He immediately waved to the outside and said, "Bring the stretcher in." Then two more medical staff came in with the stretcher.

Both Hitomi and Yako stood up curiously.

Soon Utsumi Toshio was pulled out lying on the stretcher, his face was black and blue, his mouth was full of blood, and his pants were full of dirty yellow things.

Because he didn't put on his trousers just now, and he was beaten up for a long time, and most of his trousers slipped down, still spitting shit ferociously.

This scene instantly frightened the people present, it was really disgusting!It's brutal!

The guests couldn't eat it anymore, and started talking about it: "This guy was directly beaten out of shit, it's really pitiful."

Some of the guests were police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department, who recognized Toshio Utsumi, and said, "I recognize him. He is Toshio Utsumi who was sexually harassed in our police station before. Why is it so miserable!"

The police officers of the Toriya Metropolitan Police Department knew about it, and soon it was reported that the entire Toriya Metropolitan Police Department was uproarious, and everyone knew about it.

Seeing this, Yazi's cheeks twitched, and he immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Let me ask you, sea monster, did you do what happened in the toilet just now?"

Mori Kogoro, who has excellent hearing, heard the name instantly.


Then the judgment was correct, it was indeed a sea monster, that mercenary comparable to Meng Bo.

"Don't you know that he is my seconded subordinate? You can't beat people out of shit!"

"You didn't, this guy was just carried out, unconscious and still spraying shit, and no one else went into the toilet in the middle, who is it but you?"

"Damn, I don't care, I have no one under my command now, you have to come and help me this time." The silver fox from the Metropolitan Police Department was so angry that he swears.

"Don't dare to say no, I still accept the commission, okay you, just wait for me."

The more Yazi called, the more frantic she became, and finally hung up the phone angrily.

Mori Kogoro mourned for the sea monster for a few minutes, it's really hard for you to take the blame for yourself.

Lai Shengtong always had a stunned expression on her face. She looked at the man on the stretcher who was still spitting shit outside the glass window, her body couldn't help shivering, and then she was full of joy.

It's this guy, the eldest sister tricked me into pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend with him!

Fortunately, I didn't listen to the elder sister's suggestion, otherwise it would be miserable, which is too disgusting.

Laisheng Tong's face was full of fear, looking at the obviously frightened customer, he said, "I'm really sorry, there were some accidents in the store today, which frightened everyone."

"As compensation, everyone present will be free of charge."

After she finished speaking, she bowed, and the guests said it was okay after seeing this.

Chapter 0027 Jealous Eri

After Yazi finished making the phone call, she still looked angrily.

Now that the seconded subordinates have been sent directly to the hospital, the investigation will be difficult now.

Inexplicably, Yazi's gaze shifted to Kogoro Mori beside him, and soon a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

She seemed to have thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she went to Mori Kogoro's side, and asked directly, "Detective Mori, is your office at [-]-chome, Mihua Town?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

At this moment, Yazi with a sweet smile on his face is completely different from the sharp and aggressive manner just now. It can be said that his style is ever-changing, as fickle as a fox.

Mori Kogoro keenly sensed that she had other plans.

"Maori Detective, don't mind telling me your contact information, maybe we will still have business contacts in the future!"

Yazi reached out and poked his arm, the inadvertent amorous feelings were sexy enough.

The beauty asked for contact information, how could Kogoro Mori refuse, and the two exchanged numbers.

Immediately afterwards, Yazi stepped on her black leather shoes and left, walking towards the opposite Toriya Metropolitan Police Department.

Standing next to Mori Kogoro, Hitomi Kisho crossed his arms again, with an expressionless expression on his face.

[What the hell, big sister, don't act like my girlfriend is jealous, people who don't know think I've done something to you! 】

Mori Kogoro was a little speechless, he just teased his pupils a couple of times, and the girl started to be jealous like this.

The titles of the two small East Asian vinegar jars in the family may be taken away by this guy.

At this moment, Lai Shenglei, who had gone to Dongdu Bank to explore the site, came back. She couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing the customers who kept going out in the coffee shop.

Soon, Laishenglei found Kogoro Mori's figure, his heart beat faster, and he immediately exchanged eyes with his sister.

But Hitomi didn't notice it at all, Meimou narrowed her eyes slightly to Kogoro Mori.

"Little pupil, what's going on, why are the guests leaving in such a hurry?"

"Hey, this is not a Maori detective, why are you here?"

It was only then that Laisheng Tong came to his senses and explained: "The police officer Neihai was attacked in the toilet just now. He was beaten out of shit and sent to the hospital. The guests were frightened, so they all left."

"Maori detective, he just happened to be here for lunch."

Laishenglei didn't believe it at all, she had never seen Mori Kogoro come to the Maoyan Cafe before.

But since the last trip to Osaka, Mori Kogoro suddenly appeared here.

It was the same this time, yesterday she and Xiao Ai went to help Kidd once, and Kogoro Moori suddenly appeared again.

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