Mori Kogoro immediately bent down and kissed the little angel's lips to comfort her.

Looking at this picture, another achievement was unlocked, and Kogoro Mori was in a good mood.

Resting and sleeping together on weekdays, he didn't know how much he was looking forward to the appearance of this scene, and his wish finally came true tonight.

Kogoro Mori covered the bodies of the two girls with his big hands, lowered his head and kissed the girls, and another extremely exciting movement was played.

And on the streets of Tokyo, a motorcycle kept galloping, it was Hattori Heiji who had just broken through the Mihua Bridge.

He was still wearing tracking glasses, but seeing that the light spots on the glasses had stopped, Heiji was very puzzled.

Why did it stop, did Kudo grab Kidd?

Hattori Heiji kept twisting the accelerator and rushed towards the light spot.

Soon, the motorcycle came to a street in Kabukicho, which was a pedestrian street, and motorcycles couldn't drive in at all.

Hattori Heiji got out of the car immediately, and rushed over following the position on the glasses.

Along the way, there were prostitutes constantly soliciting customers on the street, pulling Hattori Heiji to let him in.

Hattori Heiji had never seen such a battle before, his face was flushed red with fright, and he broke free again and again.

Soon, he ran to the entrance of a club, and saw Conan the Little Devil who was thrown out.Conan fell to the ground, frowning, rubbing his crotch.

The mustache manager who threw him out laughed and said, "Little devil, your hair hasn't grown yet, you shouldn't come to this kind of place."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help asking: "Kudou, why did you come here?"

When Conan saw Hattori Heiji appear, he couldn't help being overjoyed: "Nonsense, Kidd just sneaked into this club, of course I have to chase after him!"

"He wants to get rid of me like this, no way, Hattori, do you have any money?"

"No money, but a credit card!"

Conan immediately pulled Hattori Heiji forward and said, "Manager, I have money now, so I choose Huiyue and Aoiji I saw just now, and he will pay back the money."

After saying that, Conan immediately wanted to rush in, but was stopped by the manager.

Hearing that he was rich, the manager who looked like a foolish man immediately changed his face, smiling and very obscene.

The mustache manager said, "Chenghui, a total of [-] yen."

Hattori Heiji looked heartbroken: "Fuck, it's so expensive, it's all my pocket money for two months!"

But there is no way, you can't give up halfway!

Hattori Heiji could only take out his credit card and swipe it for the manager, and the manager's smile became even warmer.

The two immediately wanted to rush into the club, but were stopped by the manager again: "You are really a beginner, you have to check your nails first when you come here, I can't let you hurt the princess of our club."

Heiji and Conan could only raise their hands with depressed faces, and asked the manager to check.

The manager checked and said: "The service time is [-] minutes. It's true that you can't come in name, but it's just a name. We are very open here."

"It's just little brother, you are so young, can you bear to come to the club to play? But they are all big sisters, they will definitely love you very much."

Conan rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, I'm really in a hurry, go into the 7th and 8th seats inside, Huiyue and Kuisi are waiting for you."

The two immediately rushed into the club.

Under the dim and ambiguous light, the entire club hall was divided into booths by the pink mosquito net, and there were pictures of the eighteen bans everywhere.

Hmm, ahh, there is a sound.

It was the first time Hattori Heiji came to this kind of place, his eyes were straightened, Heitan's face flushed instantly: "Wow, this is heaven!"

And Conan couldn't see anything because he was not as tall as the deck.

But when he and Kidd missed it just now, he threw the tracker into Kidd's collar, and now he can know where Kidd is by looking at the glasses.

Suddenly, the light of the tracker moved, and the direction was the back door of the club.

Conan immediately chased after him, and Hattori Heiji looked reluctant.

Especially when I saw the beautiful girls waiting on booths 7 and 8, my heart ached even more.

However, he was still able to distinguish between priorities, so he chased Conan and ran out from the club's back door.

And at booth No. 9, Kidd, disguised as a prostitute, heaved a long sigh of relief: he finally got rid of these two dog-skin plasters.

On the same sofa, a bald middle-aged man with a pot belly squinted at Kidd and wiped his mouth: "Sister, you look really good!"

After all, the bald, middle-aged man's greasy, salty trotters hit Huanglong with ease, and he froze for an instant, and then screamed: "Shemale!"

Immediately afterwards, the bald middle-aged man's eyes were full of fire: "I can't take it anymore, shemale is even stronger, old girl, here I come!"

The greasy pig's mouth turned towards Kidd.

Kidd was about to go crazy. In a panic, he directly stuffed the hypnotic bullets under his nostrils, directly hypnotizing the middle-aged man.

Then Kidd stepped on the high heels carefully, pulled up the sexy underwear, and ran out of the club.

Chapter 0062 Little Angel's Lore

Conan and Hattori Heiji chased out the back door, entered the alley, and ran wildly. A guy in front was desperately escaping.

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