He turned to the camera and said loudly: "Kidd, I know you are at the scene, and then you show me carefully."

"If you can crack or do my 'teleportation', then you win the challenge."

"Under the notice, in the next second I will appear in the place where Kidd suddenly appeared last night."

"Don't blink, because the next moment is to witness the miracle!"

When he said this, Mori Kogoro's voice was full of magnetism, as if it went straight into people's hearts, and his eyes seemed to be discharging, so deep that they seemed to be sucking in people's souls, and their charm was overwhelming.

Countless women who watched the live broadcast suddenly had Xia Fei's cheeks, and their hearts were beating wildly.But the scene that appeared next shocked countless viewers. Right under the lens, Kogoro Mori and the big yellow dog he was leading turned into mutilated forms and disappeared out of thin air.

The four girls behind him opened their mouths wide and widened their eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

The old guy Suzuki Jirokichi was so frightened that his contact lenses popped off. He immediately squatted down and began to search, but his head was still looking at the place where Mori Kogoro disappeared just now.

And Nakamori Ginzo even rushed up, waving his arm, the place where Kogoro Mori was standing just now was really a cloud of air.

"Wow woof woof woof!!!"

The sound came from the roof of the building. The photographer turned the lens to the roof, and sure enough, he saw the figures of Kogoro Mori and the big yellow dog.

Not even a second!

It's really teleportation! ! !

The audience in front of countless TVs fell into shock.

Naturally, there was also a filming team on the rooftop. Seeing Kogoro Mori appearing suddenly, he rushed over and took a picture of him.

And the big yellow dog saw that he had transformed from the ground to the rooftop, and immediately suspected that the dog was born, and was scared to pee!

It kept barking, its limbs crouched down in fear, its body trembled, and a puddle of dog urine instantly sprayed on the ground of the roof.

Mori Kogoro, who was standing by the roof, frowned slightly, and said, "Lu Bang, you are so disrespectful, you actually pee everywhere, it's so unhygienic."

And in the other hemisphere far away, on the plane flying to Australia, Daisuke Jigen, who was smoking a cigar, laughed loudly: "Lupine, the Maori detective is scolding you."

The monkey-faced Lupine III couldn't help throwing the Coke bottle in his hand at Jigen Daisuke, but was cut in half by Ishikawa Goemon who was sitting upright, and Coke sprayed Lupine III all over.

The taciturn Goemon Ishikawa couldn't help but said, "I can't see any flaws!"

Hearing this, the other two looked at each other.

But on the rooftop, the big yellow dog couldn't be appeased at all, and kept barking like crazy.

Kidd below watched the teleportation happen all the time, his pupils constricted one after another.

His reaction speed was much faster than that of the photographer. As soon as Kogoro Mori and the big yellow dog disappeared, he turned his head immediately and saw Kogoro Mori appear.

It's really 'teleportation'.

Impossible, how can anyone do it.

At this time, Conan on the rooftop also rushed over and asked loudly, "Uncle, how did you do it?"

Mori Kogoro picked up Conan and said, "Conan, why did you come here?"

"Really, children can't run around, uncle will take you back!"

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the live broadcast on the roof, and said, "Then let me know, I will appear on the exhibition stand in the next second, so don't blink!"

At the same time as he said this, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and blinked, and instantly discharged.

Numerous female viewers in front of the TV only felt their bodies were electrocuted, and their hearts were numb. Immediately, a nympho smile appeared on their faces, and they couldn't control themselves for a moment.

Reiko Kujo couldn't help shaking in front of the TV.

However, Reiko Kujo's face changed drastically, and the rest of the female viewers in front of the TV had the same reaction.

They stretched out their hands in horror one by one, shouting: "No..."

Chapter 0008 Qingzi who almost revealed his secrets

On the screen, I saw Kogoro Mori holding the little ghost head Conan in one hand and the big yellow dog 'Lupin' in the other, taking a step forward from the edge of the roof and jumping off.

All the audience present, countless audiences in front of the TV, saw this scene with their hearts in their throats.

Sonoko, Ayako, Aoko, Keiko and Xishenglei in the crowd turned pale and their eyes were full of panic.

That's almost a twelve-story building, and you will definitely die if you jump off it.

And the pupils of Conan who was being carried by Kogoro Mori shrank even more, and couldn't help screaming: "Ah!!!"

The big yellow dog named Lupine barked wildly with horror in his eyes: "Wow, woof, woof, woof!" The barking was extremely shrill!

Only Mori Kogoro still had a calm expression on his face, and he used his big teleportation talisman again.

In this way, in front of the camera, he, Conan and the big yellow dog turned into remnants again, and disappeared into nothingness in mid-air.

Everyone obviously heard Conan's screams separated from Lupine's dog barking, and then the sound came from another direction, and they couldn't help turning their heads to look over.

On the exhibition stand where the jeweled shoes were placed, Kogoro Mori in a slim suit reappeared, leading Conan in one hand and the big yellow dog in the other.

They instantly moved from the edge of the twelve-storey roof to the exhibition stand separated by a large net and guarded by four police officers.

The big yellow dog named Lupine rolled his eyes when he saw another change in the scene, and passed out like this.

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