
Seeing the cold light in her eldest sister's eyes, Lai Shengai immediately pretended to be cute and closed her mouth like a zipper.

Only then did Lai Shenglei relieve his anger a little, and then said: "Now prepare me well, once Kidd falls into a disadvantage, we will help him."

Lai Shengai's eyes widened in an instant, and she said with a puzzled face: "Hey, big sister, what do you mean by this? Aren't we here to watch a good show? Master didn't ask us to help the younger brother."

"Besides, we're not Kaito's nanny, so what are we doing to help him deal with the aftermath?"

"Sister, you are not angry with Maori detective, so you want to fight against him."

"This is too naive, he doesn't even know who you are."

Hearing the last sentence, Lai Shenglei's cheeks turned pink, he took out his hand and tapped his eccentric third sister, and said, "This is an order."

Hearing this, Ai in the next life could only obey obediently.

She kept complaining: "No wonder I was asked to bring the computer here. If you are too timid to pick on other people, you will exploit your own family."

On the other side, Kogoro Mori was surrounded by four girls and walked towards Jirokichi Suzuki, and Ginzo Nakamori was beside him.

The reporter who was interviewing Suzuki Jirokichi immediately turned the microphone and camera to Mori Kogoro, which made Suzuki Jirokichi very angry.

"Detective Maori, I didn't expect you to show up, isn't it rumored that you are going on vacation?"

Mori Kogoro, who was wearing a black suit, chuckled lightly, with a bright smile, causing countless women in front of the live broadcast screen to scream in surprise.

"Yeah, I just returned to Tokyo today, and I heard a defeated general clamoring to challenge me, so I came over to take a look."

Kuroba Kaito, who was wearing a duckbill cap in the crowd, overheard this, and couldn't help but itch his teeth.

And it seems that more and more of the onlookers saw the outstanding Kogoro Mori, and began to shout his name one after another.

"Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!"...

Mori Kogoro waved back, like a superstar.

In the eyes of most people in Tokyo, the nationality of this great detective is much higher than that of Kidd.

Chapter 0007 Charming Kogoro

Kogoro Mori's bright smiling face appeared on the screen. At this moment, in front of the TV, whether it was Eri Xiaolan, Midori Megure, or even Kazuba Hongye who had returned to Osaka, his women were all watching the live broadcast of this day.

In addition, when countless fans got the news, they also switched to the Nimai TV channel, and the ratings continued to rise, reaching ten times that of last night in an instant.

There are also many fanatical fans who saw the live broadcast and immediately took a car to Ginza [-]-chome, wanting to see the real face of Mori Kogoro, blocking the traffic.

The atmosphere at the crossroads was extremely frenzied, and it instantly became Kogoro Mori's home field.

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Mori Kogoro with envy again, and felt like making a wedding dress for someone else.

Conan at the top of the building saw this scene, rolled his dead fish eyes and said enviously: "Uncle is showing off again."

In front of the camera, Kogoro Mouri chuckled and said, "I also saw the live broadcast on the radio last night."

"I remember what Kidd said was 'teleportation', but how can I see him disappearing for more than ten seconds?"

"If you put it this way, it should be regarded as 'moving at the speed of chopsticks in more than ten seconds', which is far from 'teleporting'."

"To be honest, it's really disappointing, and he doesn't tell you where he's going to appear next. It's hard for the cameraman to find, and the picture is shaking. It's really hard for the audience."

"Can this little trick be performed?"

Mori Kogoro shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands with a look of disdain on his face.

"However, I think the trick of 'moving with chopsticks in ten seconds' is already very difficult for him, and there is no way to make too many demands on the opponent."

Kidd, who was in the crowd, heard Mori Kogoro's ridicule, and his mouth crooked in anger.

The magic that I carefully prepared was belittled to move at a chopstick speed of more than ten seconds, how could it feel so low!

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "But, since Kidd has the courage to challenge me, then I will reluctantly study the so-called 'teleportation', which just happens to be a bit rewarding."

When the interviewing female reporter heard this, she asked in surprise, "Detective Maori, what do you mean?"

"Since the challenger initiates a challenge, I will naturally defeat him at what he is best at, so that he will be convinced."

"Since Kidd used 'Ten-Second Chopsticks Speed' last night, I can use 'Teleportation' to beat him, and that's fine."

Hearing this, the interviewing female reporter couldn't help but widen her eyes, and couldn't help but speak.

"Unbelievable, Detective Maori said he was going to perform a real 'teleportation' magic, it's unbelievable."

The onlookers couldn't help being in an uproar when they heard this, and the atmosphere became more and more heated.

And Kidd's face in the crowd was full of disdain: How could someone who has never performed magic tricks win himself.

Mori Kogoro nodded with a chuckle, and continued: "And, photographer, I will tell you where I will go next before I move, and I won't ask you to find me like that immoral thief. It's been so hard."

The strong man carrying the camera nodded excitedly.

At this time, Suzuki Jirokichi came up, and beside him was his pet dog Lupine and a big yellow dog.

He said directly: "Detective Maori, I asked you to help catch Kidd, not to perform magic tricks!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Mr. Suzuki, anyway, Kidd hasn't shown up yet. Let's serve the appetizers first. This can be regarded as giving back to the long-awaited audience!"

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Moori took the big yellow dog and said, "Lupine, you can perform with me next time!"

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