But after this game, the girls got to know each other a lot.

After more than an hour, the dinner finally came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, Sonoko proposed to watch Tokyo's live broadcast showdown between Uncle Jiroji and Kaitou Kidd tonight.

Tomoko and Ayako are also quite concerned about this matter.

Besides, it was still raining outside, it was inconvenient to go out, and there was nothing interesting in the villa, so this proposal was quickly approved.

The girls quickly prepared various fruit drinks and snacks, and directly remodeled the living room.

They removed the coffee table in the middle and replaced it with two large beds, connecting the left, right and back three sofas.

Hongye also brought a few quilts, making it almost like a home theater.

When the 108-inch LCD TV was turned on, the whole feeling was the same as in a theater, except that there were lively beauties beside him, and Mori Kogoro was also very satisfied.

Soon, the live broadcast of Nichimai TV station appeared on the LCD screen.

Chapter 0056 I will take care of your mother


At the moment, the streets of Ginza, Tokyo are full of people, mostly boys and girls who worship Kidd.

And in the center of this crossroads, there is a display cabinet, on which are the amethyst high-heeled shoes of this exhibition.

But there are only four bodyguards around this treasure.

Ginzo Nakamori pulled Jirokichi Suzuki with an anxious look on his face.

"You guy, what exactly do you mean? Why are you holding an exhibition on the street? There are so many people. Didn't they make it clear that they want to give the treasure to Kidd?"

Suzuki Jirokichi coughed twice, then laughed loudly: "A policeman like you, who has been fooled by Kidd, of course won't know my intentions."

"Today I managed to dismiss Detective Maori, and this time I will be the only one who grabs Kidd's front page headlines."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to make final tactical adjustments in the chariot."

After saying this, Suzuki Jirokichi turned around and walked towards the monitoring vehicle, his face flushed with excitement.

His previous appearance of being sick and haggard was gone.

This old guy will only become so excited when Kidd appears.

Nakamori Ginzo wanted to catch up and inquire, but he tripped over something under his feet. He looked down and saw that there was an unknown thing sealed in the ground, and he couldn't help being a little confused.

In the crowd, Aoko Nakamori and her best friend Keiko Momoi were among them.

Momoi Keiko looked expectant: "Qingzi, do you think Kidd will show up tonight?"

Qingzi said: "As long as there is a notice letter, he will definitely appear, but Huizi, Kidd is a thief, why do you want to see him so much?"

"Who said I wanted to see him? I wanted to see Kogoro Mori. As soon as Kidd appeared, Detective Mori would definitely appear."

"The last samurai in the sunset is so handsome. It would be great if I could talk to him."

Keiko suddenly looked like a nympho, and smiled shyly while hugging Qingzi's arm.

Qingzi was speechless for a moment, since when did his best friend turn from Kidd to his man.

But Keiko's expectation can only be in vain, Aoko knows that Mori Kogoro is taking his family to Izu for vacation.

Thinking of this, Qingzi couldn't help feeling resentful: Damn uncle, he didn't even take me with him on vacation, and I will kill you when you come back.

Qingzi clenched his fists and swore secretly.

And in the crowd there were Lai Shenglei and Lai Shengai, sisters, two girls, arm in arm, wandering around the crossroads.

Soon they discovered the agency at the intersection, and the two sisters looked at each other and smiled, their faces full of disdain.

Lai Shengai shook her head speechlessly: "Sister, if you want to watch the excitement, you can come by yourself. Why do you bring me with you? What's so interesting about it?"

"Isn't it easy for Master's son to deal with such a small situation?"

Laishenglei reached out and patted the little head of the third sister, and said, "Isn't the eldest sister able to order you now? You have nothing to do at home, so I'm not satisfied with coming to see the excitement."

After speaking, Sheng Lei turned around and searched again.

The eccentric Afterlife Ai muttered in a low voice: "What's the excitement, I obviously want to see my lover."

"In my opinion, Detective Maori, that big-hearted radish, is not a good match!"

As soon as the words fell, the ears of love in the next life were screwed up.

Lai Shenglei, who is always elegant and gentle, chuckled softly: "Don't think I can't hear what you say? Let me say one more thing, be careful of your skin."

Love in the next life immediately confessed.

As for Lai Sheng Lei Qiao, who turned her head away, a blush appeared on her pretty face, she had indeed been told what was on her mind.

And in the villa by the seaside of Izu, everyone was watching the live broadcast of Nikkei TV.

The nearly two-meter-high high-definition LCD screen displayed the live broadcast very clearly.

Xiaolan and Sonoko also found traces of Hattori Heiji and Conan on TV.

These two guys were standing next to Officer Nakamori, looking ready to go.

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