this today."

The eldest son, Tai Yi, looked disappointed: "Hey, I brought my latest novel, and I wanted you to take a look at it. I didn't expect you to go like this, and I will never have another chance!"

Hearing this, Tomoko couldn't help lowering his head and laughing.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows slightly, and Tomoko leaned over and whispered, "That guy Tomizawa hates the novel written by his elder son the most. I really want to read it. Maybe he can be revived after death."

"He complained to me that his eldest son was unwilling to take over the company and wrote nonsense all day long."

"I also said that he forced the publishing house not to publish his son's work, which caused the father and son to turn against each other. Now that I heard this, it's really..." Tomoko shook his head and laughed.

Mori Kogoro asked, "That friend, do you know the attitude of the deceased towards that dragon fish?"

Tomoko nodded: "Of course I know, that guy Tomize always shows off his red arowana in front of me, treating him like a precious son."

"What else did you say that Arowana is loyal and can be loyal to the Lord."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Is it 'Arowana jumps into the tank and protects the Lord from disaster.'?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's the sentence, Kogoro, how do you know?"

"This is a common saying from Huaguo Fengshui. Of course I know it, but I didn't expect Tomizawa Tetsuji to be so superstitious about Huaguo Fengshui."

After listening to the information told by Tomoko, Mori Kogoro understood most of it, and the next step is to look for evidence.

Seeing that police officer Henggou was still thinking hard, Kogoro Mori quietly walked out of the study.When Ayako saw it, she frowned slightly.

She glanced at her mother and sister, and seeing that they hadn't noticed, she followed them out quietly.

Ayako followed the back of Mori Kogoro in front of him, and walked all the way, wanting to know what he was going to do.

She had been following Kogoro Mori into the tool room, but Kogoro Mori suddenly disappeared, and she panicked.

Before she could react, Ayako felt a big hand around her waist, and her body fell into a broad embrace.

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