Mori Kogoro stopped a taxi with Haibara in his arms, and the two said goodbye to Conan and left like that.

Conan touched the big red envelope on his head, while gesturing to Huiyuan, asking Huiyuan to call him later.

Haibara looked indifferent, ignoring Conan's gestures at all.

Chapter 0108 Huiyuan's video

Mori Kogoro returned home with Haibara, and when he got out of the car, Haibara, who was still in great pain just now, took the key and ran up immediately. Seeing that Moori Kogoro looked puzzled, he walked into the office on the second floor, and saw Huibara Yuan was constantly operating something next to the computer, and refused to let Hui Yuan get close to him.

Kogoro Mori quickly realized that it should be the fiery and explicit confession email that Haibara sent in the basement before. Seeing the nervous expression of this little guy, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but chuckle secretly. It seems that this Lori can still play for a long time!

Originally, Kogoro Mori was afraid last night, what should I do if Haibara suddenly became smaller while doing it?Is it directly crushed or can it continue?wrong!Do not pay attention to these problems!

But if Miyano Shiho really returns to Haibara's appearance in front of Mori Kogoro, then the relationship between the two may not be able to return to what it was before, and Haibara will not pretend to be a little loli in front of Mori Kogoro Being cute, you won't reach out to Mouri Kogoro and say you want to hug him.

Thinking of Huiyuan returning to the temperament in the anime, the three-no high-cold loli, who does scientific research every day, and stabs a knife when she speaks.

As long as Kogoro Mori thought of that scene, he couldn't help resisting in his heart, so there were so many flaws in Haibara's lie that could be exposed, Kogoro Mori chose to ignore it.

Mori Kogoro looked at the little loli who turned her head back and smiled cutely in front of the computer from time to time: This is already very good!

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa, little V, have you done what I told you to do yesterday.

Little V's reluctant voice sounded in his mind: "You have recorded everything for the host." It really has never seen such an unscrupulous host. It is not so motivated to solve the case, but it is so excited about these things.

Mori Kogoro quickly directed: "Then quickly show me the footage edited yesterday."

Little V reluctantly agreed, because the data of the black-tech nano-camera exchanged from the system is also connected to the system, and the system can easily handle such trivial things as cutting the screen, so the screen will be directly displayed in the Maori small It played in Goro's mind.

Mori Kogoro had already ordered little V, so when Miyano Shiho got smaller in the morning, the nano-camera hidden in the bathroom reappeared in its second form: all-round surveillance reappeared.

The pictures from eight different directions were processed by Xiao V, and a scene appeared in Kogoro Mouri's mind as if he was on the scene.

This was much more exciting than the scene in the basement where he recovered. Miyano Shiho was naked at that time, without any clothes on.

"Wow!" Mori Kogoro kept exclaiming on the sofa, which was really exciting, and it was even more pleasant to click to play backwards.

Mori Kogoro: Sure enough, little V, you are a good system!


After a while, Huiyuan finally deleted the email and all traces, and finally felt relieved.

Haibara clutched her belly, her legs trembling slightly, and came to Kogoro Mori with difficulty, her light blue eyes looked at Kogoro Mori with her eyes closed, she climbed onto the sofa and onto Kogoro Mori's body come over.

Haibara, who was feeling unwell, just wanted to nestle in Kogoro Mori's arms at the moment. As soon as Haibara sat in, he immediately noticed the abnormality. His little head looked scared, and his pupils shrank for a while, and his face immediately turned red. , she couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori with a face of shame.

What a terrible big satyr, six hours last night was not enough, and now it is like this again.

Kogoro Mouri sensed that there was a loli in his arms, so he opened his eyes and adjusted his sitting posture: "So it's Xiao Ai, uncle is thinking about something!"

Haibara didn't show any expression, and directly moved the obtrusive thing behind his buttocks, and then threw himself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, with a weak expression on his small face.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw Haibara in such a state, he patted Haibara's back lightly with his big hand, and used the healing technique again, in fact, Kogoro Mori had already performed a healing in the middle of last night Otherwise, Haibara wouldn't be able to last that long. It was only after the fierce battle again that Mori Kogoro was too excited to make this appearance.

The warm energy was transmitted into Haihara's body along with Kogoro Moori's big hand, and Haibara cried out comfortably, and slowly closed his eyes in Kogoro Moori's arms like a kitten.

Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara, looking at this delicate face like a porcelain doll, it was good to just hug him like this, Mori Kogoro also slowly closed his eyes.


On the street around the corner outside Cupido Hotel, in the Beetle car, Dr. Ari and Conan were gnawing on sandwiches, Dr. Ari wrinkled his old face: "Xinichi, how long are we going to wait here? Since last night It's been almost a day since I started, but I haven't even taken a shower, my body is almost smelly..."

Conan couldn't help sneering when he heard this: Doctor, what you should take is not a bath, but clothes.

At this moment, a large truck stopped, just blocking the intersection and Conan's sight.

Conan's face immediately changed, and he hurriedly got out of the car and went around the big truck, only to find that Gin's exclusive car had disappeared.

And on the rooftop in the distance, Chris in black leather was standing on the edge of the rooftop, her figure was extremely graceful, her blond hair was fluttering in the wind, and behind her stood a group of men in black. They all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Chris's back.

A man in black put down his binoculars and said to Chris respectfully, "Boss, there is an old man and a child in the Beetle next to him, and they seem to be watching this Porsche all the time. Do you want to kill them?"

Chris put down the binoculars, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said, "It's just a passerby, it doesn't matter."

"But boss..." The man in black obviously wanted to say more.

"Didn't you hear what I said, this matter is over." A cold light flashed in Chris's eyes, and all the men in black dared not speak anymore.

Chris lit a lady's cigarette: I can only help you so far, little guy!

The cigarettes were burnt out and stuck in the snowdrifts, and Chris led his men away.

The door of the Beetle opened, and Conan walked in with a look of disappointment.

"How is it, Shinichi?" Dr. Ali asked with concern.

"The truck driver was fine. He said someone gave him [-] yen to park there for five minutes, and he did." Conan punched the Beetle's door.

Dr. Ali looked at the car door with a distressed look on his face: "Then Xinyi, what should we do?"

"Let's go, there are no clues here, and all the clues are broken again, damn it." Conan looked angry.

Dr. A Li's face showed a relaxed look, and he quickly started the car and drove home.


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