Conan's small face immediately panicked, and he quickly said: "Sister Xiaolan, how could I be in the Mihua Hotel? Huiyuan and I are staying at Dr. Li's house tonight, so we won't be going back." Dr. Li and Dr. Ali were also flustered for a while.

Dr. A Li hurriedly opened his mouth as a cover: "Xiao Lan, it's too late now, let these two children stay here, and I will send them there tomorrow."

"Okay, Conan and Huiyuan, you two must be obedient!" Xiaolan hung up the phone, and Dr. Li and Conan in the Beetle breathed a long sigh of relief.

Chapter 0104 Miyano Shiho

Dr. A Li couldn't help frowning: "Xinyi, Xiaolan and the others are guarding the hotel entrance, what about Huiyuan?"

Conan held his chin with a stern face. He looked at the box on the back seat of the Beetle, turned his head to look at Dr. Ali, and said quickly, "Doctor, take off your clothes."

"Xinyi, what do you want to do?" Dr. Ali immediately looked terrified.

Conan couldn't help but cast a blank look at Dr. Ali: "Please, I'm going to use your clothes and the cardboard box behind to disguise myself, and then go inside to find Huiyuan. Where did you think?"

Dr. Ali couldn't help but chuckled: "Isn't it just to adjust the atmosphere? Maybe nothing happened to Huiyuan, so don't be too nervous."

While speaking, he took off his coat, revealing his fat body inside. Dr. A Li was only wearing a white vest that had not been washed for a long time, which had already turned yellow.

Even in the car, Dr. A Li felt a chill, and couldn't help hugging his arms tightly, and said, "Xinyi, you need to come back soon."

Conan felt a chill when he heard this voice, and couldn't help shaking!


In the hotel room, soft songs played on vinyl records.

Miyano Shiho's body twisted continuously, as beautiful as a work of art.

too hot!

Drops of sweat kept oozing from her body, hanging on her white body, crystal clear, Miyano Shiho's eyes were only blurred.

As the sweat continued to ooze out, a faint fragrance lingered in the room, which was a surprising existence, a natural body fragrance.

But at this moment, Miyano Shiho didn't realize it, she seemed to have lost her mind, and there was no meaning in her mouth.


Xiaolan outside the Cup House Hotel soon saw a dwarf with a very strange figure. The dwarf walked into the Cup House Hotel quickly, but she didn't care at all.

This dwarf with a very weird figure is naturally Conan. As soon as Conan entered the hotel, he rushed to a corner and took off all the camouflage items on his body.

He tore off Dr. Ali's clothes, with a rescued expression on his face. Dr. Ali's coat hadn't been washed for many days, and it had a strong body odor, which almost killed Conan. .

Conan threw away Dr. Ali's clothes, then took off the cardboard box on his body, and immediately ran towards the front desk.

Conan raised his head and pretended to be curious: "Sister, sister, how many wine cellars are there in this hotel?"

When the front desk lady heard Conan's question, she smiled cordially, turned on the computer and started searching: "There are six rooms in total."

At this time, the manager of the hotel came over and said, "Who of you took the key to the storage room on the third basement floor? The key is missing. Look for it quickly. There are fine wines from various countries in it."

When Conan heard this, a look of joy flashed across his face, and he quickly ran towards the elevator, three floors underground, three floors underground!

He soon came to the third basement floor, and when he saw the sign of the storage room hanging at the door, he hurried forward. The room was tightly locked.

Conan quickly squatted down, turned the switch on the shoe, and a football appeared from the belt on his abdomen, and the football bulged instantly.

He kicked the football, and the football knocked open the door. Conan immediately rushed in and shouted, "Huihara, Huiyuan, where are you?"


In room 868, the songs played gradually became more and more exciting, and the drums became very rhythmic and became more and more powerful.

Miyano Shiho's face was flushed, as if she had a fever, her mouth was slightly parted, her lips were so red that they were almost bleeding, her small face and upper body were tightly pressed against the glass of the French window, watching the night view of Tokyo, and the constant Flying snowflakes: so beautiful! ! !

A contented smile appeared on her small face. At this moment, she felt extremely fulfilled and extremely secure. The fear in her heart gradually dissipated. Collapse.


Conan began to turn over in the storage room on the third floor below. There was a table in the storage room. The laptop that should have belonged to Pisco disappeared on the table, but Conan found the destroyed laptop on the table. Detective badge, Conan's heart sank: Huiyuan!

But at this moment, Conan, who lowered his head, saw a piece of rags. A glint of hope flashed in his eyes, and he quickly searched again. Sure enough, he saw a few pieces of rags in the gap of a wine cabinet. The skirt that Haibara was originally wearing.

A smile appeared on Conan's face, and he looked towards the chimney in the storage room.

Sure enough, you should have escaped, Huiyuan!

There were no more useful clues in the storage room, so Conan immediately turned around and ran towards the elevator again.

The elevator soon stopped on the [-]nd floor, and Conan hurriedly ran towards the rooftop, shouting: "Huiyuan! Huiyuan!"

But there was no one on the quiet rooftop, only the white snow kept falling. Conan did not want to believe this scene, and began to check the chimneys. Soon, he found that there were many cracks in a chimney, which were shot out with a pistol. My mind was unsteady for a while.

Conan continued to search, and finally found a pool of blood covered by heavy snow behind the chimney. He couldn't stand still anymore, and fell to his knees on the snow.

Conan raised his head and roared: "No matter who it is, I will definitely catch you!"


In Room 868, Miyano Shiho also raised his head, revealing his snow-white swan neck, and exclaimed.

She sat on the table of the dressing table, looked at the mirror behind her head, and saw herself in a mess in the mirror, her brown hair was completely wet, sticking to her pretty face, and the eyebrows on her small face were completely stretched Come on, the light blue eyes are full of mist, and the self in the mirror shows an expression that he has never seen before.

Miyano Shiho couldn't help laughing shyly, but soon she couldn't laugh anymore.

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