Counting the amount of alcohol is recognized as the worst, and she knew that she didn't want to get drunk and lose her composure, so she struggled desperately.

However, Judy directly used the grappling technique taught by the FBI to buckle his joints upside down.

Sumi was able to break free, but she didn't want to hurt Judy, so she didn't dare to struggle. She could only be poured down a glass of red wine, and suddenly she looked dizzy, stumbling around, and about to pass out.

All the girls applauded when they saw this, and the atmosphere became extremely hot.

Immediately after they saw Mori Kogoro and Suzuki mother and daughter at the door, they immediately enthusiastically seated the four of them and curiously asked about the case that just happened.

Yuanzi with a big mouth sat down and began to talk happily.

Mori Kogoro let Tomoko and the others sit first, while he planned to take a bath.

After all, in the process of searching for clues just now, his hand touched the corpse. This bad luck cannot be brought to his wife.

After making arrangements for Tomoko and the others, Mori Kogoro turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Soon, he came to the bathroom.

The hot water from the shower head hits its solid body and flows down slowly with the muscles, making it extremely comfortable.

The rain outside the window was a little less, and it seemed that the typhoon had passed.

I just don't know how Kidd stole those jeweled shoes in Tokyo tonight.

Conan and Hattori Heiji should be able to deal with this guy.

Thinking of Kidd, Mori Kogoro thought of his beautiful mother, Chikage Kuroba, and then he thought of Chikage Kuroba's three well-built apprentices, the three Maoyan sisters.

After returning to Tokyo, I can meet them for a while.

Just as Mori Kogoro was wandering, the bathroom door was pushed open.

Sumi burst in with a flushed face. When she saw Mori Kogoro, she immediately smiled sweetly: "Master, I'm here to find you."

Sumei's face was dazed, her blue eyes were still spinning, she was clearly drunk.

She walked out of the restaurant in this drunken posture and said that she was going to the bathroom, so the girls in the restaurant did not become suspicious.

But this girl was drunk, and subconsciously knew that she was going to find Kogoro Mouri.

She staggered up to Kogoro Mouri, slammed into Kogoro Moori's arms, and dribbled the ball into him again, very brutal!

As soon as Mori Kogoro hugged Sumi, her lips immediately kissed her, extremely passionate.

"Master, Master, let me help you take a bath!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's fine to take a bath, but Master will help you untie the bar!"

To know high-intensity exercise, a sweat.

Alcohol is excreted with bodily fluids, which can naturally relieve hangovers.

Chapter 0054 Drunken Sumi 2

It wasn't raining in Tokyo, but the sky was very gloomy and cloudy.

Conan and Hattori Heiji came to Dr. Ari's house.

Today they ate instant noodles for both breakfast and lunch, and their stomachs still couldn't take it anymore, so they came to the doctor's side to play the autumn breeze.

At this moment, each of them was holding a large bowl of curry rice, eating with relish.

Looking at the sky outside the window, Hattori Heiji said: "Kudou, you said that if there is no moonlight tonight, Kaitou Kidd will not appear."

"That guy, didn't you say that you must appear under the moonlight every time?"

"A thief is a thief, why do you still have these weird habits?"

Conan took a bite of the curry and said, "Instead of worrying about this, you might as well worry about your mother. The typhoon just passed Okinawa today, and Izu is so close. I don't know if it will affect it."

"Maybe there will be a power outage there tonight, and they won't even be able to eat dinner."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan and let out a half-smile.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and released a picture.

It's a picture of tonight's dinner uploaded by Hattori Shizuka on INS.

The seafood hot pot has extremely rich ingredients, all kinds of crabs, shellfish, fish, shrimps, as well as plates of sushi, washed vegetables, rows of red wine... it can be described as everything.

The milky white soup is mouth-watering.

There is also a text on it: "On a rainy day, red wine is most suitable with a seafood meal."

After looking at the picture, Conan looked at the curry rice in his hand, and felt that the curry rice in his hand could be thrown away.

He was full of resentment, if it wasn't for Hattori, he would be enjoying all kinds of seafood at the beach, so why would he eat these things.

Thinking of this, the curry rice, which was so delicious just now, instantly became chewy.

At this time, Dr. Ali came up from the basement, still holding various props in his hand.

"Xinyi, your shoes, skateboard, anesthesia needle, and football belt have all been repaired, and I have done the things you asked me to do."

Dr. Ali held a backpack in his hand, with a worried expression on his face.

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