"If you didn't want to kill him, why did you install a bug to monitor your father's movements here?"

"Also, if the bodyguards hadn't appeared at that time, you would have taken advantage of the heavy rain to commit the crime, and maybe you could have blamed Yusan who arrived at the villa first!"

Taichi Tomizawa's face became paler, and he kept saying, "I really didn't kill it, you believe me, Aunt Suzuki, Police Officer Henggou, you believe me!"

While talking, Tomizawa Taichi actually started crying.

"Okay, don't cry. I didn't say you killed your father. Your crime is at best an attempted murder."

Officer Henggou asked suspiciously: "Detective Maori, didn't he come back and shoot and kill after the attack failed?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Of course not, if I guessed correctly, the person who shot should be Mr. Tatsuji."

As soon as the words fell, there was a thunderstorm outside, and Fuze Tatsuji's face was completely pale.

Fu Zeda Er's pupils shrank for a while, and he licked his cracked lips, his voice trembling: "Detective Maori, are you kidding me!"

"I'm really not joking with you, Mr. Daer, I rushed over immediately after you shot, but I didn't see anyone."

"You are very familiar with the terrain, and no one can catch you if you just run away. The bodyguards didn't find any suspicious figure nearby."

"Then the only way to escape is by sea, and the sound of the speedboat can't be heard under the cover of the rain."

"Mr. Da Er, you are very smart. You knew that there would be a smoke reaction after shooting, so you changed your clothes, pants, and threw the pistol into the sea. No one can find it."

"It's just that you missed one thing, that is, you didn't change your shoes."

"So, I'm curious how you can explain why your shoes are stained with white that belongs to this private beach or was specially shipped from St. Barthelemy Beach Where's the sand?"

Everyone turned their eyes to the soles of the shoes, and saw the white gravel stained on the edge of the shoes.

"Of course only the guy who shot and fled can meet such conditions!"

Fuze Daer took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead desperately. He couldn't stand still, and collapsed on the ground: "I, I, I..."

Mori Kogoro continued: "Because of the rain, the land in the coconut grove is very muddy. Now let the police send someone to look for it. They will definitely find your footprints and compare them with the logo on your shoes. The result will come out!"

Hearing this, Fuze Tatsuji lowered his head deeply, his tears flowed down instantly, and his voice became hoarse: "I killed him because of Hui Mei, and I clearly love Hui Mei sincerely , Emi has conceived a child for me."

"But that guy, he didn't care about his unborn grandson at all, and said that Huimei cannot be married into the Fuze family. She is only worthy of being a mistress, and my unborn son is only worthy of being an illegitimate child."

"Why, why should my life be controlled by him."

Speaking of anger, Fuze Daer also picked up a vase at the side and smashed it heavily on the corpse, causing the vase to shatter instantly.

Police officer Henggou immediately went forward with his subordinates to control him.

After Fuze Daer vented, he lowered his head and began to cry immediately: "Hui Mei, I'm sorry for you, I'm useless, I didn't let you live a good life."

Come on, it made me cry again, these two brothers really love to cry like no other!

Mori Kogoro sighed softly, and continued, "Why are you crying? I didn't say you were the one who killed the murderer. You are at best a crime of insulting a corpse!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was stunned.

Then, everyone looked at Mori Kogoro quietly, their eyes full of remembrance.

Everyone has a feeling of being tricked, dare to say so much without mentioning the protagonist.

Kogoro Mori couldn't bear the eyes of everyone.

And Tomoko on the side couldn't help but stepped forward, Suzhi pinched Kogoro Maoli, and twisted: "Xiaogoro, can you be more serious and stop playing!"

Everyone's eyes were full of sorrow, only Fu Zeda Eryi looked overjoyed: "Detective Maori, is what you said true? Didn't I kill my father?"

"No, I clearly remember that he was shot three times."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "That's your father's body. He was already dead, and he died lying on the fish tank."

Mori Kogoro turned around and continued to speak, "Hehe, do you know why I suspect you?"

"Because I did something extremely extreme in front of you before, and you still held on and refused to leave. I was afraid that no one could prove that you were not there during that time, so I doubted you!"

This sentence made everyone a little confused, only Ayako knew what he was talking about, and immediately looked at Yuzo Tomizawa with a face full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, Ayako's small face flushed instantly, and she stared at Mori Kogoro with wide eyes: Is Mori-kun going to expose himself, and want to tell what he did in the kitchen?

Daba, absolutely not, this matter must not be said like this, once I say it, I will be ashamed to face others.

Ayako, who was blushing, went forward immediately, covered Kogoro Mori's mouth with her small hand, and begged in a low voice, "Mori-kun, you can't say it!"

Police officer Henggou immediately shouted: "Miss, what are you doing, are you going to cover up criminals? Hurry up and let go!"

Tomoko also had a disbelief on his face: "Ayako, don't mess around, let go quickly and let Kogoro continue talking."

Ayako's face was full of pleading: "Twice, Maori-kun, you promise me, I will trade with you twice!"

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro's eyes widened, and Ayako suddenly said this, which made him a little confused.

"Twice is not enough, the three times, trade three times, you are absolutely not allowed to say!"

"Ayako." Tomoko was a little angry.

Kogoro Mori nodded immediately, and Ayako was pulled away by Tomoko, who was still looking at Kogoro Mori worriedly.

Chapter 0052 Everything has a spirit

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