Conan also stepped on the electric skateboard, and finally caught up with the person in front.

The two grabbed the guy, it was a wretched man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, not Kidd at all.

Conan's tracker was still glued to the back of his jacket.

Hattori Heiji grabbed the wretched man by the collar and asked loudly, "What are you running for?"

The wretched man replied: "Then what are you chasing after?"

"Answer my question first!"

"Oh, just now there is a very pretty girl in the club who said that if I can go to the nearest convenience store and buy an oden in ten minutes, she will serve me ten times for free, so hehehehehe !"

"No, you, the guy who brought your child to whoring, must be trying to rob me ten times. Don't think about it, it's definitely mine."

The wretched man immediately broke free from Hattori Heiji, and ran forward desperately, fearing that Heiji and Conan would snatch the opportunity.

Only then did Conan and Hattori Heiji realize that they were tricked by Kidd again.

The two immediately returned to the club, only to find that the whole club was filled with hypnotic gas, and everyone who had just performed the scene of the Eighteenth Prohibition fell down.

It was the hypnotic gas that had just emanated from the bald middle-aged man.

Hattori Heiji wanted to go in to find the two girls just now, but was forcefully pulled away by Conan.

If you don't leave, the gangster forces protecting this club will come.

Their operation to capture Kidd tonight was completely in vain.

The two could only return to the office in despair.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro is the real decisive battle until dawn.

His hands kept climbing along the endless peaks, and he finally struggled to get up to show off his majesty, but was stepped back by pairs of beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings.

The big hands slapped the full moon round after round, forming a majestic movement. The morale that had just been boosted was charged to death by female knights one after another.

In short, this night, Mori Kogoro was like an unyielding fighter. After falling down, he stood up again, fell down and got up again, and the cycle repeated.

A night of romance, very cruel.

The story of this night lasted for a full eight hours, and it didn't come to an end until five or six in the morning.

He used two of the advanced psychedelic talismans alone.

It's a pity that the legend didn't last. In the end, the unyielding fighter was defeated by the little angel's one move from the sky.

Mori Kogoro sent them back to the room respectively, and gave an order for the Ant-Man robot to clean up the crime scene.

Afterwards, he collapsed on the bed, not knowing who the person beside him was, and soon fell asleep.

It was after six o'clock in the morning of the second day, just after dawn, that the seaside villa truly regained its long-lost tranquility.

All the women went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, but Sonoko and Ayako, the sisters of the Suzuki family, were the first to wake up.

The two women had nothing to do with the scuffle last night, they were just labeled as sleeping charms, and after twelve hours of sleep, they woke up full of energy.

Yuanzi came together to see the sky outside, and immediately cried out in grief: "Ah, why did I sleep so hard last night, I decided to seize the last chance to attack my uncle at night, why did I wake up in the morning?" Yes! Today everyone is going back to Tokyo, there is no chance, my alarm clock, why can't you wake me up!"

When Ayako on the side heard this, she couldn't help giving her younger sister a blank look.

But when he thought that he still owed the three deals with Mori Kogoro, he felt that he was not as good as his sister.

But Ayako couldn't help but patted herself on the head, she always felt that a piece of memory from last night was missing.

It's really strange that he lost consciousness and fell asleep in a daze without doing anything!

Soon, both sisters got up.

But as soon as she got out of the room, Ayako found something unusual again.

It was already sunny outside, and it was half past ten, but none of the others woke up, and the whole villa was quiet, which was really weird.

Moreover, the sofa and two long beds that were put together in the living room with great difficulty last night also disappeared, which is really inexplicable.

The heartless Yuanzi pushed open the glass sliding door and came to the courtyard.

Standing on the bluestone, she stretched out facing the sea, with a slender figure and full of vitality.

Soon Yuanzi looked full of energy.

"Great, today's weather is not affected by the typhoon at all, and it is also very suitable for vacation."

"Sister, let's prepare lunch, and we can eat it when uncle and mother get up."

Hearing this, Ayako also nodded, and the two sisters walked towards the kitchen, and began to prepare the food for everyone to eat after waking up.

The sound of chopping boards in the kitchen kept ringing, and in a room on the second floor, the little angel who had rested enough woke up.

She opened her eyes and saw Kogoro Mori alone beside her, a warm smile appeared on her face.

The girl's beautiful legs hung on Kogoro Mouri's body, and she lay on her side in his arms, listening to Kogoro Mouri's heartbeat, she felt extremely at ease.

The plain white fingers gently fiddled with Kogoro Moori's mustache, and Kogoro Moori's big eyes looked at Kogoro Moori's face, as if there were little stars in his eyes, which could almost melt people.

But the girl soon felt a little bored, and wanted to wake up Kogoro Moori. She held her long hair and brushed Kogoro Moori's nose, sticking it into her nostrils from time to time.

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