"If I really see such a newspaper, then I will pay special attention to your newspaper in the future. This is what I, Mori Kogoro, said, and I hope you all know it!"

Hearing this, the reporters fell silent one by one.

This is already a clear threat.

It would be terrible if any news that was unfavorable to prosecutor Jiutiao was really broadcast, and it would arouse the hostility of the world's top detective and establish a big enemy for nothing.

This group of reporters could only lament in their hearts: all the manuscripts that were just finished are unusable.

But they didn't dare to lose their temper with Mori Kogoro, so they could only smile and say polite words on the surface.

The eyes of Kujo Reiko and Guntian Yumei in the car were full of splendor.

Especially Reiko Kujo, all the gloom in her body dissipated.

There is such a man standing in front of him to protect himself, this feeling is completely special, something Reiko Kujo has never felt for so many years.

Looking at Mori Kogoro's back, Kujo Reiko's heart beat faster and faster.

On the other side, Guntian Yumi looked envious, and couldn't help but said, "Tsk tsk tsk, you're fine, Detective Mori is still standing up for you!"

"What's the matter, don't talk nonsense!"

Kujo Reiko glanced at Fei Eri, the co-pilot who was dozing in front of her, and said nothing, and Gunta Ikumi also tactfully said nothing.

Eri in the passenger seat opened his eyes and glanced at Kogoro Mori outside, but he didn't pay attention at all.

At this moment, Eri just felt exhausted, and it would be more cost-effective to sleep.

What the hell is going on with Kogoro, why is he getting better and better, he's just a donkey!

Thinking of this, Eri's face turned red again.

Isn't it said that women are more powerful?Really, these claims are all lies, if you don't get your teammates involved, you won't be able to handle it at all!

Soon, Kogoro Mouri got into the car after dealing with the reporters.

With the sound of the engine, the car left the Metropolitan Police Department like an arrow and headed towards Kujo's house.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Eri, who was obediently like a baby by his side, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he pinched a seal with his left hand, the rejuvenation technique was cast, and tapped on Eri's body.

The condensed spirit of vegetation poured into Eri's body.

Soon, Eri felt his body recovered a lot.

Chapter 0030 Excessive Xiaolan

Gunda Ikumi in the back seat looked at Fei Yingli in front of her eyes, her gaze couldn't help sliding down, and soon fell on her fair and beautiful legs.

Guntian Yumei couldn't help but marvel at the fact that lawyer concubine's skin was so good that she was envious even looking at it.

But she was a detective after all, so she quickly realized it.

When I saw her at Takeuchi's house just now, Lawyer Concubine still had stockings on her legs, why are they gone now?

And look carefully, there seems to be red handprints on the thigh, um, is there something wrong?

The beautiful detective narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and then her eyes inspected Kogoro Mori and Fei Yingli in front of her.

When Kogoro Mori saw it, he smiled at him in the rearview mirror, and Ikumi Gunida couldn't help but pouted.

Fei Yingli, who had regained some energy, turned around and couldn't help asking: "Prosecutor Kujo, I would like to ask what exactly did you see at Takeuchi's house? Kogoro has already told me the whole thing!"

Hearing this, Reiko Kujo was silent for a while before she spoke.

"From last night to this morning, I interrogated Takeuchi Hiroaki overnight, but I walked away for a while at noon, and Takeuchi Hiroaki was released on bail."

Fei Yingli apologized: "I'm sorry, this is my mistake, I asked the Chief Prosecutor for approval."

Reiko Kujo shook her head, smiled wryly and said, "It's okay, I didn't mean to blame you, it's just a pity that this matter has to come to an end."

"...At [-]:[-] this afternoon, I received a call from Hiroaki Takeuchi, who said he was willing to disclose details about the bribery case of the Takeuchi Group five years ago, and asked me to find him at his home."

"I set off right away, and I remember when I was on the road, it started to rain and the weather was very bad."

"As soon as I entered the elevator under the apartment, Takeuchi Hiroaki's wife Mariko Takeuchi appeared. She said with a worried face: "My husband sent me a text message just now. I found it strange and worried, so I came home. Check it out.’ Then she showed me the text message on her phone.”

"I remember the content of the message as 'I'm leaving, you have to live happily on your own in the future!'"

"Then I entered her apartment with Mariko Takeuchi."

"Soon the two of us found Takeuchi Hiroaki standing on the balcony fence in the living room."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "Reiko, are you sure Hiroaki Takeuchi is standing on the fence?"

Kujo Reiko nodded: "Yes, although there is a layer of tulle separating the window from the living room to the balcony, you can still see him clearly, with his hands in his trouser pockets, no shoes, standing on the fence with bare feet. "

"The balcony door was locked by him, and Mariko and I were in the living room banging on the glass, trying to stop him."

"Then Hiroaki Takeuchi said: 'Prosecutor Kujo, stop here!' Then he jumped down."

"Detective Maori, I saw him commit suicide with my own eyes. He would rather die than tell me what happened five years ago."

After Kujo Reiko finished speaking, she let out a long sigh, and stopped talking.

Fei Yingli and Guntian Ikumi who were next to them were also silent when they heard this.

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