Although he had promised Chikage that he would not really grab Kaito, it would be fine to teach Kidd a little lesson.

After all, with the relationship between himself and Chikage, it is only natural to teach Kaito a lesson.

Mori Kogoro agreed to Sonoko's request.

While the three of them were chatting and eating in the restaurant, all the women upstairs woke up one after another.

The first one to wake up was the little loli Huiyuan. She was wearing a scarlet dress and her little feet were bare. She stepped on the floor and walked down the stairs step by step. Her short white legs were light and cute.

Haibara rubbed his eyes and searched all the way in a daze, and finally saw Mori Kogoro in the restaurant, his eyes lit up instantly.

The little short legs started to move immediately, and the little Lolita ran over and climbed into Kogoro Mouri's arms without hesitation, her expression settled down.

This girl is also clingy, and she didn't sleep with Mori Kogoro last night, so she didn't sleep well.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Haibara's slender waist and began to feed the little loli.

The next ones to wake up were Shizuka, Kazuha, Yukiko, and then Eri and Tomoko, one after the other.

However, all the girls looked dazzling, their complexion was excellent, and they were obviously moisturized.

And their attitude towards Mori Kogoro is very good, as gentle as a little girl, with a smile on their faces, and winks at him from time to time.

After all, the memories of them who were trapped in the psychedelic array last night were designed by Mori Kogoro.

Each of them remember spending the whole night alone with Mori Kogoro, and the satisfied girls were naturally very gentle with him.

Although Mori Kogoro was a little guilty, this feeling was really refreshing.

Especially when he saw ten beauties surrounding him, he remembered the scene of the nosebleed last night.

He still remembered being called by him to wrap them in black stockings one by one, and ten of them surrounded him and massaged him with their little feet.

I'm afraid that scene will never be forgotten forever.

On the other hand, Yuanzi's big amber-like eyes turned around, looking at the girls, as if he felt that there was a barrier between himself and the rest of them, which was very strange.

[The atmosphere is a bit subtle, why does it always feel like I missed some plot! 】

Chapter 0064 Little Angel Flying a Plane

Seeing the docile looks of all the girls, Mori Kogoro is full of achievements. Although it is very tiring, everything is worth it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen such gentle and tender pictures of the girls.

Soon he remembered the scene of all the girls lying on their stomachs and stacking arhats last night.

With ten full moons hanging high, the scene is simply breathtaking.

If it weren't for his swift and violent fighting style, he might not be able to stand here now.

I can't think about it anymore, thinking about the psychedelic talisman in my hand, I feel a little ready to move, and I want to tear another one, and set up a psychedelic formation to pull them to fight again.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, and when Kazuha saw this, he lightly pressed his fingers on his temples and began to massage.

She smiled and said, "Uncle, were you tired last night?"

"No, how is it possible?"

The little angel at the side glanced at Mori Kogoro, and whispered, "Poor!"

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly when he heard this, but he couldn't say anything.

There is no way, after all, she was defeated by her own little angel last night, so she can only be proud for a while.

Although he picked ten girls last night, the last one suffered a tragic defeat in Waterloo, which is not so perfect.

Damn it, you really can't treat your little angel lightly.

Mori Kogoro didn't think about it any more, stopped Kazuba's massage, and said, "Everyone sit down and eat, we're going back to Tokyo in the afternoon."

Hearing this, although the girls were a little bit reluctant, they all obediently agreed.

They sat down one after another, and the whole family began to enjoy the dishes prepared by Ayako Sonoko.

Soon, everyone finished their meal and returned to the living room to rest.

Kogoro Mori looked at the chandelier on the top of the living room with a very complicated expression.

I really don't know how my little angel came up with this trick.

Helix flying a plane, God can't stand it!

As for the sofa and bed in the living room, because the instructions he gave in a daze last night were not complete.

The Ant-Man robot directly disposed of the sofa bed and threw it into the sea. It is normal that it cannot be seen now.

Immediately afterwards, the girls went back to their rooms to pack their belongings, and Tomoko and Yuanzi also went back to the villa to pack.

After everything was ready, everyone left the villa.

Ayako had already ordered the car outside, and everyone got into the car one after another.

The convoy headed towards Izu Station, and the summer vacation came to an end.

Soon, the convoy arrived at Izu Station, where a special train was waiting for everyone.

Soon, under the respectful eyes of the station master, a group of people boarded the Shinkansen bullet train and entered the first-class compartment.

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