He leaned on the wall and saw that Kogoro Moori was still at the bar, so he couldn't help shouting: "Kogoro Moori, please stay away from Xiaotong, I will never let you go, I was in the toilet just now I've already figured out how to scold you back, shit, why is it coming again, just wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Toshio Utsumi leaned against the wall and walked into the toilet with a painful expression on his face.

This guy is a complete joke!

Yazi on the side couldn't help but hold his forehead, it would be embarrassing to eat with him, and he would not have seconded such a man if he had known.

Yazi has decided to kick Toshio Utsumi back after this mission is over.

Laisheng Tong apologized: "I'm sorry, Detective Maori, you were insulted by this guy because of me."

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "It's none of your business. If there is a mistake, it's because of your beauty, Hitomi. It makes people feel tempted."

Hearing this, Lai Shengtong's heartbeat slowed down for an instant. Is this the feeling of being teased?

Chapter 0026 the angry bud

Looking at the blushing Hitomi, Kogoro Mori stopped teasing her, and turned to the direction of the sofa booth with his lunch.

He sat next to Yazi, nodded to him, and enjoyed his lunch quietly.

In fact, Mori Kogoro is quite curious about Meizi.

I don't know if Yazi has already started cooperating with City Hunter.

Kogoro Mori has read some of City Hunter's comics, but he doesn't know as well as Conan comics, he just knows a general idea.

In my impression, Meng Bo was a guy who took both black and white jobs.

No matter killing people or protecting people, as long as the client suits his taste, especially a beautiful woman, he will accept the commission without integrity.

And Yazi cooperated with him and was responsible for providing him with tips in the police.

Even if it is some murderous black work, she can help as a policeman.

This silver fox seems to have a pair of intelligent eyes, able to see through appearances, and not be confused by the so-called identity.

Some evildoers decide that they should be killed, and she will do it without hesitation.

She doesn't have the common fault of the righteous, prejudice!

This woman can be regarded as both good and evil, and she is quite similar to Mori Kogoro in some respects.

The number of customers in the store gradually increased, and Tong Shengtong at the bar was busy all by himself.

It's just that Toshio Utsumi, who crawls out of the toilet while stroking the wall from time to time, is a bit annoying.

This guy is exhausted and still insists on talking trash to Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro ignored him, and just exchanged two more diarrhea charms, plus a bad luck charm with [-] points, and bounced them on him.

There are a total of three diarrhea charms, enough for Junfu Neihai to draw for six hours, plus the aura of bad luck for these twelve hours, keeping Junfu Neihai would make him want to die.

Sure enough, Toshio Utsumi couldn't come out to talk trash again when he went into the toilet again!

【He went back to the toilet, first stepped on the water and fell face to the ground, two of his front teeth were knocked off, his mouth was full of blood.

But his stomach was still full of turmoil, so he got up and went into the cubicle and sat on the toilet. After trying to get stronger, Toshio Utsumi pressed the flush button tremblingly.

But the flushing system of the toilet failed, and the water sprayed up instead, and the filth instantly covered his clothes and pants.

Toshio Utsumi immediately rushed out of the toilet cubicle in panic, barely put on his pants, and went to the washbasin to wash his hands.

As soon as he turned on the faucet, the soap in his hand slipped out, and he immediately lowered his head to look for it.

But he accidentally stepped on the washbasin next to him and fell straight backwards.

Toshio Utsumi, who was covered in feces and urine, fell on top of a two-meter-strong man who had just come in to go to the bathroom.

This strong man is dark-skinned, bald, wearing sunglasses, full of tendons, and has a strong aura. He looks like a member of a gangster at first glance, and he is extremely difficult to mess with.

He is covered in countless filth from Toshio Utsumi.

The bald man's cheeks twitched, and he suddenly became violent, and beat Toshio Utsumi violently in the toilet.

As soon as the screams sounded, Toshio Utsumi was covered by this experienced and strong man.

After that, there was a burst of extremely brutal scenes. 】

Only Kogoro Mori heard the fleeting scream outside, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the bald man vented his anger, he looked at Toshio Utsumi who was unconscious on the ground, but his buttocks were still shaking.He washed his hands, cleaned himself up, called an ambulance, then walked out of the toilet pretending to be okay, paid the bill and left.

Mori Kogoro took another look at him. The bald man was wearing sunglasses, but he turned his head as if aware of it, and his aura was quite intimidating.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt that he was not simple, he was a master, and there were many lives under his command.

But there was no 'what are you looking at', 'what are you looking at', and then the scene of full martial arts was staged.

Before the dark and strong man went out, he exchanged glances with Yazi at the table next to him, and he seemed to know Yazi.

Soon, the sound of an ambulance rang, and the medical staff entered the coffee shop, and everyone was still in a daze.

The medical staff in white coats and masks asked Laisheng Tong: "Did you call? Did you say someone was unconscious in the toilet?"

Laisheng Tong still had a dazed look on his face, and the impatient medical staff went straight into the toilet, seeing the extremely brutal scene in an instant.

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