The vinyl record in the room began to play an exciting bullfight dance. Under the passionate music, it seemed that an elegant Spanish bullfighter was holding a flower dart. The vital spot on the back of an ox.


In the black De Tomaso, Gin was sitting in the back seat with his eyes closed, enduring the pain in his body. He had six gunshot wounds on his body, and Vodka, the unlucky boy, passed out again.

Sitting in the driver's seat was Chris with delicate makeup. She was driving the car with a lady's cigarette between her fingertips, her movements were extremely elegant.

"So, you met your nemesis again, Kogoro Mori." A smile curled up on the corner of Chris's mouth.

"Two against one and it turned out like this, it's really eye-opening."

A glint of coldness flashed across Chris's water-green eyes: "Then what does Shirley have to do with Mori Kogoro?"

Gin's hoarse voice came from the back seat: "The two of them probably don't know each other, but..." How could ordinary people go to the empty rooftop?

Gin opened his closed eyes, a cold light flashed across the carriage, and he said, "Bermod, tell the boss for me that I participated in that plan."

"Wow, is Mr. Gin going to work hard? This is really interesting!"

Chris turned her head and looked out the window, Kogoro Mori, who are you?

Chapter 0105

The sound of music in the room intensified, rendering a charming and romantic color.

Mori Kogoro stood on the blanket, hugging Miyano Shiho, who hung on Mori Kogoro like a koala.

Looking at the large gray in front of him, Kogoro Mori really likes it more and more.

Miyano Shiho said emotionally to Mori Kogoro, "I really like Mori-kun the most!"

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Really? Me too!"

Miyano Shiho's face was filled with joy.

"I also really like myself."

Hearing this, the smile on Miyano Shiho's face gradually disappeared, and he almost stood up.

When Kogoro Mori saw this small Miyano Shiho, he couldn't help but leaned forward, and kissed her red lips in one breath, using two prongs to calm down her little emotions immediately.

Looking at Miyano Shiho who looked like a little woman, Mori Kogoro gently rubbed his head against Miyano Shiho's little head, and said affectionately: "Actually, I really like Miss Shiho too."

Mori Kogoro hugged Miyano Shiho, and only then did he know how slender Miyano Shiho was. She was five centimeters taller than Xiaolan, but much thinner than Xiaolan, only her butt was better.

Mori Kogoro said to Miyano Shiho: "I need to eat more in the future, I like plump women, you know?"

At this moment, Miyano Shiho has no time to pay attention to Mori Kogoro, she is experiencing the ninth super evolution in her life.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but looked up at the ceiling, alas, I can't find an opponent in my life, I am really lonely and embarrassing.


Outside the Cupido Hotel, a dwarf with a strange figure came to the corner, where Dr. Ali's Beetle was parked, and the dwarf opened the door.

Dr. A Li immediately asked: "How is it? Xinyi, where is Ai?"

"Xiao Ai was taken away by the people of the dark organization." Conan's face was sad, and Dr. A Li's face was also ugly when he heard this.

"Then let's call the police, Shinichi." Dr. A Li made a gesture to call the police.

"It's useless, their whereabouts are extremely strange, and people from the Metropolitan Police Department can't find them at all. Damn it, how can I explain to Uncle Maori now." Conan punched Dr. Ali's car.

The atmosphere in the car was gloomy. Conan's only clue now was the Porsche that Gin and the others parked here, but he didn't know if Gin would come back to pick up the car, so he had to wait for the current plan.

In the car behind, the tired-looking Fei Yingri fell asleep lying on the steering wheel, while Xiaolan strained her eyes, still waiting for Mori Kogoro to come out.

Originally, according to Xiaolan's wishes, it would be fine to call and ask Mori Kogoro what he was doing, but Fei Yingli insisted on seeing it with her own eyes, so she stopped Xiaolan, which led to the current situation.


Time passed extremely quickly, the heavy snow stopped in the middle of the night, and all the dark clouds in the sky dispersed.

In the morning, the morning light shone on Miyano Shiho's pretty face. You can see the youthfulness of a girl, the maturity of Yu Jie, and the breath of youth.

Miyano Shiho opened her big light blue eyes, looked at Mori Kogoro who was sleeping soundly beside him, a trace of satisfaction immediately appeared on his small face, and squeezed greedily into Mori Kogoro's arms.

After nearly six hours of fierce fighting last night, she didn't know how she survived it, and she didn't fall asleep until after two o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Miyano Shiho woke up, he felt dizzy. Her cold was almost cured, that is to say, he might shrink again at any moment.

Thinking of this, Miyano Shiho couldn't sleep anymore, she took away Kogoro Mori's big hand from her chest, and then slowly got out of bed.

Miyano Shiho stepped on the carpet with both feet, his legs were still trembling uncontrollably, his right hand was covering his lower abdomen, there was a slight pain.

She leaned on the wall and slowly walked in the direction of the bathroom. Hui Yuan in the bathroom quietly took the portable phone in the room and asked the front desk staff to help buy a set of children's clothes.

Soon, a staff member sent a set of children's clothes. Miyano Shiho took the clothes and went back to the bathroom.

Mori Kogoro, who was lying on the big bed, opened his eyes, but he didn't care, smiled, and turned to sleep.

The light of the morning light not only woke up Miyano Shiho, but also woke up Fei Yingli who was in the car. It's been a night.

"Xiaolan, did you see your father come out?" Xiaolan shook her head repeatedly. She persisted for most of the night last night and finally fell asleep. At this moment, Xiaolan's eyes were a little red, but she didn't see Mori Kogoro coming out. figure.

"Mom, could it be that Dad left long ago? It's useless for us to wait here!" Xiaolan just wanted to go back and catch up on sleep, because she was really sleepy now.

There was a cold smile on Fei Yingli's face. At this moment, her mood was the same as that of Yukiko and Mori Kogoro who caught the traitor nine years ago. A woman's sixth sense is so unreasonable.

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