Meng Bo was careful not to hurt anyone, and the shooting direction was the upper edge of the concrete passage.

He just wanted to blow up the pipeline and get rid of Kogoro Mori behind him, and he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Boom! ! !

Seeing that the back was blocked by collapsed rocks, Kidd immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng Bo looked heartbroken: "My two 40B grenades, boy, you have to reimburse them this time, and you will be charged $[-] for two of them."

Kidd rolled his eyes again: "Okay, I will definitely give you the money after I'm done."

Then he took out the other amethyst shoe from his pocket, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Kidd was thinking about how to dig out the two amethysts on the precious shoes, make them into gifts and give them to Qingzi, so as to win back Qingzi's heart.

But before he could laugh for a long time, he heard another loud noise behind him.

The blocked rocks splashed out, while Mori Kogoro stood on the front of the car, maintaining the posture of kicking forward with his right foot, with arrogance.

He just kicked the blocked rock away.

Meng Bo's eyes widened in an instant, and he poked his head out of the car window to look back.

When he really faced the majestic Kogoro Mori, he was even more horrified.

"This guy is a monster. How can a normal person do such a thing? Damn, this time I was really tricked by you kid!"

Meng Bo immediately turned around. Originally, he planned to leave leisurely from the subway, but now he had to take a shortcut.

The two sides chased all the way, driving from the cement passage into the unbuilt sandy land, the road became narrower and muddy.

This is the exit from the construction site.

Soon, Meng Bo drove the car to the prepared exit. It was an uphill road made of accumulated mud. The mini car rushed out immediately, followed by the motorcycle.

Immediately afterwards, the mini car rampaged, knocked over the protective layer of the construction site, and drove to the main road outside.

The two sides returned to the Tokyo road and started a new round of urban pursuit.

The two Laisheng sisters who happened to be nearby heard the voice, and Laishengai's fingers fluttered on the notebook, switching directly to countless road monitoring.

After a careful inspection, she said, "Eldest sister, they are heading to the pier near the Mihua Bridge."

Hearing this, Lai Shenglei frowned slightly: "Xiao Ai, use the trick you did last time!"

Laishengai muttered: "Sister, that trick is very tiring, you really treat me like a cow."

Although he complained a bit, Ai Ai obediently complied.

She put on the earphones, concentrated on typing on the keyboard, one after another command escaped into the invisible network world.

On the other side, Conan, who was on a skateboard, couldn't keep up with the motor vehicle in front.

At this moment, he is still chasing after him in the underground passage.

After all, it is an underground passage, and the signal is very bad under the cement barrier. The content displayed on his glasses is sometimes not effective.

Coupled with the intricate underground passages, Conan made two wrong trips.

But anyway, Conan still came to the cylindrical passage that Mori Kogoro had just passed by.

Once here, the signal displayed by the eyes stabilized.

Conan couldn't help being overjoyed.The signal stopped, indicating that Kidd was ahead.

He then controlled the skateboard to accelerate forward and rushed over.

Seeing that the tracking signal was displayed at the turn, Conan stepped on the skateboard to turn without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Conan's face changed drastically.

This is a sewage pipe full of excrement and urine, which emits a stench, and it is still downwards. It is more than [-] meters long.

Just now, Mori Kogoro played the poker with the tracker on it casually.

Conan's watch flashlight looked down, and he could still see that the sewage pipe was connected to a pit of feces.

The pale little ghost wanted to turn back, but it was simply impossible.

Because the wall of the sewage pipe was stained with various unknown oils, the skateboard slipped directly, causing Conan to fall.

There was nothing to grab on the grease-filled pipe wall, and Conan just slid down the [-]-meter-long feces pipe.


The shrill cry echoed underground! ! !

In the end, the little devil still unfortunately fell into the pit, so nauseated that he was sour.

He struggled hard to get his head up from under the excrement, and screamed while vomiting: "Kidd, I'm at odds with you, wow, vomit!"

Just at this moment, there was a rumbling sound from above the pipe.

Conan, who was swimming desperately in the excrement pit, looked up in horror: No way?

A torrent of freshly baked excrement and urine was drawn from above, pouring down the [-]-meter pipe, splashing Conan's head with shit!

"Wow woo... woah... help... vo..."

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