Maori, Maori, don't let me down again.

"Let's go, Xiaolan, let's go up and look for him. I want to see what other tricks he can do?" Fei Yingli opened the car door, stepped on her high heels and walked into the Puihu Hotel. Xiaolan hurriedly followed superior.

Feiyingli looked at the signboard of the Cupido Hotel, took the elevator with Xiaolan to the reception desk on the eighth floor, and said to the receptionist lady: "I want to know if there was a person named Mori Kogoro here last night." Has anyone checked in here?"

The front desk lady shook her head: "Sorry, we can't sell our customers' privacy."

Fei Yingli couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Privacy, I advise you to just do as I tell you. I am Kogoro Mori's wife, and this is his daughter. Now if you cooperate with me, then this matter will be with you." The hotel has nothing to do with it, otherwise, your hotel with incomplete procedures will definitely go bankrupt, believe me, I definitely have the ability to do it."

Fei Yingli handed over a gold-plated business card, which read: Yingli Law Firm - Fei Yingli.

The manager at the side recognized the well-known queen of the legal and political circles, and quickly asked the front desk lady to cooperate. The front desk lady quickly found out that the room where Mori Kogoro and Miyano Shiho stayed was in Room 868.

Feiyingli and Xiaolan went to Room 868.

Chapter 0106

Mori Kogoro was in a light sleep, when there was a knock on the door suddenly, and Emri's voice: "Moori Kogoro, open the door for me."

Hearing Fei Yingli's voice, Mori Kogoro woke up instantly, with a frightened expression on his face: "Pills!"

And Miyano Shiho's face in the bathroom changed drastically, and his little face was panicked.

Mori Kogoro rolled over from the bed with a carp, kicked the quilt away, his whole body exploded with speed, lifted the blood-stained sheet with one hand, and wrapped the women's clothing and women's shoes in the cabinet.

Then he took the package, rushed to the balcony, and kicked the package out.

Mori Kogoro immediately returned to the room, took out the spare sheets stored in the closet, and immediately put them on the bed.

There was the sound of a key turning at the door.

Mori Kogoro immediately grabbed the quilt on the carpet, then lay down, closed his eyes, and the whole set of movements took only two seconds.

Finally, he saw the clothes and pants scattered aside, and grabbed them into the bed.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro realized that Miyano Shiho was still in the bathroom, and he couldn't help smiling wryly: "It's still a pill."

The gate of 868 opened, and the rhythmic sound of high-heeled shoes came out. Fei Yingli folded her arms, and Danfeng's eyes were full of coldness. She walked in like a queen, followed by Xiaolan.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro acted like he had just woken up, stretched his waist with sleepy eyes: "Eri, Xiao Ran, why are you here?"

Xiaolan's eyes were full of complaints: "Dad, I just wanted to ask you, why did you sleep here?"

And Feiyingli didn't say a word, and began to inspect the whole room. She opened the wardrobes one by one, empty, still empty, Feiyingli walked outside the balcony, but still didn't see anything.

Thanks to Miyano Shiho's sweat from yesterday, there was a peculiar natural body fragrance, which covered up the smell of phyllo in the room, and Fei Yingli just felt that the room smelled a little fragrant.

"Lan, look under the bed."

Xiaolan lay down obediently, but didn't see anything.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be surprised: "Eri, what are you doing?"

At this time, a woman's humming sound suddenly came from the bathroom, and the expressions of the three people in the room changed immediately.

Feiyingli and Xiaolan walked towards the bathroom. The bathroom door in this kind of hotel is not locked. Feiyingli pushed open the bathroom door with a cold face, and couldn't help being stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

Standing timidly inside is a tender and tender little girl, taking a bath.

Although Mao Li is lustful, he is not so lustful. Let's attack this six or seven-year-old girl!

Immediately, a little girl's scream came from the bathroom. Seeing Hui Yuan who was naked and with her arms folded, Xiao Lan couldn't help but exclaimed, "Hui Yuan, why are you here?"

Concubine Yingli's face turned cold, and she turned to look at Xiaolan: "Is this the little girl who lives at home, Huiyuan Ai?"

Haibara, who had shrunk back from Miyano Shiho at this moment, had a cold expression on his face, and said, "It should be a very rude thing to open the door and come in without saying a word when someone else is taking a bath."

Her big pale blue eyes stared fiercely at Feiyingli: Old woman, one day I will completely defeat you!

Feiyingli nodded apologetically, then closed the bathroom door, and she and Xiaolan backed out.

Hieiri and Xiaolan came out and came to Mouri Kogoro.

"Father, what's going on here? Why is Xiao Ai here?" Xiao Lan couldn't help asking in doubt, and Fei Yingli beside her also looked concerned.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his head, pretending to remember: "After we separated from you yesterday, I went to the [-]th floor to help Police Officer Megure solve the murder case, because I didn't want to bring you bad luck on Christmas." I had a good impression, so I didn't tell you guys, I told you to go back first. After the case was solved, I just met an old friend, and I drank with him in the tavern below. Let's rest now. As for the child Huiyuan, I didn't know why he appeared in the hotel by himself last night, and then I brought him to the room to rest."

Mori Kogoro tried his best to weave lies, and spoke very loudly. At this time, it depends on whether he and Haibara have a tacit understanding.

The bathroom door opened, and Huiyuan came out wearing a white coat. Her brown hair was wet, and she put on the silver necklace she had hidden in the bathroom again. With a cold face, she spoke to Feiyingli and Xiaolan. Said: "That's right, taking care of Uncle Mao Li last night really exhausted me."

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Then why did you appear here, Huiyuan?"

Huiyuan said calmly: "Dr. A Li brought me and Conan here for a big meal last night. I saw Uncle Maori in the middle and came to him. At that time, Uncle Maori was almost unconscious. After that, we went to rest in the hotel room."

Hearing what Huiyuan said, Xiaolan couldn't help clapping her hands: "Oh, yes, I said that I saw the doctor and Conan last night, and these two guys lied to me that they were at home, so they came here secretly Eat a big meal, Conan is really too bad, and lied again."

On the side, Fei Yingli heard Kogoro Mori and Ai Haibara's explanation, and her face became calmer. Finally, Danfeng rolled her eyes at Kogoro Mori, and then stepped on her high heels and walked out the door.

"Hey, Eri, why are you leaving so quickly?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking to stay.

Xiaolan hurriedly chased her out: "Mom, mom."

Not long after, the two left the room. Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro and Haibara breathed a sigh of relief.

The test belonging to Kogoro Mori has ended, and the test belonging to Haibara has just officially started. Kogoro Moori picked up Haibara and said, "Xiao Ai, thank you for your cooperation just now."

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