But in the sewage pit thirty or forty meters underground, no one came to rescue Conan, only cockroaches and mice were with him.

Kogoro Mori didn't know about Conan's tragic situation, and he was already a little irritable at the moment.

The inexplicable traffic lights just now caused the mini car in front to distance itself from me.

Every time the mini car arrived at the intersection, it was a green light, and when my motorcycle arrived, it was a red light, and then the traffic flow blocked me.

And most of these cars were driven by his fans, wanting to see his true face.

When those little fans saw Mori Kogoro, they were very excited, and they didn't want to drive away even more.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and took crazy pictures, and also sent the information to SNS.

Kogoro Moori was entangled in such a strange way.

At this time, Xiao V reminded: "My lord, I found that the nearby monitoring and transportation network systems have been manipulated."

Kogoro Mori changed his mind, and the image of the Ant-Man robot monitoring the tears of the future was switched in his mind.

This is the last time Mori Kogoro sent the Ant-Man robot to the second floor of the Cat's Eye Cafe to detect Laisheng's tearful self-blasphemy scene, but he didn't take it back.

Of course Kogoro Mori didn't want to peek at the Eighteen Forbidden scenes of Laishenglei.

He just wanted to know Maoyan's theft plan, yes, he just wanted to know the plan.

Although the Ant-Man robot detected the [-] forbidden scenes five times later, Kogoro Mori didn't care at all.

The first and second time she used kunai props, the third time she was in the toilet, the fourth time she used empty hands, and the fifth time she used an iron spoon, she really didn't know the slightest bit!Not to mention the M-shaped long legs, E-cup big breasts, and the fact that she will shout her own name when she is emotional, she is completely unaware of it!

At this moment, I switched to the perspective of the Ant-Man robot in my mind. The Ant-Man robot was standing on the shoulder of the future, and I saw the notebook screen in the hand of the future love in the back seat.

Sure enough, it was you two guys who did it!

Chapter 0013 Women!

The woman smiled very proudly in her next life: "Sister, look, I have stopped Detective Maori, and now he is surrounded by a group of fans at the intersection, I am amazing!"

Laishenglei nodded: "It's still a bit of a skill."

Hearing this, Lai Shengai behind made a few grimaces in dissatisfaction, but was caught by her elder sister through the rearview mirror, and her thigh was instantly pinched.

Laishengai immediately begged for mercy, and then she put her arms around Laishenglei's slender waist, and said out of nowhere: "But elder sister, the authority of the traffic department I hacked to will be gone in ten minutes, why don't you take the opportunity to go to the traffic hall?" Go and have an extreme chance encounter with Maori detective?"

"Let's give this handsome uncle a glimpse, he will definitely feel very surprised, and he will know that it is our fault."

"In this way, since we have regained the place, he will be very curious about the eldest sister, and he must be very impressed."

"Maybe we will find out later, and then the eldest sister will pretend to use a beauty trick, and then use firewood to get this great Maori detective. How about it? We will have a brain trust in the future!"

The next life loves to laugh very treacherously, but soon ushered in the ear-pinching attack of the next life tears.

"Talking nonsense again, you wait, next time I will ask Master to discipline you!"

Love in the next life screamed again: "Oh, you have no loyalty, you don't appreciate me helping you to capture men."

"Woman! Woman! Your name is Retribution!"

Laishenglei couldn't help laughing angrily when she heard Sanmei speak like this.

However, she was quite tempted by her sister's proposal just now, so she kicked up the foot brake, and then drove the Harley in the direction of Mori Kogoro.

Seeing this, the love of the next life shouted again: "Tsk tsk tsk, woman! Woman! Your name is heart and mouth!"

"Shut up you!"

"Hey, no, Detective Maori has already left the intersection just now."

"Let me find the replay... Damn, is this a monster? How can a motorcycle fly so high!"

"Sister, it seems that we will meet by chance and go to the pier."

"Hey, what happened to my computer, why is the screen black all of a sudden?"

Afterlife Ai kept operating the laptop, but the computer kept restarting as if it had been infected with a virus.

In the next life, Ai kept changing to different USB flash drives, checking for various reasons.

But she never imagined that it was an ant-man robot lying on the power button, pressing it from time to time.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Without the hacking methods of the next life, his master driving skills are fully displayed.

He drove Suzuki Jiroyoshi's motorcycle as a violent motorcycle, and he twisted the accelerator to the limit, and there was no time to let go.

His motorcycle seems to be performing acrobatics, as long as there is a rising slope, he will fly directly and leap over cars.

Sometimes it is three or four meters high, sometimes it is seven or eight meters high, and sometimes it is more than ten meters high. The fans in the surrounding cars opened their mouths wide and looked surprised.

Countless little fans took photos of the motorcycle leaping and uploaded them on the Internet, which aroused the amazement of countless netizens.

Especially in the clear video shot on the bridge at the end, Kogoro Mori jumped off the [-]-[-] meter high bridge with his motorcycle. The motorcycle bounced three times after landing, and then landed steadily, chasing the red mini and galloping and go.

That picture is simply so handsome.

Under the bright moonlight, the handsome face like a knife, the broken hair fluttering in the wind, and the sharp and resolute gaze broke the hearts of many girls.

Numerous female fans in front of the computer stopped the video, looked at the side face, their faces were like peach blossoms in an instant, and their pants were wet.

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