Conan, on the other hand, was completely stunned, with fine sweat on his forehead, and stared blankly at the rooftop of the building where he was for a second, his eyes full of disbelief.

The audience was silent, and countless people stared at this scene dumbfounded, with countless goosebumps on their bodies.

Mori Kogoro stood above the exhibition stand guarded by four police officers, and put Conan and the big yellow dog down calmly.

Then he waved to those around him and made a curtain call.

Only then did the onlookers realize that they had witnessed two teleportations today, and couldn't help shouting excitedly, shouting the name of Mori Kogoro, their faces full of fanaticism.

Among the onlookers outside the big net, Lai Shenglei and Lai Shengai were both dumbfounded. They looked at each other and saw the shock and doubt in each other's eyes.

As snitches, their eyesight has been trained.

Last night, Kuroba Kaito's "teleportation" and they found the flaw at a glance.

But today, they couldn't see the slightest clue to Kogoro Mori's magic trick.

The third sister stared at Kogoro Mori on the exhibition stand with big eyes, and couldn't help but marvel: "Wow, how did he do it, it's completely magic!"

"It's really amazing. I finally know why you like him so much, elder sister."

"It's so handsome and mysterious, it makes my heart flutter!"

As soon as the words fell, the love of the next life was knocked on the forehead.

Lai Shenglei on the side couldn't help but said, "Shut up, you, Detective Maori is going to be our new teacher, what nonsense are you talking about all day long!"

In the next life, Ai's eyes widened immediately: "What, Master has also taken a fancy to him, then eldest sister, don't you want to grab a man from Master? This is terrible, and it will be a bit difficult to do it!"

In the next life, I couldn't help but help my forehead with tears, and was very speechless to my third sister.

In front of the camera, the female reporter with a microphone looked excited, pointing to Kogoro Mouri on the exhibition stand in the distance, and continued to explain: "It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, just now Kogoro Moori performed two tricks in front of us. An instant move."

"For the first time, in front of us, he led the dog named 'Lupin', disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on the rooftop."

"Now the colleagues on the rooftop have sent pictures, the urine is real, it's really dog ​​urine, it's Lupine's urine."

Lupine on the plane on the other side of the ocean was depressed again when he heard this, and lay down again for no reason.

"After that, the Maori detective caught a child from the roof, and jumped off the building with the child and 'Lupine', and then they teleported to the current exhibition stand."

"It's just unbelievable. It's like magic."

"Phantom Thief Kidd, have you seen it? This is the challenge of the Maori detective to you. Real teleportation, you can also teleport with dogs and children, which is much better than your 'moving in ten seconds'." too much."

"Phantom Thief Kidd, have you seen this situation? How will you deal with it? We are looking forward to the appearance of Phantom Thief Kidd!"

In the crowd outside, Kuroba Kaito wearing a duckbill cap was covered with sweat, and his short hair was wet.

【How did he do that?How on earth did he do it?Even though he was surrounded by a group of people, how could he lead the dog and disappear?The people and dogs on the roof have shadows. They are real people. How did he get up there?How did he jump off and appear on the exhibition stand in an instant?There was no one else in there except four guards, why did he show up with the dog and Conan? 】

Kidd thought his mind was about to explode, but he still couldn't figure it out.

This was a huge blow to him. In addition to his own stealing skills, Kidd was more confident in his magic skills that he had passed down from his father.

But now he himself has to admit that he completely lost to Mori Kogoro in magic.

In the big net, Mori Kogoro carried Conan and dragged the fainted big yellow dog towards the exit.

Conan kept asking along the way: "Uncle, how did you do it? How did you bring me down from the rooftop?"

"Uncle, just tell me!"

Conan felt that his materialistic outlook on life was a little shaken, and the scene he just experienced made him doubt life.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said nothing, he would not explain to Conan kindly.

As soon as Moori Kogoro came outside, Suzuki Jirokichi rushed over with a distressed face, and hugged his pet dog 'Lupine': "Detective Maori, how could you take him to do such a dangerous thing, ouch, My Lupine!"

Fortunately, the big yellow dog woke up quickly under the call of Suzuki Jirokichi, and immediately wagged its tail to have fun when it saw its owner.

It's just that when it saw Mori Kogoro, it immediately hid behind Suzuki Jirokichi, still looking terrified.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and was immediately hugged by Aoko, who had a worried look on his face.

"Uncle, how can you do such a dangerous performance? When you jumped off just now, you really scared me to death!"

Ginzo Nakamori at the side saw his daughter holding Kogoro Mori, his eyes widened, and he yelled, "Qingzi, what are you doing?"

Qingzi was frightened when she heard her father's voice, and immediately ran away and ran behind Keiko Momoi.

Mori Kogoro explained: "I didn't expect you, Qingzi, to know the secret of this magic, but I can't tell you."

"After all, although I'm not a professional magician, I still have to abide by the three principles of a magician, and I won't leak any secrets."

Hearing this, Nakamori Ginzo looked suspiciously at his own daughter and Mori Kogoro, but said nothing more.

Only then did Qingzi heave a sigh of relief, but Kidd in the crowd was heartbroken.

Chapter 0009 Crazy Kidd

In front of the camera, Mori Kogoro dealt with the reporter impeccably, without revealing the mystery of the teleportation just now.

The viewers in front of the TV who had just been greatly shocked were scratching their heads, racking their brains one by one, hoping to come up with a solution.

And behind Mori Kogoro, Ayako looked at his back, eyes full of admiration.

The eldest lady of the Suzuki family suddenly remembered the deal between herself and Mori Kogoro, she couldn't help but blushed, and instead held her face and fell into reverie: It seems that I made it this time!

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