Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed his forehead lightly, then retreated quietly, turned and walked towards the restaurant.

When you're hungry, it's a good time to have a hearty meal.

As soon as he pushed open the sliding door of the Japanese restaurant, he felt the warm atmosphere inside.

As the saying goes, there are three women in one drama, but there are a total of twelve women in it, and the scene is a bit chaotic.

When Eri saw Mori Kogoro appear, he couldn't help muttering: "Kogoro, why do you take so long to take a bath?"

Yuxiko smiled lightly and said, "If you don't show up again, Eri will go to the bathtub to get you."

On the other hand, Jing Hua prepared the seat silently and brought over a bowl of seafood soup.

As soon as Kogoro Moori sat down, he took the hot milky white soup and drank it. His eyes lit up and he gave Jinghua a thumbs up.

A smile appeared on Jinghua's face.

After drinking the soup, Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the bustling girls, put his big hand on Eri's silky thigh beside him, and asked, "What are they doing?"

Yingli didn't respond, but Yukiko explained: "They are playing the truth test, and if they can't answer, they will be punished with alcohol. Now Heye is being questioned."

It was Yuanzi who asked the question. Yuanzi's eyes were full of excitement, and he thought for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Heye, since childhood, what is the most memorable scene in your memory, and why?"

Hearing this, Xiao Heye's eyes showed nostalgia.

Immediately afterwards, his little face flushed, and he quickly glanced at Kogoro Mori, and then replied, "It's in a very beautiful martial arts arena."

"Why there?"

"Because there is my favorite person in that martial arts hall, he is very good, he will teach me martial arts, and point out my mistakes in Aikido."

The more Kogoro Mori heard it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The scene depicted was very familiar!

At this time, Judy said: "No, He Ye, you didn't tell the truth, so you will be punished with a drink."

This guy Judy actually used the FBI's lie detection technology on this.

He Ye's face turned red again, but she didn't want to drink, so she could only say, "Okay, then I'll tell the truth."

"Actually, he and I were the only two people in the Martial Arts Field at that time, and my first experience was there!"

After saying this, He Ye lowered his head shyly.

After getting such an explosive answer, all the girls were very satisfied, and couldn't help screaming "Wow!" "Wow!"

All the girls were swaying to and fro, and the atmosphere was very lively for a while.

Yuanzi couldn't stop He Ye, so he could only drink by himself sadly.

On the other hand, Yukiko and Eri looked at Mori Kogoro very delicately.

Mori Kogoro smiled wryly, he always felt that this game was dangerous.

Tomoko on the side glared at Mori Kogoro even more, with a bit of contempt in his eyes, he didn't expect him to coax the little girl like this.Soon, it was Xiaolan's turn to answer the truth.

Now it was He Ye's turn to ask questions, He Ye bowed his head and thought for a while, a smirk appeared on his little face.

"Xiao Lan, if you woke up next to your favorite person in the morning, what would you do?"

Hearing this question, Eri and Mori Kogoro couldn't help but raise their hearts.

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then said: "I think, I should lie on him, snuggle into his arms, listen to his heartbeat quietly, and wait for him to wake up!"

At this time, Judy smiled lightly and raised her glasses again: "Xiao Lan, no, you are lying, I have already said that I have studied psychology, you can't fool me."

Yuanzi asked curiously, "Xiaolan, tell me, what are you going to do?"

Yuanzi's face was full of joy, she knew that Xiaolan had a boyfriend, and her heart of gossip was ignited.

Xiao Lan suddenly looked embarrassed, and she wanted to drink directly, but her wine glass had already been taken away by the little loli Hui Yuan beside her.

Hearing Yuanzi's urging, her little face instantly turned red, and she lowered her head and whispered, "What else can I do, should I do some bad things?"

"What's wrong?"

"It's very erotic!"

There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone couldn't believe that Xiaolan said the answer.

Many women, including Hongye, Heye, and Yuxiko, thought that Xiaolan was a very pure girl, but they didn't expect her to give such an answer.

The little loli Hui Principle on the side stared at Xiaolan through gritted teeth, and said, "Pervert!"

Little Lolita immediately understood Xiaolan's usual behavior.

On the other hand, Yingli covered her forehead speechlessly. She obviously misunderstood, mistakenly thinking that Xiaolan was talking about herself.

"Kogoro, our daughter, hey..." Eri once again looked indescribable.

Mori Kogoro was very guilty, he didn't dare to make a sound, and ate silently with his head down.

He tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, lest the flames of war would hit him.

And Jinghua on the side kept looking at Kogoro Mori, constantly moving her chopsticks to hold various nutritious dishes for him, and she was very satisfied seeing Kogoro Mori eating to his heart's content.

Fortunately, this truth-telling test did not affect Mori Kogoro in the end.

The girls also saw a group of elders by their side, so they didn't dare to go too far, and restrained themselves a lot.

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