But Kogoro Mouri, who was sitting at the end and leaning on the sofa, was a little bit reluctant to leave.

On his left was Yukiko, and on his right was Hattori Shizuka.

The three sat very close to each other, each covered with a thin quilt.

But in private, Mori Kogoro's left and right hands were inserted into the quilts of the two women respectively, and he continued to wreak havoc on the two graceful female bodies, which was a lot of fun.

【Conan, Heiji, you two, go catch Kidd well, I will take care of your mother! 】

Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of complacency, even if the girls in front turned around, they couldn't find anything unusual.

Because they will see Mori Kogoro's hands outside the sheet, very innocent.

This is the substitute technique that Mori Kogoro learned after in-depth communication with Kuroba Chikage.

It is said to be a substitute technique, but it is actually an inflatable doll, not a ninja's substitute technique that turns into a piece of wood.

This is the same principle as the inflatable dummies Kidd usually uses.

The dummy that Kidd carried with him was only the size of a fingernail, but when it was inflated, it would become the size of an adult, and once it exploded, it would become fragments the size of a fingernail again.

Kidd used this method to deceive Qingzi in the movie theater in Tropical Paradise before.

The key lies in the secret materials of the Kuroba family.

You only need to pinch the material according to the proportion, and it will expand proportionally after inflating, and it will not deform, so Kidd can often use the dummy to get out.

This special material Kuroba Chikage was also given to Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro, who is full of kneading plasticine skills, naturally uses this material to knead his own little clay figurines.

He just used this to pinch off the little clay figurine's hands, inflated them and stuck them to his shoulders, creating the illusion that his hands were still outside the bed.

The girls in front saw that Moori Kogoro's hands were so honest, so they naturally wouldn't suspect that he was doing something bad.

On the left and right, You Xizi and Jinghua had pretty faces flushed, mist appeared in their beautiful eyes, and they couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mouri.

What a bad guy, dare to be so bold in front of so many people.

Yukiko poked the inflatable arms on Mori Kogoro's quilt: Hey, there are so many tricks to do bad things!

When the two women were attacked, they didn't dare to speak up. They could only pretend to be calm and control themselves not to make any noise.

You Xizi is an actor, as soon as she wanted to control, she easily controlled her expression, and the blush on her face disappeared immediately, without showing any clues.

She instantly became inviolable like an iceberg goddess, which made Kogoro Mori's heart itch more and more.

But Jinghua didn't have this ability, so she could only close her eyes delicately, pretending to be asleep, but the slight trembling of her little face exposed her.

Jinghua had no choice but to pull up the quilt and cover her head, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter 0057 the little head under the sheet

Mori Kogoro was gently twisting two grapes with both hands. The specifications were different, but they were all the same plump, round, elastic, and water would come out when pinched, which was very good.

Eri came over after washing the fruit, and couldn't help being very satisfied to see Mori Kogoro so honest.

Seeing that the other women were all looking at the screen, she leaned forward and secretly kissed Kogoro Mouri on the cheek.

Then she took out a sliced ​​apple from the plate and fed it to Mori Kogoro: "For the sake of being so obedient, this is a reward for you."

Crisp and sweet, the taste is very good.

On the side, Yuxiko looked at Eri with a complicated expression. Seeing this, Eri took another piece of apple and brought it to Yuxiko's mouth: "Youxiko also has a share."

You Xizi obediently ate the apple slices.

A satisfied smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, what more could one wish for in such a day when someone was waiting for him.

Yingli turned to look at Jinghua who was covered with a quilt on one side, and couldn't help asking: "Jinghua, are you tired? If you are tired, go back to your room and rest!"

Hattori Shizuka carefully took off the quilt, only showing her small head, and said in a low voice: "I'm fine, it's just a little cold, I still want to watch the live broadcast!"

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about it, Eri stopped paying attention and sent it to the front with a large plate of fruit.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Jinghua quietly covered her little head with the quilt again.

Kidd finally appeared on the live TV screen.

A white paraglider keeps flying from a distance, and it is very conspicuous under the spotlight of the helicopter in the sky.

It's just that the paraglider still has a propeller behind it.

The flight path of the paraglider was very stiff, and the people under the paraglider were also motionless.

Mori Kogoro only took one look and saw that the person under the paraglider was pretending to be a dummy, which was made of the same material as his own hands on the sheet.

But the people under the Ginza in Tokyo couldn't see through it, and the audience was excited and kept shouting Kidd's name.

Heiji and Conan also became serious, and their eyes were fixed on the flying paraglider.

However, both of them also found anomalies.

Suddenly, a cloud of white smoke exploded from the paraglider, and soon, a white figure appeared on the exhibition stand guarded by the four bodyguards. It was Kaitou Kidd.

The surrounding audience couldn't help exclaiming: "Hiss, is this jumping directly onto the exhibition stand?"

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