This silly girl doesn't know that Tomizawa Yuzo's memory has been washed by Mori Kogoro, and she doesn't even know what Mori Kogoro is talking about.

Mouri Kogoro cleared his throat, and said, "Don't pay too much attention to the small episode, let's get back to the topic."

"Actually Tetsuji Tomizawa died before his second son shot him, and he died miserably by hanging on the fish tank."

"Because he hung his arms around the edge of the bathtub and leaned forward on his stomach. From the window, it looked like he was standing and watching his beloved dragon fish, so Mr. Da Er shot directly."

"The bullet passed through the body and shattered the fish tank before the deceased fell."

Hearing this, Fuze Daji recalled his expression: "Indeed, before I shot, I still felt that my father's posture was a bit strange."

"Look, the amount of bleeding after the bullet hit is obviously abnormal, and the blood flowing out is much less. In addition, there are obvious red marks on the inner side of his arm, which are now purple."

The forensic personnel on the side raised the sleeves of the deceased and nodded to everyone after confirming.

Officer Henggou asked suspiciously: "Detective Maori, how did the deceased die? There is no one else in this villa, and he didn't die by drowning. Could it be that the sudden death was caused by the previous attack!"

After saying this, Police Officer Henggou turned his attention to his eldest son Taiyi.

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "It wasn't a sudden death, the cause of death was poisoning."

"Rock Sand Sea Anemone Toxin!"

"One of the peptide toxins is one of the most toxic non-protein toxins known, and only 2.3μg-31.5μg can kill people."

"Peptide toxins are a mixture of neurotoxins, cardiovascular toxins, and cytotoxins, and there is no antidote!"

"Once it is inhaled, it will cause the body to become stiff and almost dead. It is really cruel. Don't let him survive!"

"The designed killing method is also very simple, that is, directly kill the dead person's very precious red arowana, and then press this stone on the arowana."

"The deceased will naturally look forward to it with great concern. When they see a stone, they will naturally want to remove it."

"There are brightly colored button corals attached to the stones, and when this button coral is stimulated, it will secrete rock sand sea anemone toxin, and then the toxin rises up, which happens to be inhaled by the dead above the fish tank, causing death."

"You can see that his lips are purple, it is because of the sharp constriction of blood vessels that he died."

When Tomoko saw Mori Kogoro touching the stone, his expression changed suddenly, and he hurried forward to pull him away: "Kogoro, don't touch that stone!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Don't be afraid, this kind of coral will die after dehydration, and will no longer secrete toxins, and the toxins in the air have already been sucked out by the air extractor on the fish tank, so it is very safe."

Police officer Henggou looked at the coral attached to the stone, which had long lost its luster.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Who would have thought that Tetsuji Tomizawa would die like this just by picking up such a stone."

"This is not an accidental death, but the result of someone's careful design."

"Someone knows a lot about marine biotoxins and deliberately created an accident."

Kogoro Mori took out something from his arms and unfolded it: "Yuzo Tomizawa, did you draw this painting? You know this button coral that releases toxins, right?"

The painting on the paper is the colorful button coral, as abstract as Van Gogh's sunflowers.

The button coral in the picture scroll is weird and distorted, exuding an image of extreme enthusiasm and despair.

Tomizawa Yuzo took a step back, frowned, and looked over innocently.

"Detective Maori, you doubt me, you can't do this, you can say that I killed my father with a picture!"

"I, how could I kill someone? This is a coral that I saw when I was collecting wind on the beach. I just happened to draw it."

This guy really pretends to be like him, and his acting skills are much better than his two twin brothers.Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Maybe you don't know, when you came back from the sea looking for this button coral this afternoon, it happened to be seen by me and my companion He Ye. At that time, we happened to be on the beach. Let the air blow on the high platform."

Hearing this, the expressions of Tomoko and Sonoko instantly became subtle.

[Another one has been confirmed, unexpectedly, Kogoro also attacked He Ye. 】

[He Ye, this little brat, even robbed me of Uncle Maori, it's really unforgivable! 】

"At that time, you went ashore from the rocky beach nearby, and then walked to the villa, holding the box in your hand. The box contained button corals soaked in sea water. I have a witness!"

Hearing this, Tomizawa Yuzo's expression changed drastically.

But he quickly calmed down: "What kind of evidence is this? The rain is so heavy, and my two brothers and I look so similar. They also arrived at the villa first, and they may have done it."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "You don't admit it, but I have already found your button coral tank in the tool room."

"Also, I found the gloves and gas mask you used to transport the coral into the tank in your room."

Instead, Tomizawa Yuzo chuckled lightly: "As I said, I wasn't in the villa here at the time. It's possible that one of my two elder brothers did it, and then wanted to blame me and reduce one of the estate distributors."

"I have never been close to this fish tank, let alone the so-called button coral, rock algae toxin."

This guy looked confident, and he had cleaned up all the marks on the gloves and gas mask.

Seeing Mori Kogoro showing a troubled look, Tomizawa Yuzo couldn't help but smile smugly.

He seemed to think he was doomed.

But then Mori Kogoro smirked, instantly making Yuzo Tomizawa frightened.

Mori Kogoro turned around and squatted down, stroking the dead red dragon fish with his big hand.

"Actually, I have been taught today. Arowana is really a kind of loyal pet and will be loyal to the Lord."

Hearing this, the smile on Tomizawa Yuzo's face froze, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Mori Kogoro continued: "This dragon fish may really have a spirit, and it can predict the coming of danger."

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