"you are welcome!"

Kogoro Moori stared at Haibara's big eyes, and couldn't help but said, "It's just Haibara, how did you get into this room?"

Huiyuan's heart was beating nervously at this moment. She swallowed her saliva and said, "That was when I was on the first floor in the morning, and I met a big sister who looked very similar to me. Talked to me very kindly, and finally she showed me that she was with a famous Maori detective last night, and I didn't know that uncle was on it, so she let her take me into the room."

Kogoro Mori looked at Huiyuan, who was sweating on his forehead, and uttered two completely different versions of lies at once. His face was tense, and his pulse was beating extremely fast, so he didn't bother her anymore.

Mori Kogoro pretended to believe this statement all of a sudden, and instead of delving into it further, he asked, "What about the big sister who looks very similar to you? Where did she go, do you know?"

Hui Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly replied: "She just said that she was going to do something very important, and then left the hotel."

Mori Kogoro pretended to look regretful, and said, "That's really a pity, I still want to learn marksmanship with her again!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan couldn't help but feel the veins jumping in his forehead.

Chapter 0107

In the hotel room, both of them were on the bed, Kogoro Mori was sitting, and Haibara was standing in front of him.

Haibara was quite curious, what was the first impression he left on Mori Kogoro after he became Miyano Shiho, he couldn't help asking with a smile on his face: "Uncle Mori, what do you think of that Miyano sister? "

Mori Kogoro made a look of looking up and thinking hard, and finally turned his head back, with a mean smile on his face, and said to Haibara: "Big ass! And there is a lot of water!"

Haibara's smile froze immediately upon hearing Kogoro Mori's words, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and finally her little face became very gloomy. She never thought that she would leave such a comment on her first appearance.

"There's a lot of water." These four words kept echoing in her mind, and Haibara couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Mori Kogoro's thigh with his short legs.

No pain at all!

"Ah, Xiao Ai, why are you kicking me? I mean, Miss Miyano I saw yesterday sweats a lot. You don't know that she can still sweat all over in snowy days. Her night sweats are quite similar to Xiao Ai. of."

Mori Kogoro felt relieved for a while, with a happy smile on his face, he hugged Huiyuan into his arms, and continued to speak: "Oh, you are still young, even if I tell you, you don't understand."

Huiyuan looked as if his anger was still lingering.

Mori Kogoro then said: "To be honest, she is really a mysterious woman, she is very beautiful, Xiao Ai, you don't know, the first time I saw her was on the rooftop, she was raped by two little hair The thieves were chasing her, but my uncle saved her easily, this should be a hero saving the beauty, my uncle was super handsome last night."

When Haibara heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Kogoro Mori several times. How could there be such a person who praised himself, even though Kogoro Mori was indeed super handsome last night.

"Then, after her uncle rescued her, she wanted to repay her uncle, but she had nothing on her body. In the end, she decided to make a promise to her uncle. Uncle shirked it for a long time, but she finally accepted it because of her determination. of."

Nonsense! ! !

Huiyuan's eyes were full of anger: I didn't make a promise last night, obviously the big pervert in front of me forced me, and I shirked it for a long time, shied you paralyzed, can't you shirk it for six hours?

Huiyuan's small face was very gloomy, and his nails dug hard into Kogoro Mori's thigh muscles.

It is also completely painless!

Kogoro Mouri looked at Huiyuan who bowed his head, his stomach twitched with laughter, he picked up Huiyuan's little hand: "Xiao Ai, don't be naughty, this is wrong, otherwise uncle won't tell you. "

Mori Kogoro continued: "However, this guy is too bad. He left without saying a word, and didn't even leave me a contact information. How can I find her in the future? It's really irresponsible .”

Huibara couldn't help frowning when she heard this. Just now, Fei Eri suddenly attacked, and she suddenly became smaller at that time. It is true that she didn't leave any information for Mori Kogoro, but she looked at Mouri Kogoro with distressed expression I couldn't help but start to feel complacent: I started to think about myself so quickly, and sure enough, the charm of my own adult appearance was unstoppable, even Mori Kogoro would bow down under his skirt.

"Hey, if I knew it earlier, I would have done it several times. What a pity!"

This was a critical blow to Huiyuan, she couldn't bear it anymore, and started to slap Moori Kogoro with both hands and feet.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you, don't be naughty." Huiyuan's riot was quickly suppressed by Maoli Kogoro, who pretended to be puzzled and said: "Hey, Xiao Ai, are you angry? Can’t be like this! Oh, I forgot again, Xiao Ai is a child, how could uncle tell you this, no wonder he would be angry, I’m sorry, Xiao Ai.”

Kogoro Moori rubbed his nose gently against Huiyuan's small nose, and Huiyuan's face, which was originally swollen, soon turned from cloudy to sunny again, and the two began to play around again.

After teasing Huihara, who has completely transformed into a soft and cute loli, Kogoro Mori quickly got up to wash up. After a while, Kogoro Mori came out after washing. He was already fully dressed. Hui Yuan said, "Let's go, Xiao Ai, let's go eat."

Hui Yuan, who was sitting on the bed, was about to get up, but when she moved her body, she couldn't help frowning slightly, the pain coming from her body was unbearable, she couldn't help but opened her big watery eyes, and looked at Mo Li Kogoro pitifully: " Uncle Maori, I need a hug."

At this moment, Haibara's cuteness is completely off the charts, and Mori Kogoro is even more sympathetic when he sees the reluctant Haibara.

He walked to the bedside and gently hugged Huiyuan, kissed Huiyuan's little cheek, and the two walked out of the room and went upstairs to the high-end restaurant on the [-]th floor.


After a while, Mori Kogoro, who was full of food and drink, returned to the first floor with Haibara in his arms, and walked out of the Cupido Hotel.

Conan, who was sitting on the Beetle car with sharp eyes, couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. He had judged last night that Huiyuan was either captured by the people of the dark organization or killed. saw her in his arms.

Conan ignored Dr. Ari, who was snoring in the car, and quickly opened the car door, and ran towards Kogoro Mori.

"Haihara, Huihara, Uncle Maori..."

Seeing Conan, who was panting in front of him, Mori Kogoro preemptively said, "Come here with Xiao Ai in the morning, and you will lose Xiao Ai. Conan, you are so irresponsible." A burst chestnut fell directly on Conan's head.

Conan dodged Mouri Kogoro's pursuit again and again, but he didn't care about the big red envelope on his head. He looked at Haibara with concern, and said, "Haibara, are you okay?"

Haibara, who was sitting on Kogoro Mori's arm, had a cold face, not like a soft and cute loli just now, and said, "I'm fine."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning: "You boy, what will happen if Haibara is with me?" He made a gesture to hit Conan, but Conan kept dodging, Conan obviously wanted to say something more, and saw Mori Kogoro. Swallowed.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Haibara, Conan is too naughty, don't imitate him."

"Hi!" Huiyuan nodded obediently.

"Let's go, Conan, let's go home together, I don't know how you two little devils came here to find us."

Conan shook his head: "No, Uncle Maori, Dr. Ali is still waiting for me, you go first, I'll go back later." He can't just leave like this, Gin's car is still here !

Mori Kogoro pretended to be enlightened: "Let me just say, it turned out that the doctor brought you here, and the doctor is really, well, then let's go first."

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