Qingzi's pretty face was slightly red, her eyebrows and eyes were swaying, and a pair of arms directly wrapped around Mori Kogoro's neck.

Looking at this angelic face, Mori Kogoro put his big hand on Aoko's slender waist and squeezed it tightly, but it was very slender.

He joked and said, "Qingzi, what's the matter with you?"

Aoko didn't answer, and directly kissed Kogoro Mouri's lips, and launched an offensive clumsily and passionately.

Xiao Biesheng's newly married Qingzi also endured a lot, seeing that there were only two of them left, he couldn't bear it anymore, and began to ask awkwardly.

Mori Kogoro responded, and pressed the adjustment button of the driver's seat to move the seat back.

Then his big hands kept climbing on Qingzi's delicate body.

Lexus was directly taken over by Little V, and started heading towards Nakamori's house.After all, it's not very good to be in front of someone else's house.

The emotional Qingzi naturally didn't notice these details.

When Xiao Nizi heard Kogoro Moori whispering to her, her face flushed, and she patted Kogoro Moori on the chest shyly.

However, she was still very gentle, and finally squatted obediently into the space in front of the driver's seat.

On the streets of Kubado City, watching Aoko's innocent eyes like a deer, Mori Kogoro finally knows how comfortable it is to drive with one hand.

After about ten minutes, Lexus finally arrived at Nakamori's house.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car with Aoko who was like a koala in his arms, walked quickly to the door of Nakamori's house, and asked Aoko to open the door and enter.

Don't dare to stay outside for too long!

The Nakamori family and the Kuroba family lived next to each other, and it would be a big disaster if Chikage saw it.

As soon as they entered Nakamori's house, the two seemed to be ignited.

Nakamori Ginzo didn't know how long he would be busy there.

There was no one else in the house, so Mori Kogoro and Aoko naturally had no scruples.

He hugged Qingzi and walked directly to the girl's boudoir on the second floor.

Qingzi's boudoir is very cute. There is a white single bed with a pink quilt. There is a computer desk in the past, and floor-to-ceiling windows in the past.

When the floor-to-ceiling windows are opened, you can see Kuroba's house opposite, which happens to be opposite Chikage Kuroba's bedroom.

When Mori Kogoro came in, the floor-to-ceiling windows were open.

And Kuroba Chikage was lying sideways on the bed, wearing a purple silk suspender pajamas, with a lazy posture, she was a ripe peach!

She was scrolling through countless information on the computer, and contacted her two apprentices from time to time to learn more about the situation.

Kuroba Chikage couldn't help but care about what happened today, one was her man and the other was her son, she would feel sad if she hurt either one.

The scene seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows scared Kogoro Mori to trepidation.

He immediately stepped forward and closed the floor-to-ceiling windows made of frosted glass.

Kuroba Chikage seemed to hear the voice, turned her head slightly, and saw that the light in Qingzi's bedroom was on, so she didn't care anymore, turned her head and continued chatting with her two apprentices.

Seeing this, Qing Zi obediently ran to the bed and couldn't help but chuckled: "Uncle, are you afraid too?"

Qingzi's two slender legs swayed slightly, and the absolute area between the knee socks and short skirt was dazzlingly white.

Kogoro Maoli stepped forward, pressed on Qingzi, looked down at her and laughed softly: "It seems that Qingzi has become more courageous now, dare to make fun of uncle?"

Qingzi's blue eyes smiled crescent-shaped, and pecked Kogoro Mori: "Since the first time my uncle was in front of my father, I have become much more courageous, and I am not afraid of anything anymore."

"So it's uncle's fault!" Mori Kogoro covered the Absolute Domain with his big hand, and fell on the girl again in one breath.

"But this time we can't be so crazy, we have to hurry before your father comes back!"

"I hate it!" The small fist lightly hit Mouri Kogoro's chest.

Accompanied by the shy voice of the girl, a moving movement was played in the bedroom.

(A lot of words are omitted here!)

Chapter 0017

More than half an hour later, the movement was still going on, and the sound of the music was soothing and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Every beat of the drum was well-beaten, making people obsessed like the sound of nature.

In the warm and girlish small bedroom, Aoko hangs on Kogoro Mori like a little koala, her beautiful legs wrapped in black knee socks are locked on Kogoro Mori's waist.

Mori Kogoro held her legs with both hands, hugged her like this, and stood on the sky blue carpet printed with bears.

He lowered his head and kissed Qingzi's pink lips, greedily asking for everything he wanted.

Qingzi squinted his beautiful eyes slightly, his cheeks were flushed, and the blush gradually spread all the way to his neck, which was really touching.

The little girl was so sweaty from being kissed, the fine sweat seeped out from the pores, reflecting the crystal light under the warm light.

The girl was so emotional that her nails dug into Kogoro Mori's neck, but she failed to leave any marks.

Soon Mori Kogoro pushed Aoko against the wall, and began to kiss again and again.

At this time, both of them heard footsteps outside the door.

This was the footsteps of Aoko's father, Ginzo Nakamori.

Ginzo Nakamori has returned from the Metropolitan Police Department. Although he is not very good at catching Kidd, he is a policeman after all, so he still has some sensitivity.

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