"But Shinichi, if you stop thinking about it, it will be very dangerous with your current body."

Conan took the backpack over and said confidently: "Doctor, don't worry, this time, while uncle is away, I will definitely fight that thief."

Pingci rolled his eyes: "Hey, hey, don't forget that I'm still here, and it's me and Kidd who have a showdown."

"But what's in your bag?"

"The secret weapon against Kidd, I won't tell you!"

Conan put his equipment on neatly, put his backpack on his back, and said, "Okay, Hattori, we should go to Ginza first, and we may not be able to squeeze Kidd's fans if we are later."

"What, it's only six o'clock now, and Kidd's forecast time is ten o'clock in the evening, is it necessary to go so early?" Hattori Heiji looked disdainful.

Conan immediately yelled: "Of course you have to go earlier, Kidd has a lot of fans, and who made that old man from Suzuki's family want to exhibit those jeweled shoes on the street, let's go!"

Heiji was taken aback by the yelling, and in the end he had no choice but to put down the curry rice in his hand and leave the doctor's house.

On the other side, in the bathroom of the seaside villa.

In the warm-colored bathroom, dense water vapor keeps rising, making the picture hazy.

The mirror was covered with a layer of mist, making it hard to see clearly, and a figure leaned against the wall.

Sumei just felt that she was so drunk that she was about to collapse, and she was almost unable to stand still! ! !Her palms tightly grasped the white tiles, her nails dug into the seams of the tiles, and the toes underneath were also exerting all their strength, gripping the ground tightly.

Her whole body was tense, it seemed that only in this way could she barely maintain the standing posture.

The hot water in the shower head continued to spurt, and fell on Sumi's back, splashing instantly.

Or some lucky drops of water fell on it again, and then slowly flowed down along the curvature of its spine.

The drops of water gathered together and gradually formed a stream of water. The stream of water flowed through Sumi's back, and finally swirled around her waist, then leaped down reluctantly, fell to the ground, and burst open.

And Sumei's face was flushed with a blush, which was a blush unique to drunkenness.

She came to the bathroom to take a bath to sober up, but the wine couldn't be undone no matter what, and she became more and more drunk.

The flowing hot water couldn't take away even half of her drunkenness.

She only felt that her mouth was getting more and more thirsty, so she simply raised her head, her jade neck was slender, like a singing swan.

The hot water from the shower head hit her cheeks, or jetted into her mouth. She drank a few swigs, and finally quenched her thirst.

Sumi really doesn't know how to drink, she was just poured a glass of red wine by Judy and Hongye, and she became what she is now.

However, Sumei enjoyed this moment very much, her whole body was soft and comfortable!

Her little head was pressed against the tiles of the wall, and she desperately endured the ups and downs of her abdomen, as if she had the urge to vomit.

After all, she still couldn't hold it anymore, as the leader of Didan High School's karate club, she still couldn't hold it anymore.

Sumei slid down slowly like a cartilaginous snake, lying on the bathroom floor, turned over, and the whole person was lying flat.

Her blurred eyes watched the water flow from the shower head fall on her body from a high place, and countless water mist splashed out, refracting colorful lights under the light, as brilliant as fireworks.

This picture is extremely beautiful.

She seemed to hear the sound of every drop of water hitting her body, ding ding dong dong, full of rhythm, and then connected into a line, like the most beautiful music!

And in the restaurant, all the girls enjoyed drinking while listening to Yuanzi's recounting of the murder that happened at Fuze Villa.

Xiaolan also relaxed, and instead of continuing to be vigilant, she joined everyone's dinner.

After hearing the story of the father and son killing each other in the Tomizawa family, all the daughters comforted Ayako who was beside her.

"Fortunately, Ayako, you didn't marry into this family, otherwise life must be difficult."

"Kogoro finally did a good deed today!"

"But Ayako, you are too stupid. Your fiancé is unmarried, so you don't have to defend him."

Ayako, who was lying on the gun all the way, could only show an embarrassed but polite smile on her face, and countless words of mmp floated in her heart.

But what worries her even more is how to resolve the three transactions with Mori Kogoro.

Now that she has no marriage contract, she has regained her freedom, and is the eldest lady of the Suzuki family. She is no longer a tool waiting for marriage, but has the same status as Sonoko.

Originally, Ayako was thinking that she was going to get married anyway, so she just gave up and let it go, and the transaction was only one time, so just bear it.

Who would have thought that once freedom was restored, there would be three more transactions, which made people speechless.

Ayako couldn't help but turned her head and looked at the heartless garden that was still blackmailing herself: Sister, this time I was really killed by you.

Chapter 0055 The Truth Test

The bathroom door opened, and Mori Kogoro in a yukata came out with Sumi in his arms.

Sumi's face was still tinged with red, and her pink lips were printed on Kogoro Mori's mouth, refusing to let go.

This girl obviously has no strength, yet she can still do such a thing.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and returned to her own bedroom with Sumi in his arms.

He slowly put his body on the bed, gently covered him with the quilt, and said in a warm voice: "Okay, stop running around when you're drunk, and have a good rest here."

Sumei's head was in a daze for a while, and she nodded obediently when she heard this, then closed her eyes, and fell asleep not long after.

She was really drunk and really tired.

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