"Fortunately, Mr. Suzuki, I brought back these precious shoes for you."

Jiroji Suzuki grinned suddenly, Ginzo Nakamori was about to ask a question, Kogoro Mori continued.

"But Kidd was escaped by him again."

Hearing this, Yuanzi immediately flew into Maoli Kogoro's arms: "Uncle, you are really amazing!"

The number one little fan girl once again looked adoring, and Ayako behind her felt a little troubled when she saw this scene.

When the onlookers saw the reappearance of the precious shoes, the cheers suddenly became louder.

Everyone was chanting Mori Kogoro's name frantically, and the flashing lights kept going on.

Another interview team from Nichimai TV rushed over immediately, and put the microphone in front of Kogoro Mori.

The male reporter started the interview: "Detective Maori, can you tell me how you defeated Kidd?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, rubbed Sonoko's little head, then got off the motorcycle, and said, "Magic!"

When he said this, his right hand flipped, and a poker card with Kidd's logo suddenly floated in his palm, and then disappeared in an instant, bluffing everyone.

"This is called repaying the other with the same way. Kidd is good at magic, so using magic to defeat him is simply a piece of cake!"

Mori Kogoro bragged about the train, but everyone who heard it believed it.

Especially Nakamori Ginzo, he looked like he was enlightened.

No wonder I haven't been able to catch Kidd for so many years. It turns out that I didn't learn magic!

Nakamori Ginzo couldn't help laughing wildly, making his daughter Qingzi beside him speechless.

The male reporter asked again: "Detective Maori, where did you recapture the precious amethyst shoe? According to the footage captured by our aerial photography team, Kidd was naked after leaving. What's the reason?"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect Kidd to be so unlucky that he was photographed running naked.

However, the fact that Gatlin helped Kidd explode his clothes was too unimaginable, Kogoro Mori replied casually: "I don't know, maybe he wanted to vent after losing to me, so he took off his clothes."

"As for the location, it's at the pier next to the Mihua Bridge."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's end tonight's business, I'm going back to rest too, see you later, everyone!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro waved goodbye to the audience, took the girls behind him into the car, and the Lexus galloped away

Chapter 0016 The Active and Bold Qingzi

Tonight's duel has come to an end, but the aftermath has not subsided in the slightest, but has intensified instead.

Countless reporters and editors began to compile various press releases like sharks seeing blood.

Whether it's Mori Kogoro's "teleportation" magic, or Kidd's "stealing the sky and changing the sun", then to the tunnel pursuit behind, volleying, and even Kidd flying naked in the end.

Like a blockbuster movie, it is highly topical and highly appreciated, bringing great satisfaction to the masses who pay attention to this matter.

And no one has seen the facts with their own eyes, which adds a lot of unknowns.

Many netizens greedily opened fragmented photos on the Internet, trying to restore the whole picture of the whole incident, and the popularity remained high for a while.

Among them, the most popular pictures are the screenshots of Mori Kogoro flying off the bridge on his bicycle, the screenshots of him floating poker cards in front of the interview camera, and the mosaic picture of Kidd being photographed flying naked.

But all this has nothing to do with Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, he was sending the four daughters Ayako, Sonoko, Keiko, and Aoko home.

Except for Ayako who was quieter, the other three girls kept chattering about what happened to Kogoro Mori.

"Uncle, how do you know it's a fake exhibition stand?"

"Can I drive a motorcycle to track it in the tunnel?"

"Hee hee, Kidd didn't have any clothes to wear, so uncle you did it too!"


Hearing these questions, Mori Kogoro felt a headache.

It's better to tell all the girls the process without brevity, and he didn't reveal anything that was too supernatural, which made the four girls yearn for it.

"Wow, it's so exciting, there are still people bombing the underground passage with bombs."

"Kidd is really too immoral. He said he was fighting his uncle, but he hired so many people to help him in private."

"This kind of guy should be taught a good lesson."

The car soon arrived at Suzuki's house, and Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, Sonoko and Ayako, you are home, go back and rest!"

Sonoko had a look of reluctance, and Ayako took her sister out of the car quickly.

After the two girls said goodbye to Mori Kogoro, they entered the villa.

Then Mori Kogoro asked Momoi Keiko's home, and drove him back.

Keiko left with the same expression as Yuanzi just now, reluctant to leave, she really is a little girl.

Just as Keiko with the shofar braids disappeared from sight, Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat felt the fragrant wind blowing.

Qingzi in the passenger seat directly sat in his arms.

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