It's a pity that Mori Kogoro really fell asleep this time, and didn't respond at all.

The girl didn't feel discouraged at all. She got a little stiff on one side, so she crawled over Kogoro Mouri's body, and lay on the other side again.

Soon, she discovered something interesting again, and began to count Kogoro Mori's eyelashes, which were easier to count than beards.

However, the girl stopped counting, and a blush appeared on her beautiful little face.

She remembered the truth that she answered at the dinner table yesterday.

Since it is the truth, it must be fulfilled!

Isn't this deceiving my sincerity, absolutely not like this.

Then the girl smirked like a little squirrel stealing something, she lowered her head and pecked Moori Kogoro's lips, and then quietly got into the bed.

The sun is just right, the breeze is not dry, everything in the world looks so beautiful!

Chapter 0063 The Tenderness of the Women

It was this extremely familiar feeling again, Mori Kogoro woke up instantly, and now he couldn't fall asleep at all.

He knew who it was, and without opening his eyes, he directly fished forward with both hands, and grabbed the girl who upheld his sincerity.

The girl's body immediately leaned forward, lying on Kogoro Mori's body, and her soft chest bumped against her.

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes and saw his precious daughter, Xiaolan.

This girl is really full of energy, she came to harass her early in the morning.

She shouldn't have taught her channeling in the first place.

Xiaolan's cheeks were flushed, and she was smiling, looking at Kogoro Mori with crooked eyebrows, her big eyes sparkling, very beautiful.

With a small mouth, the words are full of coquettish meaning: "Dad~, it's almost noon, it's time to get up~"

"You're such an annoying girl, can't you let Dad sleep a little longer?"

Mori Kogoro was really tired last night, more than four hours of sleep time is enough, but he is willing to sleep longer.

But now being awakened by Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro has nothing to do.

He could only pretend to be vicious, and scratched Xiaolan's waist with both hands.

Xiaolan is the most ticklish, once the itchy flesh is attacked, she can't take it anymore, she hugged Mouri Kogoro and laughed tremblingly, her body contracted intermittently.

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he scratched more vigorously.

In the end, Xiaolan bit the shoulder of Maoli Kogoro, and begged for mercy: "Yayu, Dad, stop scratching, haha...haha, it's so itchy!"

"Smelly dad, bad dad, stop now, if you continue like this, I'm going to use a big trick."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling sorry for him, so he stopped.

But this was too cowardly, so he patted Xiaolan's buttocks twice in retaliation, and then said, "I'll let you go this time."

Xiaolan didn't continue to laugh anymore, but her cheeks were still reddish, and her beautiful eyes gave Mouri Kogoro a look, but she still didn't use that trick after all.

Her jade arm was around Kogoro Mouri's neck, her big eyes were full of confusion, she looked at Kogoro Mouri and said softly: "Smelly dad, you are so bad!"

Saying this, Xiaolan kissed Mouri Kogoro's lips in one breath.

Mori Kogoro is a bit petrified, daughter, she actually said I'm bad!

A thunder blasted into his mind, Mori Kogoro couldn't accept it at all, and then he went berserk.

The father and daughter played in the room for a long time, and the door of the room was opened at half past eleven.

But even so, the two of them were the first to wake up except for the Suzuki sisters, and the rest of the girls were still fast asleep.

As soon as the two came downstairs, Yuanzi greeted him: "Xiaolan, uncle, why are you waking up so late, you can eat now."

The hungry father and daughter followed Yuanzi to the restaurant.

Ayako was also eating in the restaurant, and when she saw Mori Kogoro appearing, she couldn't help feeling flustered.

She didn't even dare to look at Kogoro Mori, so she quickly took a few mouthfuls of food and ran away.

Yuanzi was inexplicable, but the heartless Yuanzi quickly forgot about it, and instead looked regretful: "Really, Mom and the others are all staying in bed, sleeping too late, and they don't sleep until noon." I haven't woken up yet, originally today's itinerary was to go to the hot springs, but now it looks like I'm going to soak in the hot springs."

"Oh, what a pity. There is a natural hot spring here in Izu. Go there in the morning, soak in the afternoon, and then take a bus back to Tokyo. What a good plan!" Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "We can also go to the hot spring in the afternoon. !"

Yuanzi immediately shook his head: "No, the train time for the return journey is in the afternoon, otherwise uncle will not be able to catch up with the duel with Kidd."

"That guy dared to provoke uncle like this last night, and dared to say that uncle is a coward. Facing such a vicious defeat, how can he not teach him a lesson?"

Sonoko was filled with righteous indignation, as if he would defend Kogoro Mori's reputation to the death.

"Also, Uncle Jiro Jiro called me this morning, and he invited Uncle to make another move."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows lightly: "Oh, didn't Mr. Jirokichi say that if he doesn't hold Kidd, his heart disease will be hard to get rid of?"

"No, Uncle Jiro saw Kidd appear, he recovered from his illness, and now he is as strong as a cow, but last night he was so angry with Kidd."

"He also said that no matter what, the amethyst shoes must not be stolen by Kidd."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro bit his bread and nodded.

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