Then he simply put away the paraglider, dived directly into the river from mid-air, and disappeared.

Chapter 0015

There was no mosaic in the live broadcast, and Kidd's shortness was instantly seen by countless people watching TV.

Many men couldn't help showing mocking smiles, and Kidd's fans were all disillusioned.

The TV screen was still paused, and it was filmed with a mobile phone, uploaded to the Internet, and then attached with various titles.

"Kidd was defeated by Mori Kogoro, and even lost his crotch."

"The magician in the moonlight performs bird flicking tonight."

"Extraordinary! Extraordinary! Kidd's true face has finally been exposed, and it is less than five centimeters!"


Countless people are paying attention to this matter, participating in commenting and teasing.

Although they didn't know the real situation, they had the bare photo as a reference.

Everyone took it for granted that Kogoro Mori won the duel.

Ginzo Nakamori looked carefully at the screenshots on the Internet, and then he had a sudden realization expression.

"It turns out that Kidd is a man!"

Everyone was overwhelmed when they heard this, and they dared to fall in love with Ginzo Mori who had been chasing Kidd for so many years, and it was only today that he found out whether he was a man or a woman.

Yuanzi put his arms around Qingzi's arm and said, "Qingzi, I finally know why your father couldn't catch Kidd!"

Qingzi could only reply with an embarrassed smile.

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori rode back leisurely on his motorcycle. Meng Bo and the Maoyan sisters who had helped Kidd before also disappeared without a trace. Even if they wanted to trouble them, there was nothing they could do.

On the other side, Conan, who was drowning in the pit of feces and urine, had nothing to vomit.

His face was now feces-yellow, and he looked deeply poisoned, and he still stubbornly wanted to save himself.

It's a pity that his body is too small, with short hands and short legs, how can he climb up the bare concrete wall next to him.

Conan has no energy to call for help, he can only keep thumping in the dirty pool.

Fortunately, his friend Hattori Heiji was still wearing Conan's spare glasses, and chased after him according to the signal from the detective badge.

Hattori Heiji directed the helicopter to chase after the signal, lifted the manhole cover from the ground and searched all the way down.

With a flashlight in his hand, he yelled, "Kudou!" "Kudou!"

It was with great difficulty that he got to the cylindrical cement channel connecting countless pipes, and finally searched for it.

Conan heard the seemingly invisible echo from the passage above, and immediately shouted: "Hattori, I am here!"

The scream was as shrill as a ghost.

Only then did Heiji Hattori discover the downward sewage pipe, and when the flashlight shone down, he saw a feces-yellow creature desperately beckoning to him, like a monster, and couldn't help being startled.

After a while, he realized that it was Conan.

Only then did he find a rope and throw it down, trapping Conan and pulling him up.

Conan, who had returned to the cement passage, had tears in his eyes, and looked at Hattori Heiji emotionally, as if looking at his benefactor.

Conan doesn't even know how he got through it. If there is hell, it should be similar to hell.

On the side, Hattori Heiji couldn't bear the stench of Conan, and was leaning on the wall to vomit.

Hattori Heiji managed to calm down, and couldn't help but said, "Kudou, why did you suffer so much this time?"

Upon hearing this, Conan burst into tears again, gritted his teeth and said, "Kidd, it's him who set up such a vicious trap, clearly intending to kill me, and I will never let him go."

Kidd, who was soaking in the river at the moment, was inexplicably blamed again.

"Alright! Alright! You stink too much, go up and take a shower." Conan said with a slumped expression, "But I don't have the energy to go by myself."

Upon hearing this, Hattori Heiji vomited again.

After vomiting, I saw that Conan was really exhausted.

In desperation, Hattori Heiji could only take off his clothes, wrapped Conan in it, and then climbed up with him on his back.

Hattori Heiji vomited while reciting, and gradually got used to it.

Behind him, Conan's gaze towards Hattori Heiji became particularly complicated.

When the two returned to the ground, they first turned on the fire hydrant and washed their bodies with the stagnant water, and then went to the nearby large bathing place to scrub. They didn't want any clothes on their bodies, so they bought the bathrobes in the bathing place with money and came out. Only then did he regain some of his human appearance.

Conan's thrilling journey today, full of all kinds of filth, Mori Kogoro didn't know anything about it.

At this moment, he had already returned to the intersection of Ginza [-]-chome on his motorcycle.

There are still many viewers here who do not give up and do not leave.

When they saw Kogoro Mori appear, they began to cheer, calling out Kogoro Mori's name one by one.

Mori Kogoro's motorcycle made an arc and stopped neatly beside Suzuki Jirokichi.

Then he took out the amethyst shoe and threw it into Suzuki Jirokichi's arms.

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